
  • Ep 41: MEDIUM Whispers - Writer Rebecca Barry shares whispers from the universe!
    Mar 12 2025

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    In the charmingly lush episode, Jane and Sarah chat with the amazing Rebecca Barry, a live story-teller, intuitive counselor, published author, and whale whisperer. This conversation feels so ooey-gooey good; comfort and solace are dished out in story form as Rebecca reminds us of the importance of feeling emotions, the healing power of stories, and how messages from the universe guide us.

    Rebecca’s perspective is influenced by her twenty-plus years of studying mystical, yogic, and meditative modalities (both Eastern and Western). The crew discusses the importance of emotional intelligence and the continuum of existence beyond death as well as the interconnectedness of joy, sorrow, and the miracles that arise from being open to life's experiences. Magic begs to be experienced and Rebecca shows us how she has invited mini miracles into her day-to-day!

    Not afraid to go out on a limb, Rebecca listens to the whispers from the universe and relays them to those around her. Rebecca has discovered how to decipher the wisdom of earth’s largest, most magnificent creatures, whales! Jane and Sarah are delighted by her charm and can’t wait for everyone to hear what the whales have to say!


    • Rebecca's purpose is to stay connected to the universe.
    • Stories serve as a form of medicine for emotional healing.
    • Practicing gratitude can lead to miraculous experiences.
    • Feeling all emotions allows access to deeper joy.
    • Messages from the universe can guide us in unexpected ways.
    • Intuition can manifest in everyday interactions.
    • Joy can coexist with sorrow, enriching our experiences. Empowerment comes from recognizing our collective power.
    • Listening and responding can create miracles in people's lives.
    • Courage is essential in expressing what we see and feel.
    • Navigating emotions requires awareness of the present moment.
    • The continuum of existence challenges traditional beliefs about life and death.
    • Healing can come from connecting with nature and its creatures.
    • Being open to a continuum of existence can be fulfilling and exciting. Grief can lead to compartmentalization of emotions.
    • Empathy in spirituality is non-judgmental and expansive.
    • Creative collaboration enhances spiritual practices.
    • Personal growth often comes through counseling and support.
    • Storytelling is a powerful tool for connection.
    • Navigating loss requires a balance of human experience and spiritual understanding.
    • Money is viewed as energy in the context of spiritual services.

    Sound Bites from Rebecca

    "Stories are where most of the medicine is."

    "Joy holds everything."

    "You were a miracle in someone's life."

    "Money is just energy, it's no big deal to me."

    Rebecca Barry

    Rebecca’s Substack: Out of my Mind

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

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    51 mins
  • Ep 40: MEDIUM Classy - Learn to read energy and harness your intuition!
    Mar 5 2025

    March 24th, March 31st, April 7th - 5-7pm PT - sign up here!

    In this episode, Sarah and Jane preview their upcoming class Empowered Intuition ~ sharing a high level overview of many of the topics that will be explored in the class later this month. Sarah leads as they give a mini lesson in energetic boundaries, using imagination as a way to decipher energy, the importance of raising our vibration, and looking for evidence to validate our intuition!

    When we can trust our inner voice, we become more empowered. It is important to be able to feel safe in a chaotic world, so the role of energy calibration is a skill Jane and Sarah want everyone to have! Understanding the “clair” senses and which ones are your super powers, is a really fun topic they delve into. Learning how to access our intuition is such a meaningfully fun way to journey into knowing ourselves more fully!

    How do we know that what we are sensing is real? That’s where mediumship comes in! When you have a sitter, all the pops of imagery and sensed energy that feel like imagination can be validated! For some people, sensing energy is really easy but figuring out how to feel safe when you’re so sensitive is when it’s important to know how to create energetic boundaries. And for other people, It is really hard to get out of the thinking mind and into the intuitive body which is where playing with the imagination and surrender is helpful.

    Everyone can learn how to sense energy when you have the tools and know how to practice it! And there’s no better time than now when the energy is big and wild.


    • Honing intuition is essential for self-trust.
    • Feeling safe is crucial for personal growth.
    • Understanding energy helps in navigating life.
    • Imagination plays a key role in intuition.
    • Trusting your inner voice leads to empowerment.
    • Creating energetic boundaries is vital for well-being.
    • Intuition can be cultivated through practice.
    • Self-awareness enhances intuitive abilities.
    • Energy follows thought, impacting our reality.
    • Engaging with nature helps calibrate our energy. Vibrations are crucial in determining the quality of our lives.
    • Raising your vibration helps connect with higher consciousness.
    • Understanding vibrations is key to effective manifestation.
    • Self-discovery involves questioning our relationship with spirituality.
    • We are all unique, and our perspectives are intentional.
    • Curiosity and playfulness enhance our learning experiences.
    • You are a conduit for divine wisdom and guidance.
    • Spirit guides us through a curriculum of learning.
    • “Clair” senses can be developed and exercised.
    • Community and validation are essential in the journey of intuitive work.

