
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion: January 30, 2025: Eddie Mazariegos, CEO, Future Gen
    Jan 30 2025
    In this episode of Supercharge Your Bottom Line Trough Disability Inclusion, Dr. Kirk Adams speaks with Future Gen CEO, Eddie Mazzariegos, about innovative ways to improve employment outcomes for youth with disabilities. They explore how technology-driven career exploration can reduce barriers, highlight new opportunities, and empower students — especially those who are blind or visually impaired — to chart their own professional paths. Eddie also shares the inspiring story behind Future Gen, the platform's collaboration with vocational rehabilitation programs, and practical tips for educators, families, and advocates aiming to supercharge career readiness and break the cycle of chronic unemployment. 📌 Key Topics Covered: 👉 The importance of early exposure to diverse career pathways👉 How short-form video curation personalizes career exploration👉 Strategies to build confidence, self-advocacy, and high expectations👉 Partnerships with schools and vocational rehab agencies for inclusive education👉 Real-life successes and how to scale meaningful impact For more insights or to connect with Dr. Kirk Adams: ► Website: https://drkirkadams.com | Email: kirkadams@drkirkadams.com 📧️ | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirkadamsphd/ Learn more about Future Gen: ► Website: https://www.futuregenxyz.com/ | LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmazariegos/ Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more conversations on disability inclusion and employment! TRANSCRIPT: SUMMARY KEYWORDS disability inclusion, employment for disabled, career pathways, workforce participation, chronic unemployment, poverty issues, home ownership, health disparities, blindness skills, high expectations, internal locus, career exploration, future Gen, mentorship programs, career readiness SPEAKERS Speaker 1, Speaker 2 Speaker 1 00:02 Welcome everybody. This is Dr Kirk Adams speaking to you from my home office in Seattle, Washington, and this is my monthly live streamed webinar. Supercharge your bottom line through Disability Inclusion, where we focus on employment for people with disabilities, and that is my passion, both professionally, personally, academically, what I have focused on. And each month, I bring a guest who shares that passion with me to create career pathways for people with disabilities to thrive our world. And today, I have the pleasure of having a conversation with Eddie mazzariegos from future Gen. And Eddie, if you can just say hi, and then we’ll come back to you in a bit. Speaker 2 00:53 It sounds perfectly fine. Hi everybody. My name is Eddie mazzaregos, as Dr Kirk just mentioned, and I’m Di Len as a neighbor nearby Kirk here in Tacoma, Washington, Speaker 1 01:06 and you are the CEO of a fairly new company called Future Gen, which is addressing some really pressing needs in the space of employment for people with disabilities. So it’s a pleasure to have you here, and we’ll hear a lot more about future Gen in a bit. So for those of you who don’t know me, again, it’s Dr Kirk Adams. I am the immediate past president and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind, prior to that same role at the lighthouse for the blind here in Seattle, I’ve spent the last 30 plus years really focused on employment issues for people with disabilities, people who are blind, in particular, and there’s, there’s, there’s some really well documented reasons why I do that. Only about 35% of us with significant disabilities are in the workforce. That’s about half the workforce participation rate of the general population. So with chronic unemployment, chronic lack of workforce participation, come to poverty just to just to be really clear about it. So a lot of our people in our community live in poverty. 02:23 Many people have a small Speaker 1 02:28 transfer payment from the government. Social Security, disability insurance being the most typical one, where people get a $1,700 or so per month, which is is not a living income level in our country. So along with poverty comes a lack of home ownership. Our home ownership rate is about 110 that of the general population. Health Disparities, lower life expectancy greater substance abuse issues, depression, mental health issues. So I say, if you look at people with disabilities, blind people in particular, compared to the general population, our outcomes are either half as half as good or twice as bad as the general population. So we really want to address that by being thoughtful and understanding what all the dynamics are to this complex problem. And I want to talk about young people in particular. So as we look at the demographics, as I said, Only 35% of us are the workforce. Of those of us who are working, the majority of us, 03:49 more than half, work for nonprofits or government, Speaker 1 03:54 which is a lower income ceiling than general employment, and we’re in a much narrower band of occupations. We know, and I know ...
