• Healing Guides 335: separating sexuality from perverisons in 3 races Asians, Europeans, and Africans
    Feb 1 2025
    3 races Asians ( Indians and Hispanics or Mexicans you are Asian), Europeans (Caucasians who call themselves American you're here in Europeans), and Africans, separating right from wrong of sexuality between them from perversions that attacks. Somalis need to stop saying they're not black or African, you're African and not Indian or Arab or Asian, stop the nonsense. article link and full description of this episode is on the Spotify episode please read there as YouTube cuts my writing, but God Almighty gave me the strength to make this episode so that article doesn't confuse you a little bit because speech is better than written sometimes, and one topic demons made forget to share is beauty in men that God Almighty will show you He loves and created same way He loves art like singing, dancing, poetry, and corruptions in religion stole that especially Islam, and my Asian race the males are doing a great job being walking beauty such as south Koreans and my job is to guide you that God taught them that and it's moral. EVIL is the part they are sadly taught to put feminine makeup and act feminine and females made to act more indecent and mature and that needs to be separated from the beauty that God will give males in products they'll be taught by God to learn to create to apply for their skin and hair and other beauty needs and it's not just for women as that's creepy and dumb as obviously both genders need beauty of hair and skin and body and that also affects appearance and effects sexuality. God will just take the out the bad parts. So don't be scared as my Asian male artists such as kpop artists whom many I love you, your music an art of singing that religion will bring back and beauty of males that you have is something good about you while other races usually are corrupted to have perverted and nasty music , but you focus on art and beauty in kpop and not dirty, and religion is proud of you Asians for thst morality you have. So religion won't take that good of art and beauty and creativity away, but it'll give it more and only fix it so demons don't mix you being gentle wonderful masculine ways with feminine traits so no one can call you weak or soft, because males are humans and created to have gentleness and your Asian race is even more so created to have a masculinity the other two races don't have of that gentleness that is so sweet and bubbly personality mixed with your strong cool aggressive sides and demons are jealous of that and want to steal that from you and other males what portion they have of this too, because it's to hurt your personality and nature that God gave you they want to destroy so they can create fake evil image of males and mush the whole gender together as if they're not distinct in 3 races and even more in ethnicity and then individuals, so they can teach you to be perverts who are predators and violent to torture the female gender because that's the lies they put in religion and any male that is normal is a threat to them and they'll call you weak or another gender of woman to try make you change your good self that God made you, and especially as Asian males who are so beautiful in their masculinity in their own way. Asians have three distinct types, Arabs, two is Hispanics and Indians, and third type are Japanese Koreans and Chinese and Vietnamese and Filipinos, etc. You're still one race, but within your distinct categories then within your own ethnicity you're so unique and I love you and it's your turn to lead religion now so know Prophet Muhammad was like you he was Asian and so am I and so is Mahdi, don't become arrogant, but be happy it's our turn now for God to choose us and we'll do great, it doesn't mean Islam or God's religion is for Arabs, nooooo, it's Asian's who're chosen lead religion now so you all same in that so don't care I'm Arab obviously as duh I can't be stretched to be all Asian ethnicities in 1 body lol right, I'm Asian so you're all me and it's our turn. So God is not unjust when evil Europeans in Jews lie by saying lie God chose them, no God created supernatual human Prophets' from all 3 races, Asians, Europeans, and Africans, now it's our turn, He doesn't pick a race or group because that's evil and He's just and religious corruptions after Asian Prophet Muhammad stole your blessings and glory as Asians from you of worshipping 1 God or monotheistic religion and I don't want you to lose it and you won't, you're wonderful people and I want you to think of this and be comfortable leaving worshipping idols and other false religions by following God's guidance in the next months before Mahdi fully arrives with scriptures for app mankind from God Almighty, you'll be great! So only evil will be taken out and not your sensitivity, your beauty, your gentleness when the correct version comes back with Last Prophet Mahdi who's Asian and they're proud of you for many advancements you made like in beauty, just leave what's weird and immoral ok? Also...
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    1 hr and 29 mins
  • Healing Guides 334: why God or Allah chose Asians now to lead religion with Mahdi/Kalki?
    Jan 31 2025

    Why Prophet Muhammad, me, and Mahdi are all Asian?

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    7 mins
  • Healing Guides 333: God or Allah wants you to help me stop this African group that took me from Turkey
    Jan 30 2025

    I need this African Somali Muslim family that took me from Turkey to be kept away from me, I also need to leave this country.

