• Episode 26 Winning Standards and Accountability From My New Book "Leadership Challenge Accepted!
    Dec 4 2023

    In this episode we discuss 2 of the biggest challenges organizations are facing. We discuss establishing winning standards and accountability from 2 chapters of my new book "Leadership Challenge Accepted! A Straightforward Guide for Effective Leadership, Inspired by Stories from the Marines and Business. 


    Get the book on Amazon: https://a.co/d/1TdlSot 

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    35 mins
  • Episode 25 Leading Yourself and Gallup Poll says 77% of Employees are either disenaged or Quietly Quitting
    Sep 20 2023
    We discuss leading yourself and how to get started. Gallup poll suggests that 77% of employees are disengaged or actively undermining the organization due to poor leadership. Effective leaders can reduce these trends but it starts with us!
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    18 mins
  • Episode 24 Tips on Holding People Accountable | New Business Partner
    Aug 29 2023

    We announce Bobby Carpenter as a new partner. Bobby is a former Ohio State Football linebacker and first round NFl draft pick by the Dallas Cowboys. He was a member of the 2002 Ohio State team that won a national championship. He was also an all Big Ten player 2x. Bobby currently hosts a radio show on ESPN radio in Columbus Ohio and several business interests in the area. 


    We have had several workshop attendees and managers ask about holding people accountable and how you actually do it. We cover some of those tips to help equip leaders with actionable steps to make the workplace better for their teams. 

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    19 mins
  • Episode 23 | 3 Things You Can Do To Keep Your Employees From Quitting
    May 19 2023
    Business leaders are struggling to keep their employees. Retention is low. Here's 3 things leaders can do to help prevent their employees from quitting.
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    20 mins
  • Episode 22 | 3 Things Leaders are Doing That are Hurting the Business
    May 12 2023

    Lonnie discusses 3 of the top behaviors that leaders are doing that are hurting your business.

    1. Lack of accountability and standards
    2. Not running to the sound of gunfire. Avoiding problems.
    3. Poor or slow decision making

    Your business needs leaders at all levels. We can help. Go here to book a call with Lonnie. Let's see if we can find alignment and help you and your team.  https://patriotleadershipadvisors.com/discovery-call/ 


    We have 2 upcoming leadership workshops designed to help people become more effective leaders. 

    Marion OH June 22-23

    Newark, OH June 19-20

    Sign up now! https://patriotleadershipadvisors.com/leadership-courses/ 


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    40 mins
  • Episode 21: 10 Worst Leadership Characteristics and the EBAY Campaign of Terror Terror
    Apr 24 2023

    They don’t have enough confidence to lead at their level. The boss I mentioned at the start was like this. He couldn’t decide because he had no faith in his decisions.

    They’re arrogant, assuming they always know what’s best. It takes confidence to lead. It also takes humility. Many leaders think they’re confident when they’re really just pigheaded and proud. 

    They’re disorganized. I’ve worked with some hard-driving, capable leaders who hamstrung themselves by never getting organized. I reported to one leader like this, right up until I was promoted above him. The first thing I did was fire him.

    Their words and actions erode trust, even with their supporters. When I fired the boss I just mentioned, this is the primary reason for my decision. I could never count on him as his direct report. I certainly didn’t want him reporting to me.

    They over-promise and under-deliver. This one affects more than just politicians. People leading up in an organization often do this this because they are trying to impress those above them, failing to realize that by under-delivering they are shooting themselves in the foot. And people at the top fall into the trap by overusing promises as a way to ensure team loyalty.

    They don’t articulate a clear vision. No one wants to follow in the dark. It’s impossible to motivate people who feel in a fog.

    They don’t enroll others in their initiatives. No. 7 is related to No. 6. Some leaders just expect people will follow them just because of their position. Wrong. If a leader can’t enroll others, failure looms.

    They’re not transparent. Openness encourages honesty. How often do we see the opposite playing out in business and politics? Scandal is only the endgame. But how many bad calls are made before the news finally breaks?

    They’re blind to what’s happening in their own organizations. Insulation is fine for the walls of your house, but not for leadership. To lead requires visibility. Without it, you’ll find yourself blindsided and making major blunders.

    They don’t hold people accountable—especially themselves. If a leader avoids responsibility and won’t hold their team accountable, they’ll shipwreck the organization. Accountability is essential.

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    31 mins
  • Episode 20
    Apr 14 2023

    Our focus here is on leadership - the good, the bad, and the ugly. We delve into current events and interview guests to discuss how leadership relates to both business and life. Today, I'll be discussing three topics that are top of mind.

    While I avoid politics, I do discuss politics as it relates to leadership and not necessarily policy. Good leadership is universal, and it's all about how you treat people. Politicians are elected to represent our interests and are sworn to uphold the constitution. We all expect our leaders to have integrity, courage, and commitment, regardless of policy.

    Recently, there were congressional hearings with the CEOs of TikTok and Norfolk Southern Railroad. What stood out to me were the numerous representatives who behaved childishly and were frankly embarrassing. While I understand the need for clarity around security issues, it's how you approach it that matters. Most Americans would agree that we want our leaders to behave professionally and not engage in childish behavior. Many representatives would ask questions and then answer them instead of allowing the CEO to respond. It's embarrassing to see our nation's leaders behaving in such a manner, and we deserve better.

    Regarding the Norfolk Southern situation, the CEO was evasive and kept repeating non-answers. As a leader, it's important to take responsibility and provide solutions, not blame. Joe Biden, when asked about inflation, refused to accept any responsibility, which is not a mature or responsible answer. As a leader, taking responsibility and providing solutions is the way to go.

    I also wanted to mention my new book, Leadership Tightrope, available on Amazon. In it, I discuss ten leadership failures from prominent figures, such as Larry Householder and Elizabeth Holmes, CEO of Theranos. Our company helps frustrated business leaders get their businesses back on track by addressing issues such as high turnover, inability to retain good people, not seeing expected growth, and underperforming employees.

    Thank you, and let's continue the discussion on leadership!

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    20 mins
  • Episode 19 Patriot Leadership Podcast. We discuss the Great Resignation and COVID-19 , how it is affecting the workplace.
    Nov 8 2021

    Patriot Leadership Podcast Episode 19.  

    Discuss the great resignation

    Why are people leaving their jobs

    What the impact is

    How COVID -19 is affecting unemployment

    How leadership plays a huge role

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    29 mins