• Social Stratification
    Jun 20 2024

    This MCAT podcast covers social stratification. It begins with a definition and examples of many terms related to social stratification and inequality, including prejudice, discrimination, stereotype, stereotype threat, status (ascribed vs achieved), power (six different types to know), social capital (and other forms of capital), gentrification, and poverty. The discussion then moves on to social class and the social gradient in healthcare.

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    [00:00] Introduction

    [02:24] Terms related to social stratification

    [03:03] Defining social stratification

    [03:53] What is prejudice

    [04:57] Defining stereotype and discrimination

    [09:29] What is stereotype threat

    [13:04] Status and the six different types of power

    [21:50] Social Capital

    [23:38] Defining gentrification

    [25:07] Absolute poverty vs. relative poverty

    [27:59] Social Class

    [33:53] Social Stratification in Healthcare

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    42 mins
  • Classic Psychology Experiments
    Mar 4 2025
    In this episode, we delve into classic psychology experiments –relevant to the Psych/Soc section of the MCAT.
    We cover a range of significant studies, including Pavlov’s Dog, Harlow’s Monkey Study, Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment, the Skinner Box Experiment, Asch’s Conformity (Line) Experiment, the Milgram Experiment, Watson’s Little Albert Experiment, Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study, and Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study. Additionally, we touch on rapid-fire cases like Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment, the Kitty Genovese case, and Phineas Gage’s story.

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    [00:00] Introduction

    [02:37] Pavlov’s Dog Experiment

    [07:40] Harlow’s Monkey Study

    [12:05] Albert’s Bobo Doll Experiment

    [15:41] The Skinner Box Experiment
    [24:12] Asch Conformity (Line) Experiment
    [28:16] The Milgram Experiment
    [36:01] Watson’s Little Albert Experiment
    [39:10] Sherif’s Robbers Cave Study
    [43:17] Seligman’s Learned Helplessness Dog Study
    [46:14] Zimbardo’s Prison Experiment
    [48:39] The Kitty Genovese case
    [49:47] Phineas Gage’s story

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    52 mins
  • The Cell Cycle
    Feb 27 2025
    In this episode, we explore the different phases of the cell cycle: Interphase (G1, S, G2) and the M phase (mitosis). Next, we discuss the regulation of the cell cycle and the key checkpoints that ensure its proper progression. Finally, we touch on how dysfunction in the cell cycle can lead to diseases, particularly cancer. This material is likely to appear in the Bio/Biochem section of the MCAT.

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    [00:00] Introduction

    [02:06] Overview of the cell cycle

    [02:38] Two main phases of the cell cycle

    [04:11] Interphase

    [12:43] Mitotic phase

    [18:20] Regulation of the cell cycle

    [27:09] Relevant examples of the cell cycle and disease

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    34 mins
  • Isomers
    Feb 25 2025
    In this episode, we delve into three common types of isomers that you are likely to encounter on the MCAT: structural isomers, geometric isomers, and stereoisomers.
    We start by defining each type of isomer, providing clear and concise explanations to ensure a solid understanding. Next, we present common examples of each isomer type to illustrate their unique characteristics. Finally, we discuss real-world applications and scenarios where these isomers are relevant, particularly in the context of the MCAT. This material will appear in the Physical Chemistry section of the MCAT and may also be found in the Biochemistry section.

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    [00:00] Introduction

    [02:06] Structural isomers

    [06:03] Geometric isomers

    [15:50] Three different kinds of stereoisomers

    [16:30] Enantiomers

    [17:44] Diastereomers

    [18:46] Conformational isomers

    [22:06] Key terms regarding stereoisomers

    [26:54] Difference between absolute and relative configurations of stereoisomers

    [28:22] Interesting example of stereoisomers in different sugars

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    32 mins
  • Emotion and Motivation
    Feb 20 2025

    In this episode, we cover motivation and emotion–key concepts that will show up in the Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior section of the MCAT.

    We start with the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. We then go into various theories including evolutionary, arousal, drive-reduction, incentive, three needs theory, Maslow’s hierarchy, and the correlation between harmful behaviors like addiction and motivation.