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    54 mins
  • Podcasts By Dr. Kirk Adams: January 8, 2025: Interview with Kathryn Webster, Founder, The TAD Foundation (Together Achieving Dreams)
    Jan 8 2025
    KEYWORDS: disability rights, employment inclusion, blindness skills, guide dog, Deloitte Consulting, Harvard Business School, private equity, mentorship program, technical training, leadership development, corporate partners, family support, employment rate, strategic objectives, financial support TRANSCRIPT: 00:00 Music. 00:09 Welcome to podcasts by Dr Kirk Adams, where we bring you powerful conversations with leading voices in disability rights, employment and inclusion. Our guests share their expertise, experiences and strategies to inspire action and create a more inclusive world. If you're passionate about social justice or want to make a difference, you're in the right place. Let's dive in with your host, Dr Kirk Adams, 00:36 welcome everybody to podcasts with Dr Kirk Adams, talking to you from my home office in Seattle, Washington. And as you may or may not know, I am the managing director of my very own consulting practice, innovative act LLC, where I focus on fun, innovative, high impact projects that will accelerate inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce. And I say I help companies supercharge their bottom line through Disability Inclusion. I am the immediate past president and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind, prior to that, held the same roles at the lighthouse for the blind. Inc, you're in beautiful, rainy Seattle, and today I have a guest that I have the privilege of knowing for quite a number of years. We used to be neighbors in Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. Now we're 3000 miles apart, but I'd like love to introduce you all to Catherine Webster, who, among other things, is the founder and president of a foundation called together achieving dreams, which is helping young blind people move forward and thrive in life. I had the privilege of having my first call as a mentor to one of the young blind people that the foundation is working with. And Catherine, welcome to my podcast. 02:07 Dr Kirk Adams, it is such a pleasure. I always love chatting to you, with you, and even better than it's on a podcast platform, thanks 02:15 for having me so the whole world can listen in on our conversation, exactly. So I would love to hear about your journey a little bit. When I first met you, you were kind of just beginning in the professional career. You were in a leadership role with the blind students of the National Federation of the Blind. You surprised me in how new you were to blindness and how excellent your blindness skills were. So would love to just get a little bit of your personal story that has brought you from birth to now. 03:00 Yeah, absolutely great question, and always way longer than than I want to share. So I will keep it short and sweet. But like Kirk said, like you said, I long story short, I guess starting from the way beginning, I was born totally blind, which wildly enough, when I was 16 days old, I got vision in one of my eyes. Saw that well, you know, visual impaired, quote, unquote, for years. So I, you know, leaned on large print and didn't know braille. Starting in high school, started learning braille. So all that to say I was in denial in those in those years where, like every teenager is in denial and had having no vision in one eye and having limited in the other I wanted to still do whatever I wanted to do. So I was a cheerleader, I wrote, I did track, I was integrated into, you know, public school systems. And I grew up actually, in Connecticut. My mom moved us here from Florida for the awesome public schools, and grateful for her for that choice forever. But long story short, around high school, had several surgeries, cornea transplant issues, whatever it is, and I started realizing there are some things that I just can't do. And for me, that's a challenge. I want to be able to do anything, and if someone tells me I can't, I want to prove them wrong. So how I approach that is acceptance on some of the pieces. So cheerleading, with with all sighted cheerleaders, and me, once it got to a certain point, there's a safety risk. So I did step back on that, and instead leaned in on, you know, sports where I could do it fully independently, rowing, track and field, etc. So starting college, I got a guide dog, and that was kind of my first step of acceptance. And I still, I mean, I tell high school students who are blind all the time to to, you know, accept yourself, embrace a cane, all that stuff easier said than done when you're in those environments. But I used college as that rebranding moment where no one knows who I. Am or hardly anyone, and I've got a social magnet of a guide dog, use that slightly as a crutch, socially speaking, and all that to say, as I went into my last year of college at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, I ended up losing my vision two weeks before graduating from just a freak accident retinal detachment that went wrong too much filled up whatever. So after that, had no more vision. And ...