    Sound Bites

    "Intuition gives you that home."

    "The opposite of fear is faith."

    "Energy follows thought."

    "Spirit puts us on a curriculum."


    Empowered Intuition Course

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious) If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe.

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    38 mins
  • Ep 39: MEDIUM Infinite- Witness the infinite love between Becky Bradley and her daughter in spirit, Keira
    Feb 26 2025

    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe!


    Becky Bradley navigates the duality of grief and joy with the help of her daughter, Keira, who transitioned from the physical a year ago. Carla Sloan, a former guest of the show and mom to Calder in Spirit, joins Jane and Sarah to co-host this profound episode.

    Becky shares her mind-blowing experiences with signs from the other side following the transition of her daughter, Keira. Everyone witnessing Becky in this conversation could easily see the radiant energy that Keira was sending through her mom! Carla, who can see auras, was able to confirm this magnificent glow!. Becky is in a place of trust and surrender while navigating grief which has allowed her to be in flow and open to profound insights and wisdom.

    Joy and sorrow can coexist. One of the most important messages from Keira is that she wants Becky to “feel good always.” That is something that Becky really tries to embody while still acknowledging her grief. They discuss the beauty and intensity of the human experience, the acceptance of individual journeys, and the emotional spectrum that defines our existence. The dialogue emphasizes the interconnectedness of all beings and the intelligence of our bodies in processing experiences.


    • Trusting one's intuition is crucial in recognizing signs from the other side.
    • The experience of grief can open up new psychic abilities and connections to the spiritual realm.
    • The importance of being present in the moment is highlighted as a way to navigate life's challenges..
    • The conversation touches on the collective healing that can occur when individuals share their experiences of loss.
    • Everyone has the potential to connect with their loved ones in the spiritual realm.
    • The discussion emphasizes the significance of surrendering to the process of healing and trusting in the guidance received.
    • Traveling and experiencing life can bring signs from loved ones.
    • Grief can coexist with joy; it's important to feel good.
    • Connection to spirit is possible for everyone.
    • Signs from the universe can guide us in our journeys.
    • The duality of emotions is a natural part of the human experience. Time is a construct that we often struggle to understand.
    • Emotions are a vital part of the human experience.
    • We are all on individual journeys that are valid and necessary.
    • Our bodies hold immense intelligence and wisdom.
    • Feeling emotions fully can lead to deeper healing.
    • Acceptance of others' experiences is crucial for personal peace

    Sound Bites from Becky

    "It's all about trust."

    "I don't have to figure it out."

    "Feel good always."

    "Time is not real."

    "We are in it together."

    "We cannot get it wrong."

    Becky Bradly’s IG

    Carla Sloan’s Website

    Carla’s IG


    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

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    51 mins
  • Ep 38: MEDIUM Shake It! Amanda Elemental: Medium, Reiki Master, and DJ
    Feb 19 2025

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    Ep 38

    Jane and Sarah are lovers of a good spiritual awakening story and Amanda Elemental has a fascinating one! She shares her journey from a corporate advertising career to becoming a Reiki Master and medium. On a quest to heal her trauma during the pandemic, she went deep into herself which unexpectedly moved her into a spiritual awakening.

    Amanda shares how she followed the signs to connect to others who would help support her in her transformation. This awakening also led Amanda into sobriety which is another thing she has in common with the MC gals. In what she describes as a dark-night-of the-soul, Amanda found practices and resources that she shares in this discussion. Awakening isn’t always easy and can be really overwhelming!

    Amanda’s experiences in DJing have evolved into a more conscious approach, emphasizing the connection between music, energy, and healing. We are here to be embodied and experience ourselves through movement! What better way to move joyously than through ecstatic dance which is how Amanda serves through DJing nowadays.

    Join us for another fun-filled episode with tons of laughs and epiphanies!


