
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Victoria Brownlee Eat Your Heart Out
    Mar 10 2025

    This is such a fun foodie rom com of a novel. I ate it up with a spoon. SO fun, SO much great eating, SO much France! Victoria Brownlee was also just such a delight, I loved the opportunity to chat with her, and chat I did! I could not pull myself away, such a treat! Gosh aren't we just the luckiest as readers; what a feast!!

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    23 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Darry Fraser The Night on the Darling River
    Mar 3 2025

    I adored being swept up in Tess' story in The Night on the Darling River and you had better believe I loved the chance to chat with Darry Fraser about it! I have been reading Darry Fraser novels for years! I love the Australian history I get to absorb through her novels; the plucky characters and extra-ordinary lives I get to be a part of. Loved The Night on the Darling River and so loved the opportunity to chat with Darry Fraser

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    26 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Kate Solly The Paradise Heights Craft Store Stitch Up
    Feb 24 2025

    This is just like a chat I couldn't tear myself away from! I did ask lots of Craft Store Stitch Up questions but honestly I just loved chatting with Kate Solly! What a fun cosy novel!! Super fun, have you read it yet? There are no spoilers here rest assured, just lots less giggling than originally hahahaha I took out heaps! So can't wait for the Purple Tags Mystery...

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    30 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Kell Woods Upon a Starlit Tide
    Feb 16 2025

    I adore this novel; the fairytale steeped in history..so magical! I instantly felt transported to a magical 1758 Saint-Malo! I loved it!

    I got to chat with Kell Woods just before the novel was released and that was just such a dream...what an author, what a novel!

    I tried so hard not to spoil this novel for you, fingers crossed (or fins crossed even) I haven't, but let me know if you are going to read it next..its a hard recommend from me if you are at all in to fantasy, or not at all...it just a wonderful story!

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    22 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Rachael Johns The Bad Bridesmaid
    Feb 10 2025

    Gosh I LOVE Rachael Johns, love her contemporaries, her romances, her rurals..The Bad Bridesmaid is a sequel of sorts to The Other Bridget which I just loved. This was such a will they/ won't they/ forced proximity/ romcom of a novel that I loved! A Norfolk Island destination wedding? I was there!!

    So fun, so thought provoking, just an absolute ball...loved this opportunity to chat with Rachael Johns!!!

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    35 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Ashley Kalagian Blunt Cold Truth
    Feb 2 2025

    This was a fantastic conversation I got to have with Ashley Kalagian Blunt in December about her new thriller Cold Truth! A novel set in Winnipeg 'North America's strangest city'...Harlow's dad Scott has disappeared an absolutely brutal cold snap, the police aren't moving quickly enough and so Harlow launches her own search...I now absolutely MUST visit Winnipeg, after I delete all social media presence as you will want to do once you start reading this chilling thriller!!! SO much to think about with this one.

    There are no spoilers in this conversation, and I can't wait to chat with you once you've listened, definitely a novel to psych up and read, so so so great

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    30 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Vanessa McCausland The Last Illusion of Paige White
    Dec 11 2024

    I am a huge Vanessa McCausland fan; through her novels I have travelled down the south coast, to the Capertee Valley, to remote Tasmania, to France and now to the Lakes in this raw, poignant and beautifully haunting novel The Last Illusion of Paige White...there are no spoilers in this chat (I hope!!!) and so much fascinating insight into the creation of it! I loved being able to interview Vanessa McCasuland, so so so much!!!

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    34 mins
  • ReadA Book Podcast- Sophie Green Art Hour at the Duchess Hotel
    Dec 6 2024

    This is one of the conversations I just have sat on, I am so sorry..and I loved Art Hour at the Duchess Hotel; I blame life...but having reflected on it while editing to what felt like a brand new chat..Art Hour at the Duchess Hotel would make a great Christmas gift, definitely a great one to read in that weird end of year reflection time when you are thinking about what you want your new year to be like so there is that...but I am still embarrassed; this will not ever happen again I can assure you.

    And to join our ReadA Book community head on over to www.readabook.com.au. We are a wonderful collective of like minded book lovers where you can mix and mingle and be, and together we can all enjoy reading more

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    17 mins