• S.4 Ep.7 - Bringing your Mental "A" Game with Chris Hunt of Therapycise
    Mar 3 2025

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    S.4 Ep.7 - Bringing your Mental "A" Game with Chris Hunt of Therapycise

    Today Aaron and I interviewed Christ Hunt of Therapycise. Chris is a mental performance psychologist and former Royal Marine Commando. He specialises in helping people master their own destiny and is highly regarded as a an authority on Mental Performance. It was a fascinating chat, Chris's enthusiasm and energy is infectious and we covered many subjects relating to motivation for exercise, and life in general - well worth a listen if you're struggling with this wet gloomy weather and need a boost.

    You can find out more about Chris here:

    FB: facebook.com/mentalperformanceexperts


    Web: www.therapycise.co.uk

    Mail: chris@ukfundamental.com

    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    52 mins
  • S.4 Ep.6 - "NEW YEAR, NEW ME" & Other Bullsh*t! Introducing New Co-host Aaron
    Feb 1 2025

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    Welcome to the first episode of 2025. Apologies for the delay since Ep.5. I was in Nepal climbing mountains over November and December...

    In this episode, I welcome Aaron Hopkins, sucessful PT and gym owner. I interviewed him a few months ago and we had a great laugh and were very much of the same mind when discussing all things health/fitness. He will be joining me as co-host, so i'm really looking forward to recording with him.

    Find out more about Aaron here: https://www.pt-u.co.uk/

    Amongst other things, we discussed:

    New Year New Me! (yawn!) Setting 2025 Health Goals: Discussing how to set realistic and achievable health goals for the new year. Fads like Dry January etc - more harm than Good?

    People starting new habits : Nutrition Trends: Exploring emerging nutrition trends for 2025, such as plant-based diets, intermittent fasting, or personalised nutrition plans.

    Effective Workout Routines: Highlighting new and effective workout routines or exercises for different fitness levels and goals.

    Doing too much, at one time: Motivation and Accountability: Strategies for staying motivated and accountable throughout the year.

    Tech and Fitness: Discussing the role of technology and apps in monitoring fitness progress and enhancing workouts. Big business, but data for data’s sake? Watches, rings, apps, HRV useful:

    Over Christmas, we had a great question from a listener, we discussed this too:

    "Sleep/nutrition/rest are critically important, especially when compared to our younger days. So my question for the podcast is this: Because there are now more mature people training harder than ever before, are we entering uncharted territority in terms of our awareness of training/recovery for middle -aged athletes? Sure, there have been a small number of older athletes for a long time, but I suspect there have never before been so many middle-aged, 'normal' folk who are continuing to train hard alongside their daily lives. Is the coaching/nutrition industry up to speed on this? Is it even being recognised, let alone being catered for?"

    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • S.4 Ep.5 - Extreme Dieting Part 2: Vegan with The Professors
    Oct 8 2024

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    S.4 Ep.5 - Extreme Dieting Part 2: Vegan

    In Part 2 of 2, I talk to Professor Greg Whyte OBE (Sports Science) and Professor Andy Lane (Psychology). We discuss Extreme dieting or Fad dieting, why we are drawn to extremes. We discuss the Carnivore diet, the Vegan diet their effects, the negatives and the positives.

    Please join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group, and also please subscribe and share the podcast far and wide! This will really help us spread the word.

    Find out more about Greg Whyte:


    The Whyte Answer

    Bean Lite - The new Bespoke Exercise & nutrition App

    Bump it Up

    Achieve the Impossible

    For more info on Prof Andy Lane:

    BPS Chartered Psychologist, HCPC Registered Psychologist, Fellow of BASES

    Director of Research Excellence

    Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Health and Well-Being, University of Wolverhampton, UK, Walsall Campus, WS13BD, UK

    Twitter @Andylane27



    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    56 mins
  • S.4 Ep.4 - Extreme Eating Part 1: The Carnivore Diet, with Mark Bennett
    Aug 16 2024

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    S.4 Sp.4 - Extreme Eating Part 1: The Carnivore Diet, with Nutritional Therapist Mark Bennett.

    This week I spoke to Nutritional Therapist Mark Bennett. We spoke about extreme diets, specifically about the carnivore approach which is animal only products. We discussed its effectiveness, safety and how to implement and follow it properly. We also spoke about what happens in the body while its being followed. Mark has been on MM before, we spoke previously about Sugar, Sweeteners and Metabolic Damage (S.3 / Ep.18). We had a great chat then, and he agreed to come back on to discuss this topic with me.

    I’m very interested in nutrition generally, but especially in the extremes - from pure meat, to no meat - so I’ll be covering the vegan approach too.

    The carnivore diet is a restrictive eating plan that involves consuming only animal products, such as meat, fish, and animal-derived foods like eggs and certain dairy products. It excludes all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds. The rationale behind this diet is that humans evolved primarily as meat-eaters and that consuming animal products exclusively can provide all essential nutrients.