    • Spiritual awakenings can lead to heightened intuitive abilities.
    • Reiki can play a significant role in developing mediums.
    • Community support was crucial in Amanda’s journey through the dark night of the soul.
    • Amanda emphasizes the importance of healing trauma slowly and mindfully.
    • The intersection of mediumship and energy work is a common theme among practitioners.
    • Amanda aspires to create integrative experiences that combine mediumship and music. Connecting with spirit enhances the dance experience.
    • Dance can be a form of liberation and joy.
    • Navigating the dark night of the soul is part of awakening.
    • Trusting your intuition is crucial for personal growth.
    • Creating safe spaces for dance fosters inclusivity.
    • Community support is vital during challenging times.
    • Intuition can guide you through difficult decisions.
    • Reclaiming joy through dance is an act of resistance.
    • Being present in our bodies is essential for spiritual connection.
    • Collaboration is essential for growth and sharing experiences.
    • Stories of resilience can inspire and empower others.

    Sound Bites from Amanda

    "Community is so important right now."

    “I know that trauma is something that happens fast and is meant to be healed very slowly,”


    Amanda Elemental

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe.

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    45 mins
  • Ep 37: MEDIUM Medicine - Wonder and awe are the medicine for uncertain times
    Feb 12 2025

    MEDIUM Curious is now on Substack! Please find us there!


    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe to our podcast. Your support will help us make mediumship more accessible and relatable!



    Wonder + Awe:

    So many of us are highly sensitive and empathic; we are deeply feeling so much of the collective energy right now. It’s important to look for hope and inspiration in these uncertain times and to know that Spirit has our backs! In this conversation, Sarah and Jane share some ways to get into that vibration of wonder and awe, the antidote to fear.

    Jane and Sarah discuss popular concepts such as the New Earth, being in 5D, awakening, and consciousness. Along with these topics comes the need to discuss spiritual bypassing. We are being called upon in this very specific time to show up as our authentic selves and celebrate each other’s differences in community! When we ground into our humanity while embracing our higher selves, we are expanding into limitless possibilities…how’s that for hope?!


    • Wonder and awe can help counteract feelings of fear and anxiety.
    • Groundedness in our humanity is essential during spiritual evolution.
    • Conflict can lead to necessary change and growth in perspectives.
    • Finding delight in the present moment is crucial for well-being.
    • Trusting our intuition is key to navigating life's challenges.
    • Presence can be a powerful healing force in difficult times.
    • We must honor each individual's unique experience and journey.
    • Telepathy may represent a future form of communication rooted in truth. Talking to pets can be a form of telepathy.
    • Telepathy can open new states of consciousness.
    • Everyone's brain is wired differently, affecting perception.
    • Mediumship brings love and connection beyond the physical.
    • Nature is a powerful source of healing and grounding.
    • Community support is essential during difficult times.

    Sound Bites - Sarah

    "Finding delight in your own life is key."

    "We have to use our bodies as barometers."

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe to our podcast. Your support will help us make mediumship more accessible and relatable!

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    47 mins
  • Ep 36: MEDIUM Skeptic - Our favorite science-based skeptic, Liz Entin
    Feb 5 2025

    Ep 36- MEDIUM Skeptic ~ Our favorite science-based skeptic, Liz Entin

    Jane and Sarah adore sciency skeptic Liz Entin, host/author of the podcast and book series 'WTF Just Happened?!” Following the heartbreaking death of her father, Liz went looking for answers. Ie: Is it possible that there's an afterlife? Does consciousness exist beyond the brain? What does science say? How on earth could mediums be legit? She shares her profound journey from total skeptic to a determined explorer of the possibility of an afterlife.

    LIz has done a deep dive into the research on reincarnation, scientific studies surrounding consciousness, and peer-reviewed studies on mediums and psychic phenomena. There is a preponderance of research to prove that consciousness exists beyond the physical, yet there is still such a societal stigma surrounding these topics, especially in the science community.

    The dialogue delves into the emotional complexities of grief, detailing Liz’s experiences at the Forever Family Foundation and how they reshaped her understanding of intuition and personal growth. Liz's insights into consciousness and the paranormal provide a thought-provoking exploration into life after death.


    • The concept of time travel led Liz to question the nature of reality and consciousness.
    • Scientific research on reincarnation and afterlife exists, challenging mainstream skepticism.
    • The Forever Family Foundation certifies psychic mediums through scientific testing.
    • Liz's first medium reading provided unexpected evidence that changed her perspective..
    • The societal stigma around discussing the afterlife affects even scientists.
    • Experiences at the Forever Family Foundation changed Liz's perspective on mediumship.
    • Collaboration in readings enhances the depth of the experience.
    • Research shows that time perception is more complex than we realize..
    • Connections with loved ones can transcend the physical realm.

