• Kingdom (Part 6): From Exodus to Exile
    Dec 27 2024

    Episode Title: From Exodus to Exile: The Rejection of Yahweh’s Kingship

    Main Questions Explored:

    • What does it mean to reject the authority of the King of kings?
    • How did Israel’s rebellion against Yahweh impact His mission for His Kingdom?
    • What were the consequences of rejecting Yahweh’s kingship?
    • How does Yahweh demonstrate His faithfulness despite Israel’s failure?

    Key Themes:

    1. Yahweh’s Sovereignty: From the construction of the tabernacle to the establishment of Israel as a kingdom, Yahweh’s intention was to dwell among His people as their sovereign King.
    2. Rebellion Against the King: Despite Yahweh’s guidance, Israel repeatedly rejected His authority—fearing the Promised Land, demanding a human king, and falling into idolatry.
    3. Consequences of Disobedience: Rebellion led to division, exile, and the eventual loss of Israel’s kingdom, underscoring the cost of rejecting Yahweh’s rule.
    4. Faithfulness in the Face of Failure: Even as Israel faltered, Yahweh remained steadfast, using their failures to prepare for the ultimate establishment of His Kingdom through Yeshua.
    5. Lessons for Believers: We are called to remain faithful and obedient in the roles Yahweh gives us, trusting Him to exercise His sovereignty over rulers, nations, and systems.

    Takeaway Message:
    Yahweh’s Kingdom prevails despite human rebellion. As citizens of His Kingdom, we must faithfully serve Him, knowing His plans are unstoppable, His rule unshakable, and His dominion eternal.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Kingdom (Part 5) Kingdom Foundations: From Abraham to Exodus
    Dec 20 2024


    • Recap: Last episode, we discussed the origins of Yahweh’s kingdom in Eden, where He established humanity as His image-bearers to rule and steward creation under His authority.
    • The rebellion of Adam and Eve fractured this relationship, disrupting Yahweh’s kingdom order and hindering His mission to fill the earth with His glory.
    • Today’s episode: We explore how Yahweh’s covenant with Abraham and the story of the Exodus lay foundational pillars for His kingdom restoration on earth.

    Key Themes from Eden to Abraham

    1. The Spread of Rebellion:
      • Cain murders Abel, illustrating sin’s escalation (Genesis 4).
      • Humanity’s wickedness culminates in the flood (Genesis 6:5–7), but Yahweh preserves Noah and reaffirms His kingdom mission through covenant.
    2. The Tower of Babel:
      • Humanity defies Yahweh’s kingship, seeking to build their own kingdom (Genesis 11).
      • Yahweh scatters them, ensuring His sovereign plan moves forward.
    3. Yahweh’s Call to Abram (Genesis 12:1–3):
      • Yahweh establishes a covenant with Abram, marking a turning point in His kingdom mission.
      • The covenant includes promises of a land, a great nation, and blessings for all nations through Abram’s descendants.
      • Key idea: Abraham’s obedience signifies a realignment with Yahweh’s divine authority.

    Foundations of Yahweh’s Kingdom Plan

    1. Yahweh’s Kingship Over Abraham:
      • Divine command: Abram is called to leave his homeland and align with Yahweh’s purpose.
      • Authority over land: Yahweh, as King, promises the land of Canaan to Abram and his descendants.
      • Covenant relationship: Yahweh initiates a binding agreement, offering protection and blessings in exchange for loyalty.
    2. Mission and Purpose:
      • Abram’s descendants are chosen to reflect Yahweh’s character and extend His blessings to all nations.
      • This covenant lays the groundwork for Israel’s role as a “kingdom of priests.”

    Transition to the Exodus

    1. From Abraham to Egypt:
      • Abraham’s descendants multiply, forming the tribes of Israel.
      • A famine brings them to Egypt, where they eventually fall under Pharaoh’s oppressive rule.
      • Yahweh’s covenant faithfulness drives His plan to deliver Israel and establish them as His kingdom people.
    2. The Clash of Kingdoms:
      • Pharaoh’s dominion represents rebellion against Yahweh’s sovereignty.
      • Yahweh’s deliverance of Israel demonstrates His unmatched power and reasserts His kingship over His people.

