
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    May 17 2023
    Summer is the time for discovery and adventure. Sure it may not last as long as it did when we were kids (when it felt like summer would never end) but it is still teh best time to explore and make memories. Join us tonight as we share adventures from the past and talk about trips we hope to make in the future. Who knows, you may even hear about a place that will point you in a new adventure!
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Apr 26 2023
    Join us today as we celebrate the 5th Anniversary of our show. It has been a great ride and we will celebrate by talking with a number of our regualr callers who will share some of their favourite memories of the show. Lots of smiles and memories to be had tonight and, as an added bonus, we are also celebrating Simon's birthday. Join us tonight. It is going to be a real party of a show!!!
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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Mar 22 2023
    ON this months show we are going to talk with two university placement students who are currently working and supporting members from a non-profit ABI orginization in Toronto. We will talk with Aileen and Anne about their placement, what they have learned about ABI, what their future goals are and how they have been inspired by the members. Join us tonight and feel free to call in if you have any questions for our guests
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Feb 22 2023
    They say that friends are the family taht you choose for yourself. This month we are going to talk about the friends in our lives that made a difference. The ones that stood by us when we were down and the ones that helped lift us up when we were reaching for the sky. Join us to hear some amazing friendship stories and feel free to add yours to the list by calling in and sharing. Promises to be another excellent episode :)
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    1 hr and 43 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Jan 26 2023
    “The mindset required to move forward”. Many of you went through great struggles, after your ABI, to get back to be the best you can be. Tonight, we are going to ask you why think you were able to move forward when so many people weren’t able too. What is it that allowed you to fight for every inch when the journey was such a struggle. Is it something from within? SOmething external? No More BS with Mike and Shawn is regularly on the 1st Tuesday of eachh month. This week pinch hitting for reg WED Host Kim Or Both Please join us tonight to share your story and hear from others. .
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    1 hr and 54 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Nov 16 2022
    Join us for Brainstorm today as we chat with Amanda, a community facilitator at a non-profit orginization that works with adults with acquired brain injuries in the Toronto area. We will chat with her and discuss what she does, how she got into the field and how she sees the landscape in this post-covid world. Join us and maybe call in to the only Canadian hosted show on the Brain Injury Radio Network. Fun starts at 10 pm EST
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    1 hr
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Oct 19 2022
    Hi everyone. Tonight we are asking the audience to call in and tell us what they would change if they were put in charge. Join us by calling in to the studio and tell us what you would do differently if you had the power. Looking forward to a fun discussion.
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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • Brainstorm with Simon and Dave
    Sep 21 2022
    She lived across the ocean and her traditions and life style feels like it was from another time but in Canada, Queen Elizabeth was a real deal. As part of the commenwealth, Canada has had a strong bond with the UK. Heck, the Queen's face is on most of our coins :) Today, SImon and myself will open the phones and allow people to talk about their favourite Queen Elizabeth memories. Looking forward to connecting with some of you tonight :)
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    1 hr and 31 mins