• Stages of Grief: Stage 2. Anger
    Feb 21 2025

    Welcome back to today’s episode of From Ashes to Grace. I’m still working on switching the podcast around. I’m going to begin doing market research so that I can better meet all of your needs as well as make sure that the podcast is easier to find for others. I’ve posted a link below for a google form for that. I would REALLY appreciate it if you would do that for me!

    Last week we started a 5-week series on the stages of grief. Last week we covered denial. Today, we will cover anger.

    Market research survery:


    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    10 mins
  • Stages of Grief: Stage 1. Denial
    Feb 14 2025

     Welcome back to this week's episode of From Ashes to Grace. Again, I want to thank you all for your patience as I reworked the podcast. In the next few weeks, it'll be rebranded again to be consistent with its purpose. I have an idea of a name, but it's not final yet, so I'll share it later. For the next five weeks, though, I want to do a series on the five stages of grief, each week covering a different stage.

    Those stages include denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

    Today's episode will be on denial

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    10 mins
  • Grief and Gratitude: A Love Story Through Loss
    Feb 7 2025

     Welcome back to From Ashes to Grace. I want to thank you again for your patience as I rework the podcast. I'm in the workings of deciding whether to keep the podcast title, cover art, and need to work on making all things related to it congruent across all social media and with my website.

    Ultimately, my dream for my podcast and business is To help those who are end of life to have the most fulfilling and peaceful passing they can have. To help those who are grieving to heal and find hope again. And to help those of us who are realizing our mortality to live the best life we can now, so that we can avoid having the common regrets that those at the end of life often have.

    For the next couple episodes, though, with Valentine's Day being next week, I want to focus on love. In this episode, we'll journey through uncovering love in all its forms amidst grief. Let's get to it.

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    7 mins
  • Regret After Loss: Dealing With Regret In The Grief Healing Process
    Jan 31 2025

    Welcome to this week’s episode of From Ashes to Grace. I hope this week has treated you well. As mentioned previously, I’m going to be working on shifting the podcast more toward grieving, including end-of-life, loss, and living your best life now since we all have to work toward our own transition into the next world. With this, I’m also going to work back towards an interview-based platform. I enjoyed this so much more and can not only educate but bring some real-life experience and juicy conversation into the mix. If any of you know of anyone who would be interested in being interviewed or if you would like to be interviewed yourself, please see the show notes for my contact information. I’d love to hear from you! I also appreciate your patience as these transitions take place very slowly with my busy work schedule.

    The topic of today’s episode is thanks to my amazing husband, David. He’s lost 4 family member in the last year, which has really thrown him for a loop. Anyway, he said that among all of the other struggles with grieving loss, the hardest thing for him has been the regret he has of not having spent more time with the people he’s lost. Let’s get to it.

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    20 mins
  • Living Your Best Life Despite Grief and Trauma
    Jan 24 2025

     Welcome back to From Ashes to Grace. Today, I really want to delve into living our best lives. We can do this no matter what place we're in in our lives, whether with a prior history of trauma while navigating the depths of grief or in realizing our own mortality and wanting to prevent the regrets that those at end of life often have.

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    27 mins
  • The Power of Hope and Faith to Find Joy in Your Grief and Trauma Healing Journey
    Jan 17 2025

     Welcome back to another episode of From Ashes to Grace. I hope this week's treated you well and pray that today's episode can be beneficial for you on your healing journey. Today, we're going to cover what I think is the most important and foundational aspect of truly being able to heal from your trauma and overcome the grief you feel from life experiences and losses--the power of hope and faith to find joy in your journey.

    Link to Step Inside The Circle mentioned during the show:

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    16 mins
  • Coping with Grief and Healing from Trauma in the New Year
    Jan 9 2025

    Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I want to apologize for the sabbatical from the podcast I’ve had the past couple of weeks. The holidays, a new job, and life in general swept me off my feet briefly but I’m back! Today, we’re going to talk about New Year's resolutions, The 1 Percent Rule, and how these can relate to your journey down the path of healing from trauma and grief. I can’t wait for this episode!

    As a side note, episodes are being moved to Thursdays to accommodate my new work schedule. The outro still says Tuesday but it will be Thursdays and I will work to get the outro corrected. Thank you for your patience.

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    10 mins
  • Grief Through The Holidays: Tips To Help You Through Your Grief and Healing From Your Trauma
    Dec 17 2024

    I hope you all are having a great holiday season. I do know, however that for people with history of trauma or who have lost a loved one, either to estrangement, or to death, the holidays can be very trying. For this episode, I share a favorite holiday story of mine (Teach the Children), followed by ways that you can brighten the holidays or at least cope with the difficulties of your grief. At the end, I share a song that I heard recently that really touched me. I hope this episode and our loving Heavenly Father can bring you the comfort you need during this time of year! Thank you for listening in!

    "A Shawna Edwards Christmas" 25 minutes of Christmas music videos including the song I shared, "More About Jesus." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghozS4xGzHw&t=221s&pp=ygUec2hhd25hIGVkd2FyZHMgY2hyaXN0bWFzIHNvbmdz

    Kristy's Contact Information:
    FB: www.facebook.com/groups/ldstraumahealing
    IG: www.instagram.com/kristy_ross79
    IN: www.linkedin.com/in/kristy-ross-260404177/
    Web: www.embodiedgracecoaching.com

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    28 mins