• Bigfoot in Iowa (Case #3) The Lockridge Monster
    Mar 5 2025

    Part 3 - of a three part series "Bigfoot in Iowa"

    In this third case - we tell the story of a sighting that occurred in Lockridge, Iowa in the late 70's - most infamous for being dubbed "the Lockridge Monster"

    Regardless if you are a believer or a skeptic - the story still remains - and sheds more questions than answers at this point. What do you think? Is there Bigfoot in Iowa?

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    18 mins
  • Bigfoot in Iowa (Case #2) The Yellow River State Forest
    Feb 26 2025

    Case #2 of a mini series called "Bigfoot in Iowa"

    In this episode we go into stories surrounding Bigfoot in the Yellow River State Forest, Other State Forest and State Parks around Iowa.

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    25 mins
  • Bigfoot in Iowa (Case #1) The Ottosen Bigfoot Sightings of 1978
    Feb 19 2025

    Probably one of the biggest stories in Iowa Bigfoot Sighting History - is the 1978 Ottosen, Iowa Bigfoot Sightings - so much that the Des Moines Register, and several other news outlets covered the story for years!

    What makes these Bigfoot sightings so unique is the number of witnesses and stories that come together to point at something "bigger" at work behind the scenes. - Of course, there are some who vouge that it was all a hoax.

    Regardless if you are a believer or a skeptic - the story still remains - and sheds more questions than answers at this point. What do you think? Is there Bigfoot in Iowa?

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    23 mins
  • The Top Ten Paranormal Sites in Iowa
    Feb 12 2025

    In this episode we go into the top 10 Paranormal Sites in Iowa - and naturally it differs by opinion - but most of the top 10 are some of the state's more well known paranormal stories.

    **Just a quick note - I listened to this many times - and there are times when Villisca sounds like "VILLSICA" - my apologies in that - as it's just Villisca.** We have another episode coming up covering the Axe Murder House in a later episode.** and I'll make a careful consideration to make sure there isn't a different sound in the pronunciation.

    How about some areas NOT mentioned in this episode? I would love to hear it. Thanks for listening.

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    25 mins
  • Welcome to Iowa Shadow Files
    Feb 8 2025

    Welcome to Iowa Shadow Files - the beginning -

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    12 mins