    Sound Bites from Liz

    "This is the biggest game changer of the whole world."

    "I think mediumship is real."

    “If something absolutely unchangeable, like factual as time was really different from how we perceive it, what else?”

    Liz Entin

    Bruce Grayson

    Society for Psychical Research

    Sir Roger Penrose and Dr. Stuart Hameroff

    Loyd Auerbach

    Forever Family Foundation

    Dr. Dean Radin

    Windbridge Research Center

    Medium Fact Sheet from Windbridge Research Center and Dr. Julie Beishel

    Jim Tucker’s book on reincarnation Before

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe to our podcast. Your support will help us make mediumship more accessible and relatable!

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    51 mins
  • Ep 35: MEDIUM Trust - Talyn Fiore, the Energy Alchemist, inspires us to trust ourselves!
    Jan 29 2025

    Jane and Sarah are blown away by guest Talyn Fiore as she shares her journey of empowerment, healing, and self-discovery! From her introduction to Reiki and the transformative power it holds, to her personal experiences with loss and the quest for purpose, Talyn emphasizes the importance of self-worth, discernment, and trust in following those intuitive nudges.

    Talyn has been hugely successful manifesting all kinds of magic in her life, but she shares that maintaining what is manifested hinges on something else entirely. This conversation is super helpful for those seeking to connect with their inner power and embrace their true authentic selves. She shares the importance of finding solace in silence and experiencing the full spectrum of life. It’s not always easy, but she shares that the way to find the beauty is in confronting the difficult.

    Talyn follows all the nudges that divine guidance has given her, sending her traveling around the world and sharing her experiences so that she can empower other young women!


    • Empowering women to reconnect with their highest potential is Talyn's mission.
    • Reiki is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery.
    • Personal experiences of loss can lead to profound transformations.
    • Discernment is crucial in navigating conflicting spiritual advice.
    • Trust is a muscle that needs to be developed over time.
    • Manifestation is rooted in self-belief rather than mere desire.
    • Self-worth is essential for maintaining what you manifest.
    • Experiencing life fully includes embracing both highs and lows.
    • Self-discovery is a continuous journey of meeting oneself..
    • Rigid identities can limit our experiences and growth.
    • Finding God can happen outside traditional religious settings.
    • Life paths are not linear; detours can be valuable.
    • Embracing struggles is part of the journey.

    Sound Bites

    "Reiki is unconditional love."

    "You have to listen to your calling."

    "Allowing yourself to change your mind"

    Talyn Fiore’s Instagram

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious) If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe.

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    50 mins
  • Ep 34: MEDIUM Know - WDWKFS: What do we know for sure?
    Jan 22 2025

    Sarah and Jane ask each other this question: “What do you know for sure (ish?)” With lots of laughter and certainty about their uncertainty; the gals explore the themes of change, gratitude, interconnectedness, and the healing power of nature.

    In this first conversation of season 4, Sarah and Jane discuss the profound magic of nature including the ability of trees and other elements to communicate, and the concept of telepathy among humans as well. Of course they chat about the nature of spirit communication, offering that the other side is not a distant place but rather a different frequency present in our lives. So close!

    Ultimately they invite listeners to stay curious and open-hearted in their journey through wacky life by curating delight.


    • In my human form, I will never know everything.
    • Certainty feels delicious, but it's an illusion.
    • We resist change, but it's the only constant.
    • Gratitude can shift our perspective in tough times.
    • We are more similar than we are different.
    • Nature has the power to heal and support us.
    • Our interconnectedness is a source of comfort and strength.
    • Love is the fundamental desire we all share.
    • Heaven exists in a different frequency, not a distant place.
    • We have the power to set boundaries with spirits.
    • Delight can be curated in our daily experiences.
    • Claiming our energy is essential for spiritual well-being.

    Support the Podcast and check out Patreon and please please please, download the podcast when you listen.

    Medium Curious Website: MediumCurious

    Telepathy Tapes: Podcast

    Episode discussed about Crystals: Episode 29 - Medium Sparkle

    Jane’s Website: Jane Morgan Medium

    Sarah’s Website: Sarah Rathke

    Podcast Instagram: MediumCuriousPod (@mediumcuriouspod)

    Podcast Tiktok: MediumCuriousPod (@theREAL_mediumcurious)

    If you enjoyed this episode of Medium Curious, please Download, Rate, Review, Share \ and Subscribe.

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    41 mins