    I don't want anyone to forget that this African group who are being used by the demon in this demonic persecution program that God Almighty put me into that only Prophets' like Jesus and Muhammad were put into, keep putting witchcraft and other dark powers on me since before my birth going 31 years now and ongoing and they caused me to get hit by car probably rather than maybe satan using some other evil humans who practice witchcraft. They caused me diseases and sicknesses me and curse me to prevent me from getting jobs and live my life, and when Muslims and non-Muslims find my podcast February 2025 because God didn't allow it so far, you all need to find and imprison and make this evil Somali Muslim demonic transgressors family leave me alone and stop attacking my life any further and accusing themselves of being my family when I'm another race Asian and fully Turkish. Africans are the ones who caused me all attacks whether attacking my jobs, homes, causing me to go jail, mental hospital, hit my car, and keeping me from getting a job again since 2019, and causing me all sicknesses and diseases through witchcraft all because of envy and specifically envy of my light skin color because they're African, it's that simple, color and beauty is their sole reason they're jealous of me and terrorizing me that makes them go this far and every evil African demons use feels this envy and get possessed to terrorize my life. I also need to leave this country.

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    16 mins
  • Healing Guides 332: I got hit by car by demons possessing evil human
    Jan 17 2025

    God Almighty let demons hit me literally this time because the demonic persecution is about to end asap and it's His way to show mankind who I am. I have pain afterwards in my left side of the body they hit me using a large truck and my kidney left hurts, so they want me to go to hospitals so they can try to set me up for accusing me of mental illness like they accused Prophets' like Muhammad and Jesus and prior Prophets when God blinds mankind of who they and me are, they want to accuse me of mental illness sneakily to protect their crimes they do through many strangers who don't know each other so no one knows I'm being followed by demons possessing evil humans, so I didn't to a hospital because I felt fine but also because of this and I'll go another time and I'm protected so it's fine. I post this an hour after it on January 17, 2025 at 510pm around this is when I got hit.

