
  • 2 Timothy 1:15-18
    Feb 9 2025


    Dr. Daniel Eng


    A Ministry of Refreshment.


    1. Why did you choose this passage as your sermon text?
    2. Do you think that those who turned away from/deserted Paul refer to their abandoning him when he was in prison/standing trial (i.e. physically) or, in your judgment, does this mean that they apostatized as well?
    3. Can you say anything further on how we should understand the two mentions of 'the Lord' in verse 18?
    4. You mentioned in your sermon that Onesiphorus was possibly dead by the time that Paul wrote this letter. How would you respond to someone who claims that verse 18 is an instance of a prayer made for the dead?
    5. Was there anything else that you found in your study of this passage that didn't make it into your sermon?

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    29 mins
  • Matthew 22:15-22
    Jan 28 2025


    Live on Earth as Citizens of Heaven.

    1. Being Aware of Sin (22:15-18)
    2. Staying Loyal to God (22:19-22)


    1. I was having trouble figuring out when we should submit to authority and when we should fight against it. Later in chapter 22, Jesus gives the great commandment to love the Lord first and then to love your neighbor. Does this have anything to do with helping us figure out when to submit vs fight? Submit to authority if it allows you to continue loving the Lord and don’t if it prevents you from loving the Lord?


    1. https://www.9marks.org/article/when-should-churches-reject-governmental-guidelines-on-gathering-and-engage-in-civil-disobedience/
    2. https://www.9marks.org/article/what-authority-has-god-given-to-governments/

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    10 mins
  • Matthew 22:1-14
    Jan 15 2025


    Accept God's Invitation to be made Acceptable in Christ.

    1. God's Invitation (22:1-10)
    2. In Christ (22:11-14)


    1. Pondering over Matthew 22:14. Can you elaborate a bit on this passage? It says, “For many are called, but few are chosen”. Am I correct that many are aware, and they personally refuse God? I know, in spite of me, I believe I am chosen. Appreciate your comments.

    Quote: Augustine

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    12 mins
  • Psalm 13:1-6
    Jan 6 2025


    Long for the Lord.

    1. Amidst Sorrow (13:1-2)
    2. To Deliver (13:3-4)
    3. With Worship (13:5-6)


    1. Could you better tie in the Revelation 6 passage? It was provided with this Psalm as a parallel passage. There’s some disconnect in terms of how it applies.

    Quote: Spurgeon

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    9 mins
  • Matthew 21:33-46
    Dec 30 2024


    The Rejected One has made us the Redeemed Ones.

    1. By Patience (21:33-39)
    2. By Judgment (21:40-46)

    Quote: Jerome

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    9 mins
  • Matthew 21:23-32
    Dec 24 2024


    Belief has its challenges.

    1. Accepting the Son's Authority (21:23-27)
    2. Obeying the Father's Will (21:28-32)


    1. When Jesus said in verse 27, "neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things", he was playing their game. He was showing them that their fear of man was an insufficient response. It was almost like sarcasm. Jesus uses the words they had used, it appears, in an attempt for him to let them know that He knew exactly what they were up to. I'm sure you probably mentioned that today in some fashion but it struck me that he then pushed even further to reveal, not simply to them, but to everyone around them that their hypocrisy and shallowness would be their end. So, Accepting the Son’s Authority and Obeying the Father's Will, being your two points, I think deception and honesty were equally emphasized, low-key, as your generation might say.

    Quote: Anonymous

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    9 mins
  • Matthew 21:18-22
    Dec 16 2024


    Have faith in the Lord's power.

    1. Displayed to Us (21:18-19)
    2. Shared with Us (21:20-22)


    1. V. 21 says “… if you have faith and do not doubt, you will do what has been done to the fig tree”. Is he talking about giving us the ability to perform a miracle in general or the ability to curse people?

    Quote: Augustine

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    11 mins
  • Matthew 21:12-17
    Dec 9 2024


    Worship is what God wants.

    1. Worship by Prayer (21:12-13)
    2. Worship in Purity (21:14-15)
    3. Worship with Praise (21:16-17)


    1. Jesus becoming man establishes a connection between God and man. Why wouldn’t prayer have been sufficient for communication with and worship of God? Does that mean prayer is the communication and worship while sacrifice is the atonement in order to be able to pray?
    2. If sacrifice wasn’t an appropriate focus at the temple, when would it have been?
    3. You said the practice of sacrifice was a good practice, even at this time. Is this because Jesus hadn’t been sacrificed yet?

    Quote: Anonymous

    Submit your questions from the Sunday morning message at https://www.temple-baptist.com/to-studies.

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    17 mins