Welcome to "Get UR Sh!t Together With Yana Kasperczak"
Hey Unicorn! I'm Yana Kasperczak, your Certified Professional Performance & Spiritual Awakening Core Energy Coach. This podcast is dedicated to helping women break free from mental prisons, build lives and businesses they are obsessed with!
🎙️ Todays Card Reading Episode: 🔥 The Sustainer: Breaking Free from Your Default Programming 🔥
You’ve spent your life holding it all together ..... keeping things stable, making sure everyone is okay, doing what’s expected. But what if your default programming is keeping you stuck? What if sustaining isn’t the same as thriving?
In this episode, we dive into The Sustainer archetype, the part of you that works tirelessly to maintain balance, but may also be holding you back from true expansion.
✨ Are you sustaining… or merely surviving?
✨ Is it time to rewrite your default programming?
✨ What would happen if you allowed yourself to receive, instead of just hold everything up?
Join me as we uncover what The Sustainer is really trying to teach you through the wisdom of The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck.
This reading might just be the permission slip your soul has been waiting for.
💡 Tag or send to a friend who needs to hear this & let’s explore together!
#SpiritualGrowth #Archetypes #GetURShitTogether
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