Richard Gearhart and Elizabeth Gearhart, co-hosts of Passage to Profit Show interview sales and creative marketing executive Gordon Fraser, Matt Strippelhoff from Red Hawk Tech and transformation coach Karen Rubinstein.
Gordon Fraser is an award-winning sales and creative marketing executive, internationally renowned speaker, coach and philanthropist. With $500m+ in accumulated retail sales, Gordon is an accomplished entrepreneur who's conceived & implemented systems, inspired, mentored, coached and motivated leaders around the world. He's shared the stage with motivational speakers such as Rachel Hollis, Mel Robbins, Connie Podesta & Paul McKenna. Gordon has presented and hosted "mainstage" in front of tens of thousands at the MGM, Las Vegas and am considered amongst the top 0.4% of the Creative Marketing Industry. Viewed as one of the leading visionaries in his field, Gordon has been featured in many publications and media outlets such as “The 4-Year Career”, BBC Radio London, Voice of America and “Savoir Faire Magazine”. Read more at:
Matt Strippelhoff is a Partner and the CEO of Red Hawk Tech, which offers custom software and applications, elevated! If you’re ready to invest in digital transformation but don’t have the internal IT resources to make it happen, the Red Hawk team can help. Red Hawk tracks and reports on all of their development, support and maintenance services. As a result, they can provide on-demand visibility into the health of their clients’ digital assets. It’s a critical advantage, especially if a company is on the path to a merger or acquisition. Read more at:
Karen Rubinstein is a Transformation Coach & Advisor and recovered alcoholic. She helps her clients find joy, peace, and new beginnings in even their darkest times. Her transformational recovery coaching method is much more than just putting down the bottle and staying sober. It’s about building a life that is emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced. The first step is understanding that alcohol is only a symptom of a deeper issue. Karen’s transformational coaching methods help uncover the root causes of addiction, allowing true healing to begin and leading to a fulfilling life. Read more at:
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