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    1 hr and 25 mins
  • Kingdom (Part 4) Earth: God's Kingdom Expansion
    Dec 13 2024

    Podcast Notes: Chapter 4 – Earth: The Kingdom's Expansion

    Episode Title: "Eden: Yahweh’s Kingdom Expansion"


    • Main Idea: Earth was always intended to be humanity’s domain under Yahweh’s sovereign rule.
    • Scriptural Foundation:
      • Psalm 115:16: “The heavens are Yahweh’s heavens, but the earth He has given to the children of man.”
    • Key Themes:
      • Humanity’s role as stewards and co-rulers.
      • The divine design for humanity to reflect Yahweh’s glory through governance, dominion, and obedience.
      • How this foundation sets the stage for Yahweh’s redemptive mission after the Fall.

    Key Discussion Points

    1. Creation and the Delegation of Authority
      • Genesis 1:26: Humanity was made in Yahweh’s image to reflect His character and govern creation as His representatives.
      • Humanity’s role: To live out their identity as image-bearers by exercising dominion over the earth.
    2. Yeshua’s Teaching on Image-Bearing
      • Mark 12:13–17: The interaction about Caesar’s coin reveals a deeper truth—humanity belongs to Yahweh because we bear His image.
      • Takeaway: To “give to God what is God’s” means living in alignment with our created purpose to reflect His glory.
    3. Dominion and the Role of Co-Rulers
      • Genesis 1:26: The term "dominion" reflects humanity’s royal authority under Yahweh’s ultimate kingship.
      • Example: Nebuchadnezzar’s acknowledgment of Yahweh as “King of kings” (Daniel 2:46–47).
    4. Submission to Yahweh’s Supreme Authority
      • Luke 14:31–32: Yeshua uses the analogy of two kings to emphasize the necessity of surrendering to Yahweh, the greater King.
      • Application: Dominion requires alignment with Yahweh’s will.
    5. Human Responsibility in the Kingdom
      • Genesis 2:15: Humanity was tasked with working and keeping the garden.
      • Work as worship: Obedience and stewardship are acts of devotion to Yahweh.
      • Biblical examples of partnership:
        • Moses parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14:15–16).
        • Elijah praying for rain (1 Kings 18:41–45).
    6. Rebellion and the Fall
      • Genesis 3: Adam and Eve’s disobedience was more than eating forbidden fruit—it was treason against Yahweh’s rule.
      • Consequences: Loss of domain (Eden), dominion (authority), mission (multiplying Yahweh’s glory), and citizenship (intimacy with Yahweh).
    7. The Cost of Rebellion
      • Examples of the fallout:
        • Creation now resists humanity’s dominion (Genesis 3:17–19).
        • Humanity struggles with addiction, misuse of resources, and the consequences of sin.
        • The ripple effect of rebellion affects all creation and future generations (Romans 5:12).

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Kingdom (Part 3): What is a Kingdom?
    Dec 6 2024

    Have you ever thought about what a kingdom truly is? In today’s world of democracies, elected officials, and modern governance, the idea of a kingdom—complete with a sovereign ruler who holds absolute authority—can feel distant, even irrelevant. Yet, understanding the concept of a kingdom is essential to unlocking one of the Bible’s most profound truths: Yahweh’s Kingdom.

    In this episode, we’ll explore what it means to live under the rule of a true King, how the Kingdom of God differs from earthly kingdoms, and why this ancient concept remains central to our lives today. We'll uncover key questions like:

    • What does it mean for Yahweh to be King?
    • How does His Kingdom operate?
    • What role do we, as His people, play in this divine order?

    Get ready to dive into the heart of what it means to say, "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." By the end of this episode, you’ll see how the Kingdom of God is not just a theological concept but a reality that shapes every aspect of life for believers.