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    27 mins
  • Podcasts By Dr. Kirk Adams: January 6, 2025: Interview with Advocate, Author and Sight Loss Coach Donna J. Jodhan
    Jan 6 2025
    TRANSCRIPT 00:00 Music. 00:09 Welcome to podcasts by Dr Kirk Adams, where we bring you powerful conversations with leading voices in disability rights, employment and inclusion. Our guests share their expertise, experiences and strategies to inspire action and create a more inclusive world. If you're passionate about social justice or want to make a difference, you're in the right place. Let's dive in with your host, Dr Kirk Adams, 00:37 hello, everybody. This is Dr Kirk Adams from innovative impact consulting and welcome to my podcast. And I have I'm returning a favor to Donna jodhan, who graciously interviewed me for her podcast. Welcome Donna. Thank you very much. I'm glad to be here, and it is a New Year. Happy New Year to you, to you too. And I'd like to take this one step at a time. What I'm thinking is to ask you to tell us about your journey which has brought you, has brought you to the point in time we're at now, what you're involved in currently, and then where, where you would like to see, where we you would like to take things, and when we, when we talk about where you would like to take things, I'd love to hear about what's working well for you, where, where you're finding successes and any challenges you might be having. So if, if we could just take it away, I'll hand you the talking stick and ask you to talk about your journey from from birth to present. Oh dear. Thank you very much. I'll do the best I can. So I was born eight hours after my twin brother Jeffrey, 02:04 Mom and Dad did not know that I was expected, only after he was born that the midwife told mom and dad, hey, another one is on its way, and mom had to wait eight hours for me to arrive. 02:22 The mom and dad asked the midwife to call a doctor, and she refused. So mom suffered for eight hours, and when I was born, mom realized right away that something was wrong with my eyes, and she said to the midwife, this child has eye problems. And the midwife refused to, you know, listen to mom, but Mom was correct. So I guess this is probably the foundation for how I was brought up and what I felt that I needed to do in order to fulfill my own life and to help others. I felt strongly that I was given an opportunity to do something after being born under these circumstances, and I think from an early age, my desire was to help others, 03:17 you know, to help make a better future for the kids, because I was given the opportunity to have a future. I was very privileged to have parents and a grandmother and two brothers and five dogs all helped me out. So I decided that this is what I wanted to do. I left home at a very early age, I grew up in Montreal, Canada, and 03:45 I don't think I can ever put a date on when I really started to get involved in advocacy, 03:54 but I think you know, throughout my high school and university years, I always did the best I could to help others and help the kids, but I think my whole world changed because let's just go back a little bit. I was born with bit of vision. Got a whole whack of it when I was in my teens due to a cornea transplant. It changed my entire world, and I learned so much, did so much experience, so much. Then I lost it all in year 2004 04:29 due to a terrific retina detachment, detached in three places, and doctors could not save my vision. So it was at that time that I decided that I wanted to apply to the Canadian government for a job, and in doing so, I quickly realized that the websites were not accessible, the attitudes were not very good, because certain. 05:00 Departments did not really want to take the time to ensure that me as a vision impaired person, a highly qualified one with an MBA from McGill University. They did not want to, you know, help me take the exams in order to gain a Public Service Commission job with the Canadian governments. And I think it was at that time that I consciously decided that something needed to be done. So in year 2006 05:36 I consulted a human rights lawyer, and after discussing, you know, matters within she advised me that I had the perfect case for a charter challenge against the Canadian government to challenge them on their inaccessible and unusable websites. And there began my journey, I would say, in a really meaningful manner. And I say meaningful because it was a way for me to not just express myself, but to show others that something should be done and must be done if we as a community, as Canadians with disabilities, wanted to find different career paths, so I assembled a small team 06:33 of advocates and friends, and I think they're about, oh my gosh, at least four of us to start with The lawyer. We filed our papers, and of course, they try to stay our kids, but fail. And so between 2007 06:49 and 2009 06:50 it was a back and forth battle between me and the government and my lawyer 06:57 and the Canadian government hired an expert from the United States who was a...
