• Raising Expectations, February 17, 2025
    Feb 18 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guests Mark and Belinda Rich from Wycliffe Bible Translators and JAARS Friends, We are so glad to have with us this week, Mark and Belinda Rich, who serve people here and around the world with Wycliffe Bible Translators and JAARS. Part of their work is to serve and equip local translation teams so they can bring the Bible alive for their people, and meet supply needs. The logistics involved can be very difficult and different in certain situations but God always makes the way clear and His Word comes alive in the hearts of the people. Mark and Belinda are wonderful servants for the Lord and the power of His Word! God uses Mark and Belinda’s committed lives and Faith to bring that Good News around the world! So tune in and watch on one of five platforms listed below and prayerfully share your comments with us! *May God speak to all of US reminding US how much we love Him and His Precious Word! Till then, have a blest selfless weekend! Don't forget to check out the Rich's website: https://www.jaars.org/ So we invite you to tune in, watch, listen, share and pray with us on Raising Expectations!
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    55 mins
  • Raising Expectations, February 10, 2025
    Feb 11 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With the Raising Expectations team - God and America today The RE Team Men, “God and America today!” on “Raising Expectations!” This week’s show will feature our team guys sharing , discussing and reacting to what we believe God is doing across America since President Trump was inaugurated as our 47th President! He is said to be bringing back “Common Sense“more each and every day. Many are sharing how the Presence and Peace of God is returning to the hearts of Americans everywhere. The same can be accurately said for the world situation from the Middle East to the South Pacific and Europe to South America! So we invite you to tune in, watch, listen, share and pray with us on Raising Expectations!
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    54 mins
  • Raising Expectations, February 3, 2025
    Feb 4 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guest, Master Chief Paul Abney, USS Cole, guided missile ship Paul Abney and his wife Jan will be with us to share from his heart the events that happened that terrible day on the USS Cole! Al Qaeda suicide bombers killed 17 sailors and injured nearly 40 others. It was a terrible day that has become a source of determination and camaraderie for our great United States Navy. Catherine Herridge well known Fox and CBS journalist and senior investigative reporter has done an interview and article with Paul and one other officer that is outstanding. It will be discussed on our show with former Texas Congressional Candidate Charles Lingerfelt, Paul Abney and our wonderful Raising Expectations Team on March 17th! Charles is the editor of The Christian Times Magazine (world wide distribution) which will feature Master Chief Paul Abney on the cover of its March Edition with the story inside! Paul is a devout committed Christian who grieved horribly for his fellow crew members- but whose strength of faith and character was and is a source of peace for his men and women in uniform to this day! The Team! Pastor Joe Schofield Dr. Paul Paul Hall Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer Pastor Ron Ron Greer
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    56 mins
  • Raising Expectations, January 27, 2025
    Jan 28 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guest, Janet Price President of Golden State Republican Women - Common Sense Janet Price: President of Golden State Republican Women on “Raising Expectations!” Back by popular request is President Janet Price of GSRW to share with us her special insights on what is happening in our elections to restore values and common sense for the people in our nation and state! We will have your well known “ Raising Expectations Team Discussion” with Janet, in which you are always invited to text in your thoughts and share them live in our “cup of coffee together time”! Janet’s enthusiasm is contagious and her Faith in God will strengthen and encourage you! So tell you friends and tune in to watch and hear while having your excitement and thankfulness grow for our great nation and state! Don't forget to check out Janet's website at: GSRW.org The Team! Pastor Joe Schofield Dr. Paul Paul Hall Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer Pastor Ron Ron Greer
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    55 mins
  • Raising Expectations, January 20, 2025
    Jan 21 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guest, Dr. Robert Buckingham - Aging can be prevented and 2025 could be a great year for your health Dr. Robert Buckingham has been a practicing physician for over 46 years with a career in basic science research that spans over half a century. The practice of medicine in its full spectrum, from outpatient medicine to the sickest in the intensive care unit, has shown him the repeated patterns of illness, whose onset and veracity are linked to repetitive pro- inflammatory free radicals they elicit into your central circulation! Simply put, he has an inside understanding of just how God put us together and what we should know and do with our bodies and lives! Ageing can be prevented and 2025 could be a great year with your health. Dr. Buckingham is a man of great Faith in God and his insights will not only challenge you, but draw you close to the Lord. Don't forget to check out the Doctor's new book: How Dancing Really Stops the Clock Check it out at: How Dancing Really Stops the Clock: 9781959483045: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com The Team! Pastor Joe Schofield Dr. Paul Paul Hall Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer Pastor Ron Ron Greer
