• Episode 173: Daniel 11:21-35 The Detailed Portrait of an Antichrist
    Jan 30 2025

    All of the precision in how the prophecies play out point to the precise nature of God’s knowledge and control over the events which are yet to come to pass. We can trust a God who has a plan and is bringing all He plans to pass. All of history centers on the promise of the coming man who will crush the serpents head. The man who will establish a kingdom which will never end. The man who is not only the Messiah but also God’s only beloved Son. We continue to work through this really precise prophetic declaration by the angel of the Lord. We don’t serve a God who only has the big picture in mind. He is not just fixed on the big points of history. He knows all the details and all of those details work together to exalt the person and work of Jesus for eternity. This means our hope rests not in blind faith or not yet fulfilled promises. Our faith rests in our faithful God who sent His only begotten Son to be our substitutionary sacrifice. He paid the penalty for our specific sins so we would never have to pay that penalty. He died in our place so we would never have to die the second death. He lived a righteous and holy life so we could be made righteous and holy in God’s sight. All of history is truly His Story.

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode 172: Worship: What we are required to know in order to worship (Part 5)
    Jan 28 2025

    We will continue to look at an additional fundamental aspects of God’s nature. As worshippers these things help us to worship Him properly. Isaiah was prophet who had ministered during the time of king Uzziah. Notice how the opening verse here takes place in the year king Uzziah died. Uzziah was mourned by the people as a great king even though toward the end of his reign he had become prideful and ultimately died of leprosy for his prideful acts. Given the context of king Uzziah’s death Isaiah going to the temple was probably to seek comfort and wisdom in a time of national and personal grief. Instead of comfort Isaiah has a life altering vision.
    The vision begins in verse one with I saw the Lord. The word translated as Lord is the word Adonai and it is used to refer to a sovereign or king. The picture this is painting is the king is dead but Isaiah is confronted with the fact there is still a king on the throne. The ultimate king of Israel has not stopped being king. He is sitting on a throne which is high and lifted up.

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    55 mins
  • Episode 171: Daniel 11:1-20 God Knows Everything Everywhere All The Time
    Jan 14 2025

    We worked through the first part of Daniel 11. It seems very much like an interesting prophetic passage with lots of what appears to be generic odd indecipherable references. Yet as the angel declares these things and we look in history at what took place it becomes really clear the angel of the Lord was declaring for Daniel things which quite literally came to pass. On top of this the things which happened all happened in sequential order following the order laid out by the angel. There are declarations in here which match up with kings daughters who were married off for potential alliances. In both cases what appeared to be a power move was either cut off by the death of the princess or the queens loyalty changed from her father to her new husband. Both of these things are clearly prophetically declared to Daniel. There is even a reference to a king who essentially does nothing significant. The section we looked at wrapped up with the story of Antiochus III. He conquered Egypt gave his daughter to the Egyptian king with hope of her extending his power of Egypt but it did not work out this way. Antiochus then began to conquer the coastlands here he encountered the growing might of Rome. Ultimately he returns to his own land where he dies not at the hands of an enemy but of an angry mob. His son arises to rule but ends up being poisoned by a man he appoints to collect tribute for Rome from the people. All of the precision in how the prophecies play out point to the precise nature of God’s knowledge and control over the events which are yet to come to pass. We can trust a God who has a plan and is bringing all He plans to pass. All of history centers on the promise of the coming man who will crush the serpents head. The man who will establish a kingdom which will never end. The man who is not only the Messiah but also God’s only beloved Son.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 170: Luke 2:25-35 Marveling at the Incarnation
    Jan 7 2025

    I want us to look at our main passage today as a starting point for exploring the what is essentially a event we should never come to feel like we completely understand. On the one hand it is simple to explain. God entered into our world and became one of us. On the other hand the implications of that statement should arrest our thoughts. Why? Because we are human. Because we can perceive our own limits. We should marvel at what God did. We know if we put too much of anything into our bodies they essentially overload and die. Too much water and you drown. Too much heat and you die of dehydration or burning. Too much cold and you freeze to death. Too much electricity and your heart seizes up and you are electrocuted. The list could go on and on but I think you get the picture. So think about what the incarnation is putting before us. God the maker of the universe. The one who called our thermonuclear sun into existence with the word of His power on the fourth day and not only our sun but every sun and and every expression of power in the universe. The God whose power was not diminished in any way by the act of creating the universe entered into the womb of a young woman and became a holy embryo. He appeared to be a normal man but He contained within Himself all the power to sustain the universe. God entered into our world and became one of us just doesn’t do justice to the magnitude of what took place. It is the greatest hero story in the history of the world and it is true! Jesus contained within His human frame more power than all the suns in all the galaxies in the universe.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 169: Daniel 10:1-21 Essential and Dependent Agents of Jesus
    Dec 31 2024