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    36 mins
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion: November 21, 2024: Patrick Long
    Nov 21 2024
    00:00 Music. 00:09 Welcome to podcasts by Dr Kirk Adams, where we bring you powerful conversations with leading voices in disability rights, employment and inclusion. Our guests share their expertise, experiences and strategies to inspire action and create a more inclusive world. If you're passionate about social justice or want to make a difference, you're in the right place. Let's dive in with your host, Dr Kirk Adams, 00:37 hello everybody. This is Dr Kirk Adams, welcome to my monthly live streamed webinar. Supercharge your bottom line through disability inclusion and today we we have a very unique opportunity to learn about a new AI driven solution for blind people such as myself to have an easier time of it. In E commerce, we're going to talk to Patrick long, co founder of inno search, in a few minutes. But Patrick, if you could say hi and give people just the sound of your voice and your title and where are you calling from 01:20 everybody? My name is Patrick. I'm the CEO and co founder of inno search. Ai, a company building accessible solutions for the blind and visually impaired. We're based in San Francisco, and very happy to be on the show today with Dr Kirk, and happy to share about what we're working on Great and Patrick is not we're not those of us who can see not seeing Patrick today. You may have been watching the news this week and about the bomb cyclone and all the storms here on the West Coast. We had our chair of it here in Seattle two nights ago, Patrick's on the San Francisco Bay area, so they're having some weather disruptions. So he's on his phone. Thank you for making it happen, Patrick, 02:12 just briefly before I before I turn, turn, turn it over to you, Patrick, to get your story. For those of you listening viewing who don't know me again. I'm Dr Kirk Adams. I am a blind person. Have been since I was five years old when both of my retinas detached and I became a blind child. 02:36 Basically overnight, I went to the Oregon State School for the Blind, first, second and third grade and learn to read and write Braille very, very fluently, travel with confidence with a white cane and type on a typewriter, so that when my skills were sufficiently strong, I could 02:59 join my brothers and sisters and neighbors in public school. So in fourth grade, I started public school in Silverton, Oregon. 03:08 I was always the only blind student of all of my schooling, from fourth grade through my PhD, 03:16 I 03:18 grew up in small towns in the Pacific Northwest. I was given some gifts as a 678, year old attending the school for the blind, I was given the blindest skills 03:32 that have allowed me to operate efficiently in the world of working and scholarship and life. I was given high expectations from my family and the school. A lot of kids, a lot of young kids with disabilities, 03:49 aren't given that gift of high expectations. And sometimes if we have low expectations, they can become internalized. And I was also given just a strong internal locus of control, which means I really felt in my bones that I could make my way in the world. I could solve problems, I could figure out how to get things done, and 04:12 that's such an important part of being able to thrive as a person with a disability in our society. So I'm grateful for those gifts that were given to me. 04:26 Progressing through the elementary, middle school, high school and small towns, I experienced a lot of social isolation, especially in the middle school and high school years where I grew up, when kids turned 16, they got a driver's license and they got a job of some kind, and that was not happening for me. 04:50 Then college was was a very, very different story. I was fortunate enough to be given a full scholarship to a small. 05:00 All liberal arts school, Whitman College and Walla. Walla through a foundation called the Jesse Ridley foundation that support supports blind students in college. 05:11 And again, a gift was given to me, which I appreciate immensely. Graduated 05:19 cum laude, phi, beta, kappa, four point my major, which was economics, and then face the barriers to employment that so many of us with significant disabilities face, as only 35% of us are in the workforce. So many, many twists and twists and turns later, after 10 years in banking and finance, I entered the nonprofit sector as a fundraising professional development officer. My first nonprofit job was a development officer for the Seattle Public Library Foundation raising money for the state talking book and Braille library. And then from there, moved into the nonprofit sector, 06:05 became the president CEO of the Lighthouse for the Blind here in Seattle, was recruited to join the board of trustees of the American Foundation for the Blind, which is Helen Keller's station, and was given, given an opportunity to step into that leadership, President, CEO role of ...