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Kingdom (Part 2): 6 Misconceptions about the gospel in the gospels
    Nov 29 2024

    Main Points Covered

    1. Misconception 1: The Gospels Are About "Going to Heaven"
      • Many interpret the Gospels as a guide to securing a place in heaven after death.
      • Correction: The focus is not on "going to heaven" but on heaven coming to earth.
      • Scriptural Insights:
        • Matthew 6:9-10: Yeshua teaches us to pray, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
        • The Kingdom of Heaven refers to God’s rule extending from heaven to earth, not our departure from earth to heaven.
    2. Misconception 2: Eternal Life Means Endless Existence
      • Eternal life is often misunderstood as living forever in bliss.
      • Correction: The phrase "eternal life" (zoe aionios) refers to the quality of divine life in union with Yahweh, beginning now and extending into eternity.
      • Key Texts:
        • John 3:16: Eternal life is defined as life in the age to come.
        • John 17:3: "This is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Yeshua Christ whom You have sent."
    3. Misconception 3: The Sermon on the Mount Is a Moral Guide
      • Yeshua’s teachings are often reduced to moral principles or ethical guidelines.
      • Correction: Yeshua announces the arrival of a new reality—the Kingdom of God—and calls for a transformed way of life to align with it.
      • Scriptural Insights:
        • Mark 1:15: "The Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel."
        • Matthew 7:28-29: His teachings astonished listeners because of His authority, not just His wisdom.
    4. Misconception 4: Yeshua as a Moral Exemplar Only
      • Yeshua’s role is often limited to being a moral example for humanity.
      • Correction: The Gospels emphasize His identity as the Messiah and His mission to fulfill Yahweh’s covenant promises.
      • Scriptural Insights:
        • Isaiah 53:5: He bore humanity’s sins to bring peace and healing.
        • John 1:29: "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
    5. Misconception 5: The Gospels Prove Yeshua’s Divinity
      • Some argue the Gospels’ purpose is to prove Yeshua is divine.
      • Correction: The Gospels focus on how Yahweh works through Yeshua to fulfill His Kingdom plan.
      • Key Texts:
        • John 20:30-31: These were written so readers may believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, the Son of God.
        • Psalm 2:6-9: Yahweh appoints His King to rule the nations.
    6. Misconception 6: The Kingdom of God Is a Future Reality
      • Many view the Kingdom as something to come in the distant future.
      • Correction: Yeshua inaugurated the Kingdom, and it’s already breaking into the present age.
      • Scriptural Insights:
        • Luke 5:37-38: New wine requires fresh wineskins—Yeshua’s Kingdom requires a new way of thinking.
        • Matthew 7:20: Righteousness in the Kingdom surpasses the old systems.

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    49 mins
  • Kingdom (Part 1): Why Study the kingdom?
    Nov 22 2024

    Podcast Notes: Part 1 - Why Study the Kingdom of God?

    Episode Title: Rediscovering the Kingdom of God: Why It Matters More Than You Think

    Overview: In this episode, we dive into the foundational message of Yeshua’s ministry: the Kingdom of God. Though it is mentioned over 120 times in the Gospels and was central to everything Yeshua taught, it is one of the least understood and least taught concepts in modern faith discussions. Why is that? And how does this misunderstanding affect how we live as believers?

    Key Points Covered:

    1. The Emphasis on the Kingdom:
      • The Kingdom of God (or “Kingdom of Heaven” in Matthew) is mentioned more than any other topic in the Gospels.
      • Compare this to the frequency of other topics:
        • Love: 13–16 times
        • Faith: 30–40 times
        • Forgiveness: ~20 times
        • Money/Wealth: 40–50 times
        • Salvation: 10–15 times
    2. Why This Emphasis Matters:
      • Yeshua’s teachings about love, faith, forgiveness, and salvation are all framed within the larger context of the Kingdom.
      • Without understanding the Kingdom, these concepts lose their full meaning.
    3. Questions to Explore:
      • What is the Kingdom of God, and why does it matter so much to Yeshua?
      • How does misunderstanding the Kingdom affect our priorities today?
      • How can we shift our focus back to the Kingdom and realign with Yeshua’s message?
    4. A Challenge to Modern Believers:
      • Have we allowed secondary topics to become primary, overshadowing Yeshua’s focus on the Kingdom?
      • What does it mean to “seek first the Kingdom of God” in practical terms?


    • Yeshua’s command to prioritize the Kingdom of God isn’t a suggestion—it’s the key to living a life aligned with Yahweh’s purpose.
    • In the upcoming episodes, we’ll explore the Kingdom’s definition, location, implications for today, and how it shapes the lives of believers.