    Proponents of the carnivore diet claim various health benefits, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, and relief from autoimmune conditions. However, the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited and mostly anecdotal.

    Nutritionally, the carnivore diet can provide adequate protein and fats, including essential fatty acids and amino acids. However, there are concerns about potential nutrient deficiencies, such as vitamin C, fiber, and certain phytonutrients found in plant foods. Additionally, long-term adherence to the diet raises concerns about cardiovascular health due to high saturated fat intake and the potential impact on gut microbiota due to the lack of dietary fiber.

    Research on the carnivore diet is still in its early stages, and more studies are needed to fully understand its health impacts and sustainability.

    Mark Bennett

    Nutritional Therapist BSc (Hons) BA (Hons) mBANT CNHC
    Certified Gluten Practitioner
    Nutrigenetic Counsellor

    Mark is a functionally trained and qualified Nutritional Therapist, having achieved a first class honours nutritional therapy science degree. Functional medicine looks at the body as a whole and is focussed on identifying the causes of chronic disease rather than symptomatic relief. By intelligently identifying the root cause of symptoms and disease, targeted and individually tailored dietary and lifestyle interventions can be recommended to help the client achieve their health goals.

    Mark is a member of the British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT), the Complementary and Natural Health Care Council (CNHC), as well as being a registered Certified Gluten Practitioner and Nutrigenetic Counsellor.

    Mark runs a private clinic near Reading in Berkshire. Areas of specialism are cancer support, autoimmunity, chronic fatigue/ME and dementia. Mark regularly speaks at well being and lifestyle events and provides content for various online and real world publications/channels.

    Website: www.entirewellbeing.com

    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • S.4 Ep.3 - Coach Masterclass: Greg Mikolap from ICON
    Jul 17 2024

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    S.4 Ep.3 - Coach Masterclass: Greg Mikolap from ICON

    This is the second of a series of interviews of local (to me) established coaches, PTs and gym owners. Todays guest is Greg Mikolop owner of ICON in Maidenhead, Berkshire. I've known him for several years, we worked together for a few years as freelance PT's many years ago.

    Today, we dive into his training philosophy, successes, failures, some thoughts on nutrition and supplementation, and generally insights and learnings...

    You can see more about Greg here:

    ICON Gym



    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    50 mins
  • S.4 Ep.2 - Coach Masterclass: With Aaron Hopkins of PT:U
    May 12 2024

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    S.4 Ep.2 - Coach Masterclass: With Aaron Hopkins of PT:U

    This is the first of a series of interviews of local (to me) established coaches, PTs and gym owners. Todays guest is Aaron Hopkins, owner of PT:U in Crowthorne near Wokingham.

    Aarons Bio:

    Aaron Hopkins

    Aaron has a wealth of knowledge and experience ranging from sports performance to body composition with testimonials to prove his results. He has put his skills to the test from playing semi-pro rugby, running ultra marathons and competing in powerlifting.

    ​We had a great chat for just over an hour, and we covered training, nutrition, supplements and our experiences, successes and failures. We had lots in common but I don't share his hatred of spinning!

    Check out PT:U Here:


    Check out Aaron and PT:U on Facebook and Instagram too Here:



    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • S.4 Ep.1 - The Science of Pain & Pushing Through the Pain Barrier, with Dr Richard Harrison
    Feb 28 2024

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    S.4 Ep.1 - The Science of Pain & Pushing Through the Pain Barrier

    Welcome to a new season, looking forward to some great new guests and also getting some previous guests back on.

    Today i'm speaking to Dr Richard Harrison, he is a pain researcher employed at the University of Reading and affiliated with the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences (SPCLS) and Centre for Integrative Neuroscience and Neurodynamics (CINN). His research focuses predominately on pain, examining psychological processes underlying how pain is processed, as well as individual differences in the ability to modulate (or control) the experience of pain.

    As pain is a multi-faceted phenomenon, involving sensory, emotional, cognitive and affective dimensions, his research covers a wide breadth in an attempt to understand such a complex topic. Richard is a firm believer in the utility of inter-disciplinary research, especially when studying pain. Working together with colleagues across an array of skill sets helps improve the relevance and scope of his work, as well as reducing the risk of researching within an “echo chamber”.


    Today we discuss:

    What pain is, and why it is such a multi-faceted phenomenon

    He explained what means by pain being either a body- or mind-state

    Why do some people feel pain so much more acutely than others

    How can athletes can push themselves through what many mere “mortals” can’t

    Which type of athletes can handle more than others.

    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    51 mins
  • Season 3 Round Up & Season 4 Intro
    Feb 24 2024

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    This isn't an episode, just an update and review of season 3, plus a few words about the upcoming Season 4.

    15,000 downloads, so far and some great feedback, thanks all!

    I hope you find this useful and enjoyed the podcast. Watch for the next episode soon, please subscribe when you can and please leave us a rating or review. Click the link highlighted to find out more about Lee here.

    Please also join the Mature Muscle Podcast Facebook Group for the latest info.

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    6 mins