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    42 mins
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion: October 31, 2024: Jeremy Grandstaff
    Oct 31 2024
    In this episode of Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion, Dr. Kirk Adams and his guest, Jeremy Grandstaff, dive into a powerful discussion on disability inclusion and its transformative impact on businesses. Broadcasting from his Seattle home office, Dr. Adams begins with an intimate account of his personal journey — from losing his sight at age five to becoming a leading advocate for accessibility. His early experiences, from mastering Braille to being the only blind student in mainstream education, laid the foundation for his resilience and passion for inclusion. But this episode isn't just about Dr. Adams. TRANSCRIPT 00:00 Music. 00:09 Welcome to podcasts by Dr Kirk Adams, where we bring you powerful conversations with leading voices in disability rights, employment and inclusion. Our guests share their expertise, experiences and strategies to inspire action and create a more inclusive world. If you're passionate about social justice or want to make a difference, you're in the right place. Let's dive in with your host, Dr Kirk Adams, 00:37 hello, everybody. This is Dr Kirk Adams, talking to you from my home office in sunny Seattle, Washington. And welcome to my monthly live streamed webinar. Supercharge your bottom line through disability inclusion. And as you know, every month I have a wonderful guest host. This month, it is Jeremy grand staff, you'll hear more, a lot more from Jeremy in a bit, but Jeremy, could you please say hello? 01:07 Well, hello, Dr Kirk, it's such an honor to be with you and and to be part of your space. I just appreciate such a great opportunity to collaborate with you on many levels, but this is definitely one of the highlights of my week. So thank you for having me on great and I'm going to, I'm going to give you a little bit of background about me, in case you don't know me yet, and I'll keep it brief, I promise. And then we'll, we'll talk to Jeremy at some length 01:39 about disability inclusion, employment of people who are blind, the importance of accessibility, and his very interesting life story as well. And then we'll let you know how you can get in touch with me, how you can get in touch with Jeremy, and we'll open it up for any questions, comments, any of you may have who are joined with us here live today. You're watching the recording. We'll let you know how to get in touch with us. So again, I'm Dr KURT ADAMS. I am a blind person. Have been since age five, when my retins Both detached. I was in kindergarten and I went to a school for blind children, State of Oregon, Oregon State School for the Blind. First, second, third grade had a wonderful teacher named Mrs. Summers who taught me how to read Braille, which opened up my world and write Braille. Then I had a great O and M instructor, Mr. Pearson, who taught me how to travel confidently and independently with a long white cane. Wasn't it wasn't very long when I was six years old, but I was, I was using a cane and then learned how to type on a typewriter. Today, it would be called keyboarding, but the model then 02:57 blind kids and deaf kids went to state residential schools primarily and learn the skills of disability to the point where we could then go to public school in our hometown, our neighborhood. So I started that in fourth grade, went all the way on through school, lived in small towns here in the Pacific Northwest, was always the only blind student in all of my classes after I left the school for the blind so through through elementary, middle school, high school, college masters, PhD, always the only blind person. So I've had that experience. Also had the experience of graduating from college with great academic credentials, phi, beta, kappa, cum laude, four point by econ degree, then running into those barriers to employment that so many of us significant disabilities face. I've had that experience also through many twists, through many twists and turns. 04:01 Became the president and CEO of the Lighthouse for the Blind here in Seattle, the social enterprise employing about 250 people who are blind and deaf blind, and a variety of businesses, including aerospace manufacturing, making parts for all the Boeing aircraft later was privileged to step into that same president and CE role at the American Foundation for the Blind, which is the most iconic organization in the blindness field. Helen Keller was the brand ambassador there for 45 years. And when I moved from Seattle to New York, and we're in those offices at AFB, I could walk down the hall and sit at Helen Keller's desk, play with her typewriter if I ever needed a shot of inspiration. So I've, I've had the opportunity to be a frustrated person with a disability seeking employment, an opportunity. 05:00 To be a successfully employed person with a disability in corporate America. I was in banking and finance for 10 years, and then an opportunity to be the employer of 05:12 ...
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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion | WOTC
    Sep 26 2024

    Dr. Kirk Adams and Evan Amundson discussed the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and its benefits for businesses hiring individuals with disabilities. Evan highlighted that WOTC can provide tax credits ranging from $1,200 to $9,600 per eligible new hire, with over 2 million eligible new hires in 2023. He emphasized the importance of vocational rehabilitation agencies in connecting employers with qualified candidates. Kirk added that only 35% of people with significant disabilities are in the workforce, despite many being highly motivated and qualified. They also mentioned other tax credits, such as the Disabled Access Credit and Barrier Removal Deduction, to incentivize businesses to hire and accommodate individuals with disabilities.