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    38 mins
  • Healing Guides331:2025+end world explained(fog, disease, fire,storms, flood,dead presidents,Simpsons
    Jan 17 2025
    Read full description please on Spotify as it won't fit on YouTube. Check out YouTube channels called devine word, unsealed message, spiritual messengers, and use this url link to a video as example of Simpsons predictions for 2025 and some are from the past and future you can find online that are happening and it's not from God, some from Christianity and Islam signs, it's from demons' plans before last Prophet Mahdi arrives and some after their arrival and Jesus arrival. I tell you how God uses me to help. https://youtu.be/u4ADzVIiPIQ?si=UF2K4pKBOtS7WhEvThis video shows people saw stuff similar to ufo or large flying transportation modes in the sky people think are drones and some similar to alien saucers; https://youtu.be/7JCcS60cIsY?si=5Gj8YR2LAVh7HRgR * Fog caused by possessed humans usually mentally ill homeless lighting fireworks causing fire and some without fireworks to cause fire, smoke without fire, leading to constant ambulances everywhere, evil homeless and others who are evil doing it in bushes since they live there, this is why demons don't let humans create good homeless shelters and make evil rules so homeless good people who are not mentally ill and homeless mentally ill feel forced to use bushes as sleeping grounds and the evil homeless will cause fire and hurt animals and pests easily now, (don't accuse all homeless as some good people lose jobs) then turns to fog in long areas, and others from buildings like apartments having constant intentional fires caused leading to smoke and fog in the whole neighborhood and if many do it same time= leads to fog covering a city or state, etc. These humans are usually possessed to be gang stalkers without knowing each other and governments will finally stop calling victims of gang stalking mentally ill when they tell you large numbers of humans stalk them to do the same harassing behaviors like this wherever they go, usually covert to get away with it, gang stalkers don't know each other, their demons are using them at the same time. I guess I'm back to guide you on these events being predicted on social media and in scriptures Bible and Qur'an, sigh....I wish I was done with the podcast, but let's go till February when I know I probably will be done posting because new supernatural positive change happen for me then. Three I didn't get mention is demons possessing evil humans to pretend to be employees when not to try push you out of businesses using witchcraft send you fear or lie and you leave or get kicked out such as wearing neck badges, loud key chains, pests pretending to be dead everywhere, how weird stuff you see in the sky are probably spiritual transportation modes used by demons (like aliens because that's misinterpretation of demons who came to earth before who will again at time Prophets are here), who will later physically come to earth and now they're watching and preparing their attacks, some of these spiritual and physical attacks will focus on farms and crops to cause famine because people mentioned in 1970s-1990s they saw what seems like UFO in sky hovering over farms and now I can connect it to this goal of causing famine that even Bible I think talked about how it may happen through this method and through other evil methods of evil human actions of crime. I talk about other ways demons plan to cause famine too. You don't have to be afraid because Prophet Mahdi will be here by then to stop them since Prophets are supernatual and then Jesus will return. Some are just drones to cause physical attacks like send weapons down to hurt this earth or poison some places or species like animals and pests and some just to stalk and watch the creation of God Almighty. Next 6 months you'll see so much chaos and suffering before Last Prophet Mahdi arrives August 2025, some I mentioned are signs end world in past episodes and some new I mention here, and some are not from me, but from demons using evil humans who're putting this information out on YouTube because they're the agenda of demons so check out channels I mentioned below on YouTube, and other evils agendas of demons are put on Simpsons show such as telling you presidents and others will die, for both these signs of bad stuff upcoming , this episode is me explaining HOW they will happen too and protect you from traps within those channels and shows and from these bad events since demons are telling those humans that info because it's the plans of demons and not from God Almighty's punishments. Some I mentioned in past episodes like fires caused by possessed evil humans always causing fire and ambulance around me only as demonic persecution I see as God telling me it's going to become global acts and now it'll lead to constant fire alarms being pulled, some fake some real, in buildings and some will be bigger in forests, and it can be connected to the wildfires in California by human action and it's NOT God's judgement. Then, I talk about other upcoming evil plans of demons ...
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    52 mins
  • Healing Guides 330: last episode & message, listen before start podcast from #70 at least
    Jan 6 2025
    How to pray easy way and protect self from demonic voice or influence pretending to be from God or Allah? 1. Be careful also with hearing deep voice saying, "pray" or other nice words, pretending to be from God or Allah, it can be sent to you whether you're possessed or not, solution is as long as it's forcing you against your will and you weren't going to do that and it doesn't fit the situation such as someone immediately harassing you that moment or your gut feels scared to do what voice says, and it has heavy energy around it and it seems forceful and the voice is making it obvious you'll be punished or sinner or bad person if you don't do what it says = it's demon's voice and not God's voice, rebuke it or attack demon in prayer that moment. Another hint is it's in your heart and not conscious, it's hitting your heart with fear like emotion as if you're being commanded, but God is gentle and guides us using logic and when we want to and it makes sense to do something or prey for others or self, and God doesn't tell us what to do like that quick and haste way against your will or in a way your gut and mind feel it can't be Him. 2. If you think you ever accidentally obeyed voice of demons thinking it's from God sending that, solution is easy as God or Allah taught me, say, Oh my Lord, if we've ever obeyed or done or said anything due to demons telling us, we revoke them all right now ever since before my birth including praying for others when they told me, spiritually and physically and every other way other than spiritually and physically, for me and........(others or bloodlines you want to include, including mankind and all species you can join me in praying for so we help each other) ever since before Adam and Eve till day of judgement or end of world, in your great Name God Almighty, with no retaliation of any kind possible, sealed in your great name God Almighty." I sometimes say, retaliation, resistance, delayment, but God won't burden you and retaliation means all this, so use this word because they retaliate everytime we pray and they know when people pray, but they don't know your thoughts and feelings, so seal it in God's name so prayer gets closed and can't be open for attack, but God is All-Merciful and All-Just and just because you don't know this doesn't mean He doesn't answer you, but this is religious wisdom and sometimes cause of delay in prayers, so use it. Quick words I learned on my own is, "Erased, in God's name!" Or usual one from Bible of, "I send you back with no retaliation possible in God's name!", "I rebuke you in God's name!" BUT then seal prayer so they don't retaliate, Say, "sealed permanent or forever in God's name." Then ask God to accept prayer literally, "Oh Lord, with your permission, we receive the this prayer in that perfect level of sealed in your great name." ( I first asked God Almighty to accept all my prayers at highest level of sealed which means unbreakable and nothing required or needed because everything is applied by Him that a prayer needs in order for it to be just perfect, and I ask if He can accept this, and I wait to feel His acceptance as I wait and go silent and when I know He said yes because of pure light of mercy coming over me, then I say thank you my Lord as I agree it has been accepted and now I always pray whatever good I want, then I always end it with, "oh Lord, I seal this prayer in your Great Name, can this prayer be fixed and can I receive it at that perfect level of sealed in your Great Name?" Then I wait, then I say, thank you my Lord, we receive it at that perfect level of sealed in your Great Name God Almighty." This is excellent way to pray that's easy that God or Allah taught me, try it. That's it you're done, say along those words, I advise skipping amen because it's possible it's part of religious corruptions, but I do this for now, I seal the prayer in God's name and I agree I already received it as that's way honor and worship God Almighty as if He already helped you because you're implying He's All-Merciful, and I say "thank you my Lord I receive it, sealed in your great name." It's done, it has done wonders for me,thanks to basics of praying from Bible that Allah, same God of Qur'an, taught me to learn from the uncorrupted parts of Bible, and Qur'an helps with who God is and other parts, but its corruption took away proper prayers against demons. 3. Always before sleep at night and when during the day or when feel attacked in life or spiritually, keep breaking agreements and fake agreements. Fake agreements are ones you didn't agree with consciously, but they force it on you as if you did such as intrusive thoughts and gangstalking mental torture so they lose power over you. Say, "I break all agreements I need to break known or unknown ever since Adam and Eve for me and....( my bloodlines and whomever else such as spouse and their bloodlines) in God's name, sealed in God's name." Also include "agreements with ...
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    12 mins
  • Healing Guides 329: how to understand this podcast from God and not fail this test before Mahdi and Jesus
    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Healing Guides 328: you're created like kids compared to me and Prophets' are like parents Adam/Eve
    Jan 6 2025

    too tired to write a description 👋

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    35 mins