• #15 What Is a Mastermind and Why Should I Care…and You Should?
    Apr 8 2022

    Masterminds are more like a real community than any else. A well-run mastermind provides you with a group of peers that take interest in you. If the mastermind involves your business, they can provide you with support, encouragement, advice and guidance to help you succeed. There’s nothing like a knowledgeable outside team give you a hand. In this episode, Jorge speaks with Sarah Laws who met in a mastermind over a decade ago. They share there experience in mastermind and Sarah’s specialization running and promoting masterminds.

    Sarah Laws, is a serial entrepreneur, marketing nerd, and wearer of many hats. Sarah runs a boutique marketing agency (www.LawsMarketing.com), builds and manages partner programs (www.FullstackMarketing.co), herds cats entrepreneurs in masterminds (www.MartiniMastermind.com) and has recently created a mastermind directory, DexConnects.com, to fulfill her mission of connecting entrepreneurs and business owners around the world.

    Sarah was voted Keap’s Most Helpful Partner three years in a row and believes that helping others win is really a win for everyone.

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    33 mins
  • #14 How Do We Cope and Adjust When as Change Gets Thrust Upon Us?
    Mar 30 2022

    Change is inevitable. It’s the only thing we can count on, yet many of us fight and refuse to accept it.  Jorge and Gary Melling talk about change in both their personal and professional lives and polarized people can get moving into competing tribes and fiefdoms at odds with each other. How do we take on change and use it to grow in community for the greater good of ourselves, families, local and global communities?

    Gary Melling speaks the languages of Business, Technology, and Change and is a seasoned business leader and architect with deep experience in Management Consulting, Corporate Transformation & Turnarounds, and Systems Integration. Currently leading multiple start-up teams in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML). You can learn about Gary’s business at https://aiinc.cloud/ and can reach him at info@aiinc.cloud.

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    35 mins
  • #13 Tight Knit Mastermind Communities Get You Priceless Business Feedback
    Mar 23 2022

    A well-run mastermind group fosters transparent relationships between business owners. People who would otherwise not speak honestly to each other open up and willingly expose their vulnerabilities to each other. That provides the typically isolated entrepreneurs with relationships to fellow business owners who can get them valuable advice, guidance and feedback on the issues they need to solve.

    In this episode, Jorge speaks to Ben Denny. They they discuss their experience with mastermind groups or communities and how they enable members to get answers to business and even personal issues they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get.

    Ben Denny is the CMO of Memberium (memberium.com), a Utah based software company that provides membership systems for people selling online courses. Most of the time, Ben is working on executing marketing strategy for Memberium, but in his free time, he enjoys exercising, going out to new restaurants, and spending time with his daughter.

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    29 mins
  • #12 How Do You Build Community at Home with Young Children?
    Mar 16 2022

    Building a positive, nurturing home can be difficult given the day-to-day challenges we all face. Many parents, for different reasons, struggle to build what feels like a cohesive, positive community at home. This week Jorge talks with Sabrina Peron. She’s an entrepreneur, life and business coach who shares some tips for building community at home. She shares with us some practical advice she uses herself, as a divorced mother with three school-aged boys, to teach them community and the importance of service to each other.

    You can contact Sabrina Peron at www.SabrinaPeron.com. 

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    31 mins
  • #11 How Do We Make People Feel Like They Really Belong?
    Mar 9 2022

    In this episode, Jorge speaks with guest, Ricardo Gonzalez about belonging. Ricardo is the author of the soon to be released book, “To Belong or Not to Belong: Why People Want to Belong or Not.” Without belonging, people may technically be a part of your so called community and feel disconnected or even excluded. Jorge and Ricardo discuss this dynamic covering several scenarios from his book to illustrate potential issues and how to begin addressing them.


    Ricardo Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of Bilingual America. He’s the author of “Six Stages of Cultural Mastery,” “The Six Stages of Cultural Sales,” “The Twelve Hidden Truths to Learning Spanish,” and his soon to be released, “To Belong or Not to Belong, Why People Want to Belong or Not.” You can connect with Ricardo by visiting www.BilingualAmerica.com. www.CulturalMastery.com and www.RicardoGonzalez.com. You can read copy of the prologue for his book at www.CulturalMastery.com/belonging.

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    27 mins
  • #10 How Do You Recreate an In-Person Community Online?
    Mar 2 2022

    Regardless of who we are or what we do, we belong to communities. We’re typically in community with others that share a common interest.  Think music, church, flying planes, working out or kitting.  We are in community, but may be failing to tap into all it can offer. 

    This week Jorge talks with Finn McKenty. He's the Director of Operations at URM Academy teaching people how to record and mix music. You’ll hear about his success starting with, “We have successfully recreated the same kind of community that exists in person online, which isn’t easy to do.” It isn’t easy. It’s an effort to mimic what works in person using the equivalent via online tools.

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    24 mins
  • #9 Community and Sandwich Generation Homes Part 2
    Feb 23 2022

    This is a continuation of our previous episode where Jorge and his good friend and guest, Raul, discuss the legacy you leave behind to you children, their children and those farther down the chain. We all inherit a legacy. It’s the result of what the generations before us left. For some people, it’s a great legacy. For others, it’s not so great. That work to answer the question, "What does it mean to leave a great legacy and what is it you can do today to make it great?"

    Jorge and Raul discuss that from their own experiences. This not only includes what it is you leave behind, but what is it you can teach your children, who in our case are adults raising their families, so they pass along to their next generations something great you started.

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    28 mins
  • #8 Community and Sandwich Generation Homes Part 1
    Feb 16 2022

    The family community comes with inter-generational dependencies that shift over time. Babies and toddlers depend completely on their parents. Teens depend less on their parents, then adult children become independent. On the other end, you have elderly parents that begin to slow down and they depend on their children. 

    In this episode, Jorge and his good friend, Raul, talk about the family community and how the dependencies and needs shift as everyone ages, grows up and then winds down. They reflect on their role as the sandwich generation with their shift from raising kids to mentoring them to eventually depending on them. They discuss what needs to happen in the early years so the relationships stay positive and the implications on their legacy.

    Join us.

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    22 mins