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    55 mins
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion | Surpassing Sight
    Jun 27 2024
    Dr. Kirk Adams, Managing Director of Innovative Impact LLC, hosted a webinar discussing disability inclusion and employment. He highlighted that only 35% of blind individuals are employed, compared to 70% of the general population. Lucas Behnken, producer of the documentary "Surpassing Sight," shared the film's goal to change perceptions of blind capabilities through the story of a blind team in the Race Across America. The film aims to catalyze social impact by connecting employers with training programs and tracking employment outcomes. The project includes private screenings, a red carpet premiere, and a long-term strategy to raise awareness and funds for employment opportunities for the blind. Introduction and Overview of the Webinar Speaker 1 introduces the podcast, emphasizing its focus on disability rights, employment, and inclusion.Speaker 2, Dr. Kirk Adams, welcomes everyone to the fourth episode of his monthly live-streamed webinar series.Dr. Adams mentions the partnership with the documentary film "Surpassing Sight" and introduces its producer, Lucas Behnken.Lucas Behnken introduces himself and his production company, Sterling Light Productions, and provides a brief background on the film and its foundation. Dr. Kirk Adams' Background and Employment Statistics for Blind Individuals Dr. Adams shares his personal story of being blind since childhood and his education at the Oregon State School for the Blind.He discusses the employment challenges faced by blind individuals, noting that only 35% are employed compared to 70% of the general population.Dr. Adams highlights the disparities in employment outcomes, including higher unemployment rates and lower income levels for blind individuals.He emphasizes the importance of meaningful employment in providing financial stability, dignity, and positive self-identity. Success Stories and Personal Experiences of Blind Professionals Dr. Adams shares success stories of blind professionals who have achieved significant careers in large corporations.He recounts the story of a blind woman who overcame obstacles to become an executive in a telecom company.Another story involves a blind man who participated in freestyle bike tricks with his sighted peers, fostering a strong sense of self-efficacy.Dr. Adams discusses his professional career dedicated to creating opportunities for blind and disabled individuals to thrive in employment. Dr. Adams' Professional Achievements and Leadership Roles Dr. Adams details his role as President and CEO of the Lighthouse for the Blind in Seattle, where he oversaw businesses employing blind and deaf-blind individuals.He highlights the success of these businesses, including aerospace manufacturing and advanced manufacturing for the U.S. Army.Dr. Adams shares his experience serving on the Board of Trustees for the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) and his leadership role at AFB.He recounts his meeting with Jack Chen, a blind Assistant General Counsel for Google, and their shared commitment to creating opportunities for blind individuals in the workforce. The Race Across America Project and AFB's Involvement Dr. Adams describes the Race Across America project initiated by Jack Chen and Dan Berlin, involving blind professionals on tandem cycling teams.AFB sponsored the Race Across America team, marking a significant milestone in their efforts to change perceptions of blind capabilities.Dr. Adams shares his transition to a new role as a consultant and his partnership with Dan Berlin, leading to the Apex Program for training blind individuals in cybersecurity.The Apex Program has expanded to 16 states, with a target of training 400 blind individuals annually in cybersecurity. Introduction of Lucas Behnken and the Surpassing Sight Film Project Lucas Behnken introduces himself and his background in creating social impact campaigns around documentary films.He explains his involvement in the Surpassing Sight project, which began with footage from the Race Across America.Lucas and his team, including director Ramon Fernandez, interviewed subjects and created the film to highlight the capabilities of blind professionals.The film includes a diverse team of blind and low-vision professionals, ensuring authenticity and impact. The Film's Social Impact Campaign and Distribution Strategy Lucas emphasizes the importance of using the film as a tool to make long-term change and enhance lives.The film includes an audio description track, ensuring accessibility for blind viewers.Lucas and his team have been conducting private screenings to build advocates and gather feedback on the film's impact.The goal is to create a concierge service to connect blind professionals with companies and track their employment outcomes. Lessons Learned from Previous Social Impact Campaigns Lucas shares insights from his work on the documentary "Molly," which focused on adoption and foster care.The campaign involved private screenings, partnerships with ...