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    55 mins
  • Raising Expectations, January 12, 2025
    Jan 13 2025
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guest, Frank Roberson, with The Black Rhino Protection Agency - Counterintelligence 2 By request we are having our close friend Frank Roberson back with us this week! As you may know, Frank is a Counterintelligence Threat Specialist and directs his own Black Rhino Protection Agency. He is a former District Director at United States House of Representatives and has appeared on Fox, CBS and other media networks discussing the dangers that we are facing in our nation today! Specifically beginning with the assassination attempts on our President elect Donald Trump and the threats involved nationally, we will discuss a new mind set needed to be pro- active instead of re- active! “Facing Danger” today in our Nation needs to be a matter of prayer and awareness for everyone. We will also talk about President Trumps Inauguration and world implications as he takes leadership in the Oval Office. Frank and his wife Christie are people of Faith and a special part of our Raising Expectations family!
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    56 mins
  • Raising Expectations, December 16, 2024
    Dec 17 2024
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guest, Pastor Will Hobbs - A Call to Prayer During this Holiday Season Dear Friends, As you and our team prayerfully attend Christmas programs at church, family gatherings in homes, neighborhood walks to see Christmas lights and more, you will be in our prayers! As we said last week, Christmas is about the Greatest Gift ever given to the world. It’s not just about decorations, lights, trees and gifts , but rather a reminder that no one is beyond Gods reach or love. The miracle and prayer stay with us always… now there’s an expectaions raiser! For all God gave us at Christmas, I always think first of (simply put) two things… 1. He was born in a manger because there was no room for them anyplace in Bethlehem! One couple took pity on them and gave them their barn which was really a small cave where animals would sleep and take shelter. It was a dirty, disgusting and undesirable place. They laid Him in a manger there - a rough trough from which the animals ate their food. What a humbling setting… *but God had a reason, to show us that He always shows up in the most unlikely places. His love doesn’t start at the top and work its way to the bottom…No His love starts at the very bottom and works its way up to the top! It’s a beautiful story that reminds us that no one is beyond Gods reach and love! 2. Secondly, when God really wanted to express His level of love for us and desire to change us, to know us personally, *He Showed up in person! He said there is no place I won’t go in order to find you and connect with you! Friends, Christmas is time to celebrate that Almighty God didn’t forget us. He didn’t send a book and say read this…no He showed up in person! So take Him out of the manger and receive Him into your heart by faith! Discover how He will show up for us everyday in every way for He is only a Prayer away! As the Great old hymn says; Oh how I love Jesus Oh how I love Jesus… Oh how I love Jesus Because He First loved me! Merry Christmas from myself and all your “ Raising Expectations “ team family
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    55 mins
  • Raising Expectations, November 25, 2024
    Nov 26 2024
    Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer With Guests, Dr Marianne Cintron and Will Cintron - Thanksgiving 2024 with Raising Expectations Team! Friends, President George Washington's “Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1789” was the first presidential proclamation of Thanksgiving in the United States. 🇺🇸 He called the new nation to stop and thank God for all they had come through and guidance for the future. Washington had so much to thank God for as he and the new fledgling United States of America looked back at all God had brought them through to become nation! We have so much to be thankful for today-our families, homes, country and of course Gods love, gift of salvation and faithfulness in our lives! This week our dear friends Dr. Marianne and Will Cintron will join our team- Dr. Paul Hall, Dr. Craig and Stef Thayer, Pastor Ron Greer, and myself, to share thoughts on Thanksgiving from our lives! Special family traditions, feeling Gods presence and more will be shared that will prayerfully encourage and strengthen us all! We will, with you our “Raising Expectations Family” have a memory making and thankful time together! Pastor Joe Schofield Dr. Paul Paul Hall Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer Pastor Ron Ron Greer
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    57 mins