Fluent Fiction - Portuguese 🇵🇹: Pastries, Laughter, and Alarms: A Dormitory Cooking Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/pt/episode/2025-01-13-23-34-02-pt Story Transcript:Pt: Num dia frio de inverno, o dormitório da universidade estava agitado.En: On a cold winter day, the university dormitory was bustling.Pt: Os estudantes voltavam para começar um novo semestre.En: The students were returning to start a new semester.Pt: O Miguel, um aluno com um sorriso sempre pronto, decidiu que prepararia algo especial para os seus amigos, Inês e Tiago.En: Miguel, a student with a ready smile, decided he would prepare something special for his friends, Inês and Tiago.Pt: Ele queria cozinhar pastéis fritos portugueses, uma tradição deliciosa que aprendera com a sua avó.En: He wanted to cook Portuguese fried pastries, a delicious tradition he had learned from his grandmother.Pt: O dormitório estava equipado com uma cozinha comum.En: The dormitory was equipped with a common kitchen.Pt: Era pequena, com eletrodomésticos um pouco antiquados.En: It was small, with somewhat outdated appliances.Pt: As panelas pendiam de ganchos e as bancadas eram de mármore gasto.En: The pots hung from hooks, and the countertops were worn marble.Pt: Miguel, entusiasmado, reuniu os ingredientes: farinha, ovos, açúcar e, claro, o segredo da receita, um pouco de aguardente que roubara da cozinha da sua família durante as férias.En: Miguel, enthusiastic, gathered the ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, and, of course, the secret of the recipe, a bit of aguardente that he had taken from his family's kitchen during the holidays.Pt: Ele começou a preparar os pastéis, determinado a impressionar.En: He began to prepare the pastries, determined to impress.Pt: No entanto, Miguel não estava familiarizado com o fogão elétrico da cozinha.En: However, Miguel was not familiar with the electric stove in the kitchen.Pt: Era teimoso e decidiu não pedir ajuda.En: He was stubborn and decided not to ask for help.Pt: Misturou a massa com cuidado, moldando-a em pequenos círculos prontos para fritar.En: He mixed the dough carefully, shaping it into small circles ready for frying.Pt: Quando o óleo começou a aquecer, o Miguel sonhava já com as expressões de espanto dos amigos.En: As the oil began to heat, Miguel was already dreaming of his friends' astonished expressions.Pt: Porém, a realidade rapidamente cortou o seu sonho.En: However, reality quickly shattered his dream.Pt: O óleo que pensava ter sob controlo começou a soltar fumaça.En: The oil he thought he had under control began to smoke.Pt: Miguel, um pouco atrapalhado, tentou abanar a frigideira, mas apenas fez piorar.En: Miguel, a bit flustered, tried to shake the frying pan, but it only made things worse.Pt: Era tarde demais.En: It was too late.Pt: A fumaça lentamente ativou o sensível alarme de incêndio do dormitório.En: The smoke slowly triggered the sensitive fire alarm in the dormitory.Pt: O barulho estridente do alarme ecoou por todas as assoalhadas, interrompendo o sossego de todos.En: The piercing noise of the alarm echoed throughout the rooms, interrupting everyone's peace.Pt: Estudantes, incluindo Inês e Tiago, correram para fora dos quartos, rindo e tossindo enquanto se cobriam com agasalhos apressadamente.En: Students, including Inês and Tiago, rushed out of their rooms, laughing and coughing as they hurriedly bundled up.Pt: Na cozinha, Miguel olhou em volta aflito.En: In the kitchen, Miguel looked around anxiously.Pt: Mas, decidido, recusou-se a desistir.En: But, determined, he refused to give up.Pt: Desligou o fogão, arregaçou as mangas e transferiu rapidamente os pastéis semi-fritos para um prato.En: He turned off the stove, rolled up his sleeves, and quickly transferred the semi-fried pastries to a plate.Pt: Saindo, encontrou-se com Inês e Tiago, que, embora surpresos, não estavam zangados.En: Leaving, he met up with Inês and Tiago, who, though surprised, were not angry.Pt: “Foi o detetive Miguel a investigar a origem da fumaça?” brincou Tiago, piscando o olho.En: “Was it Detective Miguel investigating the source of the smoke?” Tiago joked, winking.Pt: Um sorriso envergonhado no rosto, Miguel confessou o seu plano.En: With an embarrassed smile on his face, Miguel confessed his plan.Pt: Todos riram, não da falha, mas da tentativa.En: Everyone laughed, not at the failure, but at the attempt.Pt: A pequena multidão reunida do lado de fora ficou surpreendida ao saber que, apesar de o alarme ter soado, havia pastéis à espera.En: The small crowd gathered outside was surprised to learn that, despite the alarm going off, there were pastries waiting.Pt: Voltaram para dentro, agora sob o olhar atento do responsável pelos alojamentos, e dividiram os pastéis – estavam um pouco chamuscados, mas surpreendentemente saborosos.En: They returned inside, now under the watchful eye of the housing ...