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    59 mins
  • Supercharge Your Bottom Line Through Disability Inclusion | Novacoast
    Apr 25 2024
    Dr. Kirk Adams hosted a webinar on disability inclusion in cybersecurity, highlighting the Apex program, which prepares blind individuals for cybersecurity careers. The program, developed by Novacoast, offers a 10-week training course for CompTIA Network+ and Security+ certifications, costing $7,500. The program aims to place 400 blind individuals annually in cybersecurity roles, addressing a significant employment gap. Key features include flexible learning, employer support, and a strong industry network. The webinar emphasized the transferable skills from contract management services to cybersecurity and the potential for career growth, with starting salaries around $35,000 and potential earnings of $95,000. Outline Introduction and Overview of the Webinar Speaker 1 introduces the podcast, emphasizing its focus on disability rights, employment, and inclusion.Speaker 2, Dr. Kirk Adams, welcomes everyone to the monthly live stream webinar titled "Supercharge your bottom line through Disability Inclusion."Dr. Adams introduces himself as the Managing Director of Innovative Impact LLC and shares his background in disability inclusion.He introduces two teammates, David Main and Katie McAuliffe, and welcomes a new team member, Kalana.The agenda includes a video about the Apex program, perspectives from David and Katie, and a Q&A session. Background of the Apex Program Dr. Adams recounts the history of the Apex program, which began during his tenure at the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB).The AFB was named as the third central nonprofit agency under the Ability One program, leading to a five-year cooperative agreement.The research phase identified three lines of business: contract management, digital health, and cybersecurity.Despite the pandemic, the research highlighted cybersecurity as a promising field for people who are blind.Dr. Adams transitioned to his consulting practice, Innovative Impact, and connected with Dan Berlin and Jack Chen, who were involved in the Race Across America. Development of the Apex Program Jack Chen and Dan Berlin were organizing the Race Across America and seeking sponsors.AFB sponsored the race, and Dan Berlin introduced Dr. Adams to Novacoast, a cybersecurity company interested in hiring blind individuals.Dr. Adams met with Novacoast's CEO, Paul Anderson, and was given the green light to develop the Apex program.Katie McAuliffe joined the team later, bringing extensive experience from IBM and Novell.The Apex program was created to prepare blind and visually impaired individuals for certifications in networking and cybersecurity. Personal Stories and Success of the Apex Program A video featuring personal stories of individuals involved in the Apex program is shown, highlighting their struggles and successes.One participant, David Jr., shares his journey from a severe accident to pursuing a cybersecurity degree.Curtis Jackson, another participant, discusses his experience with unemployment and how the Apex program changed his life.The video emphasizes the potential for blind individuals to succeed in cybersecurity careers.David Jr. and Curtis both found employment at Novacoast, proving the program's effectiveness. Vision and Future of the Apex Program David Main outlines his vision for the program's growth, including expanding to more states and potentially international markets.The program aims to offer high school students the opportunity to earn certifications before graduation.The goal is to support students beyond entry-level training, providing further certifications and job opportunities.Dr. Adams expresses his admiration for the program, stating it aligns with his career-long mission to create opportunities for people who are blind.Katie McAuliffe discusses the unique features of Novacoast and how the company's support enhances the Apex program. Career Opportunities and Industry Support Katie McAuliffe explains the various career paths available in cybersecurity, from entry-level roles to specialized positions like threat hunters and penetration testers.The industry is supportive of continuous learning and certification stacking, allowing for career advancement.Novacoast's annual cybersecurity conference provides opportunities for graduates to network with industry leaders.The company's staffing division, Novaco Staffing, helps place graduates in positions.Dr. Adams emphasizes the importance of vocational rehabilitation partnerships and other funding models to support the program. Q&A Session and Closing Remarks Amanda Gomez from Vibrant Works asks about accessing the training independently of state vocational rehabilitation.Dr. Adams confirms that alternative funding models are possible and shares examples of successful partnerships.Katie McAuliffe provides pricing information for the program, which costs $7,500 and includes both CompTIA certifications.The program is designed to be flexible, with students having 10 weeks to complete the training, but the pace ...
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    47 mins