
  • Ep.29 Dethroning the Queen of Heaven in Christ
    Feb 19 2025

    In today's episode, Ellen shares about her personal walk living under the demonic oppression of an entity called the Queen of Heaven and how Jesus broke her free from the influence this spirit can have on a woman's life. Pop the headphones on and listen in on a topic that may help you to break free of the Queen of Heaven's influence on your life, children and family which does not ultimately serve you in the long run.

    To learn more head on over to - ellendivineministries.com

    Checkout the Youtube video mentioned on Dethroning the Queen of Heaven here by minister Rhema Trayner for further details on this demonic entity - https://youtu.be/-AjFh9FW5DQ?si=XDYykHPZIbxh7XGM

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    48 mins
  • Ep.28 What a meth addict taught me about God's love
    Feb 18 2025

    In today's episode, Ellen shares a personal story of how she encountered God's love towards a violent and aggressive meth addict that taught her profound lessons and insight into the unconditional healing love of Christ, and how God's love is available for the saint and sinner, the persecutor and persecuted.

    Pop the headphones on and listen to this life-changing story about how God's love is available for all people.

    To learn more head on over to - ellendivineministries.com

    Yours in Christ.

    That you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? (Matthew 5:45-47)

    P.S. To learn more about Intimacy with God - Awaken to a love like no other immersion as mentioned in today's show make sure to reach out for all the details at ellen@ellendivineministries.com

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    28 mins
  • Ep.27 Do you glorify God or the demonic?
    Feb 18 2025

    In today's episode, Ellen shares the difference between living in alignment and integrity with God or living under satanic delusion and how depending on which one you live under and glorify will determine whether you live a life in fear, disharmony, addiction to the material world, glorifying your big ego or whether you live in love, peace, harmony, deep connection to God and His eternal love, being of service to others and glorifying the Creator.

    Pop the headphones on and listen to an interesting and insightful talk about breaking free of living under the lower demoniac realms and stepping into the love, truth, power and light of God where all that you seek truly dwells.

    Trust. Remember. All is well.

    To learn more head on over to - ellendivineministries.com

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    30 mins
  • Ep.26 How Jesus Set Me Free From Demonic Oppression & New Age
    Jan 13 2025

    In today's episode, Ellen shares a personal and intimate story of how Jesus delivered her from demonic oppression, satanic delusion and the New Age, witchcraft and occult practices.

    As a result, health issues, chronic panic and anxiety attacks, PTSD, fears, worries and anxieties were resolved, and the incredible love, peace, joy and freedom of God emerged in Ellen's life. Since her life was healed and transformed by Jesus, Ellen became a disciple of Jesus Christ and wishes to share her personal experience and transformation in the Lord.

    Pop the headphones on and listen to this incredible story of healing and transformation from a woman who was once lost in the New Age and then found incredible love, healing and redemption in Jesus.

    To learn more about Ellen and her walk with Christ head to - ellendivineministries.com

    To join the FREE masterclass series A Day With Jesus, and to have your own loving and personal relationship with God of the Most High in the form of Jesus, send an email to ellen@ellendivineministries.com to request access.

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    38 mins
  • Ep.25 Discerning The Voice Of God
    Dec 29 2024

    You have a direct connection to the One who created you, and you can absolutely 100% hear God's voice speaking to you. However, one of the things that we can struggle with is discerning God's voice over the noise of our own mind, the voice of others, other spirits and the enemy.

    In today's episode, I share with you how to begin discerning God's voice from the voices of others, how to test the spirits and to cast out any spirits that are not of God and not directly His love, guidance and support for you.

    My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. (John 10:27-28)

    To learn more head to - ellendivineministries.com

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    23 mins
  • Ep.24 Understanding the wrath and love of God
    Dec 12 2024

    One of the things I’ve struggled with in my new walk with God, with Jesus is when He gives me super spicy and tough verses from the Old Testament (OT) to read. For a while, I couldn’t reconcile the two different versions of God. In the OT God at times comes across as a harsh, wrathful and punishing Being and in the New Testament (NT) God comes across as a more loving, kind and compassionate Being.

    When I asked God to help me understand why the differences in personality God eventually revealed to me that God has created laws -

    The laws of love

    laws of cause and effect

    laws of liberty

    laws of free will

    And in today's episode, I share what was revealed to me in how these laws when broken or defiled have consequences which are shown in the wrath of God in the OT and when these laws are followed, particularly in the laws of love man is restored in God which is shown in the NT.

    Pop the headphones on and let's dive in to an insightful, healing and enlightening talk about understanding the wrath and love of God in the OT and NT and coming to an understanding that at the end of the day our Creator is LOVE. Unconditional love which is displayed in both the OT and NT when we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to receive His love and wisdom.

    Yours in Christ,

    Ellen xoxo

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    40 mins
  • Ep.23 Relax Into Life & God
    Nov 18 2024
    My child, relax into Me, relax into life, know that all is well, it truly is. - God- We live in a world filled with tension, fear, anxiety, animosity and uncertainty which can lead us to live far from a peaceful and relaxed life. In today's episode, Ellen shares a beautiful healing message from God on breaking free of the stress, fears and struggles of the world and simply relaxing, resting and leaning into life and God which results in more love, peace, joy, harmony and divine wellbeing to take up space. Pop your headphones on and get ready to experience the love and peace of God that prevails when we surrender, relax, trust and let go. All is well.

    Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)

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    25 mins
  • Ep.22 The Dude Called Satan. Who Is He?
    Nov 6 2024

    In today's episode, Ellen shares her personal insights and experiences into who and what Satan is, how he operates and how you ultimately have power and authority over his influence and world, and that he is not something you have to fear for he is ultimately powerless but when we are trapped in his world of delustion, ignorance and illusion Satan can feel like a very real fear and struggle.

    Pop the headphones on and learn about who and what Satan is and how to start coming out of his material worlds of bondage, fear, drama, ignorance, delusion, duality and division and into God's kingdom of love, peace, joy, truth and light.

    Yours in Christ,

    Ellen xoxo

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    39 mins