    Lastly we get into emotion, covering its three components, the relationship between emotion and the brain, and an array of theories including evolutionary, James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter-Singer, Lazarus, and facial feedback theories. Additionally, we discuss the influence of culture on emotion and delves into emotional disorders.

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    Jump Into the Conversation:

    [00:00] Introducing MCAT Basics

    [02:09] Defining Motivation

    [03:00] The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

    [04:30] Theories of Motivation - Evolutionary, Arousal, Drive-reduction, Incentive, Three Needs and Maslow’s Hierarchy,

    [19:30] The correlation between harmful behaviors like addiction and motivation.

    [26:07] Defining emotion

    [27:50] The psychological, cognitive, and behavioral components of emotion

    [31:11] The theories of emotion - evolutionary perspective of emotion, James Lang theory, the Cannon Barr theory, and the Schachter Singer theory.

    [41:09] The facial feedback theory

    [46:28] Emotional disorders that you're most likely to see on the MCAT- depressive disorders anxiety based disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bipolar disorders.

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    58 mins
  • Cardiovascular System + Fluids
    Feb 18 2025

    In this episode, we focus on the cardiovascular system and its connection to fluid mechanics. Beginning with an exploration of cardiovascular anatomy, the discussion covers various aspects of the heart: its function, contraction mechanism, the diverse cell types found within it, and its essential role in regulating blood pressure.

    Finally, in the latter part of the episode, several fluid mechanics topics pertinent to the MCAT and their application to the cardiovascular system are addressed. These include total peripheral resistance, viscosity, the continuity equation, and the Bernoulli equation, offering insights into their relevance in understanding cardiovascular dynamics.

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    [00:00] Intro

    [02:32] Circulatory system overview

    [08:48] Blood's journey from the heart through systematic circulation

    [11:49] The reason the heart needs one-way valves

    [15:14] The path of blood flow through the body

    [16:52] Function of the heart

    [22:21] QRS complex

    [24:24] Cells that make up the heart

    [28:33] Hormonal control of blood pressure and its relationship to the heart

    [40:39] Application of physics fluids to cardiovascular system

    [43:31] Peripheral resistance

    [48:38] Viscosity

    [51:54] Continuity equation

    [55:02] Bernoulli equation

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    59 mins
  • Translational Motion
    Feb 13 2025

    This podcast addresses translational motion. First, vectors are covered. Then, the variables of acceleration, velocity, and position are discussed. Next, the host discusses the relationship between those three variables. Finally, it covers free fall, projectile motion, air resistance, and friction.

    The example link for this segment is provided here: Geogebra Example

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    [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach

    [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics

    [01:06] Topics covered in this episode

    [01:57] What is translational motion

    [04:08] Vectors

    [14:21] Velocity, acceleration, and position/displacement

    [20:08] The relationship between acceleration, velocity, and position

    [34:53] Free fall and projectile motion

    [44:40] The four equations to know for projectile motion

    [47:20] Air resistance and friction

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    52 mins
  • Cell Organelles
    Feb 11 2025

    This podcast explores cell organelles, organized into five categories: organelles found in all cells, eukaryotic cells, plant and bacterial cells, human and bacterial cells, human cells only, and plant cells only. The organelles discussed include ribosomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, peroxisome, proteasome, nucleus, nucleolus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome, cell wall, flagella, mitochondria, melanosome, and chloroplasts.

    Visit MedSchoolCoach.com for more help with the MCAT.

    Jump into the conversation:

    [00:00] MCAT Tutoring from MedSchoolCoach

    [00:34] Welcome to MCAT Basics

    [01:06] Topics covered in this episode

    [01:59] Definition of “Cell Organelles”

    [03:59] Organelles found in all cells - ribosomes, vacuoles, cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, peroxisome, proteasome

    [22:42] Organelles that show up in eukaryotes only - nucleus, nucleolus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosome

    [40:03] Orgnalles shared by plants and bacteria - cell wall and flagella

    [46:40] Organelles found in human cells only - mitochondria, melanosome, and chloroplasts

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    56 mins