    We worked through chapter ten of Daniel which is really the first part of the section which ends in chapter twelve. In the last chapter we saw an amazing testimony to the reality of spiritual warfare. Daniel had been fasting from meat and wine and other delicacies for three weeks. He describes himself as in mourning. There is an angel which appears to Daniel and the contents of his message tell us Daniel must have been mourning over his fellow Israelites who were in captivity. The angel starts out by describing how he had been delayed by the prince of Persia for twenty-one days. Michael had come to help and this seems to be the reason this angel finally got through. The scene we see play out between this angel and Daniel sounds very much like the scene between Paul and Jesus on the road to Damascus and also has aspects of the meeting between Jesus and John at the beginning of the book of Revelation. Is this just another angel or is this the appearance of a pre-incarnate Jesus. If this is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus it tells us something of the nature of spiritual warfare. There must be great power on display in the heavens. There appears to be a recognition of authority over regions on the earth, because he talks about the prince of the kingdom of Persia and the kings of Persia withstanding him. This doesn’t mean these beings are more powerful than a pre-incarnate Jesus but it would simply mean there is a regional right they were asserting which God Himself recognized, and these beings as angels had to work through. This also tells us God will do whatever it takes to get to his own and to respond to their prayers. This angel’s appearance is majestic and magnificent. Daniel’s response is to be undone and unable to speak or respond. The angel’s touch is enough to strengthen Daniel and remove his guilt before the angel. Again these actions seem to be pointing to this being a pre-incarnate manifestation of Jesus. The angel tells Daniel he is going to tell him the message he came to deliver and then return to fight the prince of Persia and how when he goes the prince of Greece will come. I personally believe the angel speaking here is a true Christophany.

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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Episode 168: Daniel 9:20-27 Daniel’s Prayer Answered
    Dec 24 2024

    We worked through the end of chapter 9 which deals with the 70 weeks for which Daniel is prophetically famous. It is an interesting chapter with a lot of mystery surrounding the exact meaning of the text. By the time Jerome was creating commentaries around 400 AD there were already 9 different understandings about what Daniel was pointing to with his 70 weeks. There are however several things in the text which clearly point to the person and work of Jesus. These are the things which we focused on as being really relevant for our study. There are 6 things listed as being fulfilled in the 70 weeks vision.
    • To finish the transgression
    • To put an end to sin
    • To atone for iniquity
    • To bring in everlasting righteousness
    • To seal both vision and prophet
    • To anoint a most holy place
    Jesus is the only clear answer to the fulfillment of all these things. He brought an end to transgression and sin for many. He atoned for their iniquity. He brought in the dawn of everlasting righteousness. He is the culmination of the prophets and their visions. Through His death He established a new way to enter into God’s presence through the work He did on the cross. These things clearly find their fulfillment in Jesus. This is also clearly the most important thing about this chapter. If God had wanted us to be unified in our understanding of the 70 weeks He would have given us a clear interpretation like He did in the previous chapter by telling us the ram was the kings of Media and Persia and the goat was the future king of Greece. But God did not do that and because of the various understandings we should be careful about being dogmatic where we don’t have a solid foundation for doing so. Jesus fulfills the 6 items listed and that should be enough for us to be looking at the work Jesus has done and how that changes everything for us.

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    54 mins
  • Episode 167: Worship: What we are required to know in order to worship (Part 4)
    Dec 19 2024

    We will continue to look at some fundamental aspects of God’s nature because as worshippers we must know some of these things in order to be able to worship Him properly. Let’s begin by looking at what David told his son Solomon about God right after telling him God was going to use him to lead the people and build the temple. The reason David says this is important is because the Lord God searches the hearts of men and He understands all their plans and thoughts. What goes on in your mind and heart is known by God. God is with all His people at once and we can worship Him knowing that He is here with us.

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Episode 166: Daniel 9:1-19 Preparing Our Hearts to Serve the Lord
    Dec 17 2024

    We worked through the beginning of chapter 9. Most of it is a prayer recorded by Daniel. The prayer is prompted by the prophecy of Jeremiah. He had declared their exile was going to last 70 years. Daniel knew they were coming up on the time predicted and Daniel also knew the people were still not in a state of repentance. Daniel turns to God and intercedes on his own behalf and on behalf of the people. He makes confession and calls on God for mercy. He is acting as a representative of the people and in this way points forward to how Jesus stands in our place before God and bears His wrath against our sin on our behalf. He is our great High Priest and the best hope we have. Daniel demonstrates this by starting his prayer with a verse focused on adoration of God. Pointing to God’s great promise keeping nature and the way he demonstrates love to those who love Him and are His. He then goes on to ask God for show mercy for His own name sake. The point Daniel is making is how they do not deserve God’s mercy but since God made promises the reason to remain faithful to those promises rest completely in God consistency and faithfulness to His promises for His own names sake. This is something we would do well to remember. God is good to us and merciful because of Jesus not because we have somehow appeared on His radar as an especially good person. Our relationship with God is not a transaction where we do good and God blesses us. Our relationship with God exists because God was merciful to us and because God is a good Father to His children. If we could only view ourselves from the perspective of Isaiah we would declare with him how all our righteousness is as filthy rags in comparison to the righteousness of God. We would see how radically corrupt our sin has made us. How almost everything we do even the good things are tainted by pride and impure motivations. We are an extremely selfish and self centered people. This is why it is so important for us to cultivate a hope in God which rests in the finished work of Jesus alone. Having our hope in Jesus alone is difficult. For instance, when we feel like we are more qualified or equipped to enter into devotions or come to church because we have had a good day or week we are in essence reveling in our self-righteousness. Or if we feel like we cannot enter into our time of devotions or church because we have really struggled all day or week, we are again looking at our lack of self-righteousness. The reason any of us can come before God at any time is only because of the righteousness of Jesus alone. And yet that reliance on self keeps creeping into our thoughts. Our hope is in God and His faithfulness to His promises for Jesus sake and His sake alone. This does not mean we pursue sin or disregard doing good. It simply means our motivation to do good is not to merit favor but because we are coming to love Jesus more and more and because of this we desire to become more like Him. The motivation which drives our action needs to be a love for God.

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    1 hr and 1 min