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    29 mins
  • Idolatry (part 6) - Entertainment (Freeing a Captive Audience)
    Nov 16 2024

    Is Entertainment Really a Big Deal?

      • How entertainment’s pervasive influence impacts our daily lives and spiritual walk.
    1. Is Entertainment a Problem for the Church?
      • Analysis of how modern entertainment trends affect Christian values and community.
    2. The Evolution of Entertainment
      • A look back at the history of entertainment and how its focus has shifted over time.
    3. How Has Entertainment Grown More Sinister?
      • Exploring the subtleties and dangers in today’s entertainment for believers.
    4. What’s the Problem with Entertainment?
    5. Guarding Against Entertainment Idols
      • Practical steps and Scripture for safeguarding your mind and heart from entertainment’s influence.
    6. Conclusion
      • The call to choose content that aligns with Yahweh’s holiness, setting aside what dilutes faith.
    7. Journal Questions
      • Reflection prompts to consider how entertainment impacts your relationship with God and your witness.

    Key Highlights:

    Is Entertainment Really That Big of a Deal?

    • Entertainment dominates modern culture, with the average American spending over 4 hours daily consuming content, and nearly 72% of households subscribing to streaming services.

    Is Entertainment a Problem for the Church?

    • Many believers are deeply engaged in the same content as the secular world, often overlooking the biblical implications of the media they consume.

    What’s Wrong with Entertainment?

    • Entertainment often distracts, gratifies, and glorifies man rather than God, subtly desensitizing believers to sin and spiritual decay.
    • We explore how entertainment’s core values conflict with a holy life dedicated to Yahweh.

    Is All Entertainment Evil?

    • Not all entertainment is harmful. There are forms of entertainment that uplift, foster community, and glorify God, like storytelling that promotes virtue, music that praises Him, and recreation that builds healthy fellowship.

    Guarding Against Entertainment Idols

    • Tips for filtering what you consume, grounded in Scriptural counsel on setting boundaries for your mind, heart, and spiritual well-being.

    Scripture References:

    • Philippians 4:8
    • Ephesians 5:11
    • Psalm 101:3

    Reflection Questions:

    1. Does the entertainment I consume bring me closer to Yahweh, or does it subtly normalize what He condemns?
    2. If an unbeliever observed my entertainment choices, would they see a life set apart for God or someone indistinguishable from the world?

    Call to Action:
    Assess your entertainment habits honestly and make a commitment to choose content that aligns with Yahweh’s holiness. Share your thoughts with the community and challenge each other to uphold a standard that reflects faith, integrity, and devotion.

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Idolatry - Money might be your idol if you answer "yes" to this...
    Oct 25 2024

    Podcast Show Notes: Idolatry and Money
    by Brandon Clayton

    Episode Title: Your God Might Be Money
    In this episode, we dive into the powerful influence money holds over our lives, exploring how the pursuit of wealth can subtly turn into idolatry. Money can provide comfort, security, and even freedom, but when does our desire for financial stability take the place of our devotion to God?

    Key Themes Discussed:

    • Two Masters: Yeshua teaches that it is impossible to serve both God and Money. We explore Matthew 6:24 and how devotion to one leads to despising the other.
    • Heart Check: Jeremiah 17:9 warns us of the deceitful nature of our hearts. How can we test where our true devotion lies?
    • Three Statements to Consider:
      1. Do I store up treasures for myself but lack richness toward God?
      2. Do I constantly desire and seek to be rich?
      3. Am I willing to give when commanded to do so?

    Through biblical principles and real-life reflections, you’ll discover where your heart truly is in relation to money and whether it has taken the place of God in your life.

    Scripture References:

    • Matthew 6:24
    • Luke 12:15-21
    • 1 Timothy 6:6-10
    • Mark 10:17-22
    • Malachi 3:8-10

    Journal Prompts:

    1. Where is my true treasure?
    2. Am I pursuing wealth at the expense of my relationship with God?
    3. Am I willing to give as Yahweh commands, even when it challenges my comfort?

    Tune in to this challenging yet vital discussion about idolatry and money, and take a moment to reflect on where your true devotion lies. Don't miss this eye-opening episode that could help you shift your focus back to God and His kingdom.

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    35 mins