Fluent Fiction - Japanese

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Serendipity at Shion-tei: A Snowy Encounter of Dreams
    Dec 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Serendipity at Shion-tei: A Snowy Encounter of Dreams Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-20-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 雪がしんしんと降り始めた午後、薄暗い街の中で、春樹はふと立ち止まりました。En: On an afternoon when snow began to fall quietly, Haruki suddenly stopped in the dimly lit town.Ja: 彼の目の前には、古びた日本の茶屋「しおん亭」が見えました。En: In front of him, he saw an old Japanese teahouse named "Shion-tei".Ja: 温かい光が障子からもれて、彼を招き入れるようでした。En: Warm light was streaming through the shoji, as if inviting him in.Ja: 春樹は絵を描くのが好きで、静かな場所を求めていました。En: Haruki loved painting and was searching for a quiet place.Ja: 今日はクリスマスイブ。En: Today was Christmas Eve.Ja: 外は寒く、雪が積もり始めた道を渡り、茶屋へ入ることにしました。En: It was cold outside, and he decided to cross the snow-covered street and enter the teahouse.Ja: 茶屋の中は温かく、畳の香りが心を落ち着かせました。En: Inside the teahouse, it was warm, and the scent of tatami calmed him.Ja: 低い木のテーブルが並び、客は静かにお茶を嗜んでいます。En: Low wooden tables were lined up, and customers quietly enjoyed their tea.Ja: 店の主人、裕人が彼を迎えました。En: The owner, Hiroto, greeted him.Ja: 「ようこそ。温かいお茶はいかがですか?」En: "Welcome. How about some warm tea?"Ja: 春樹は頷き、窓辺の席に座りました。En: Haruki nodded and sat by the window.Ja: 雪景色を見ながらスケッチを始めます。En: While gazing at the snowy landscape, he began to sketch.Ja: その時、「その絵、素敵ですね」と誰かが声をかけてきました。En: Just then, someone said, "That drawing is lovely, isn't it?"Ja: 声の主は桜、地元のガイドでした。En: The voice belonged to Sakura, a local guide.Ja: 彼女は日本文化の案内をするのが好きで、いつか自分の旅行代理店を持つことを夢見ていました。En: She loved introducing Japanese culture and dreamed of owning her own travel agency someday.Ja: 「ありがとう」と春樹は照れくさそうに答えました。En: "Thank you," Haruki replied, a bit shyly.Ja: 普段、彼は自分の作品を見せるのが苦手でした。En: He usually wasn't comfortable showing his work.Ja: 桜は微笑み、「この茶屋、私のお気に入りなんです。特に冬の景色が一番好き」と語りました。En: Sakura smiled and said, "This teahouse is my favorite. I especially love the winter scenery here."Ja: 春樹は興味を持ち、「なぜですか?」と聞きます。En: Intrigued, Haruki asked, "Why is that?"Ja: 「ここでは時間が止まったように感じます」と桜は答えました。En: "It feels like time stands still here," Sakura answered.Ja: 「自然と文化が一体化していて、人々は一息つけるんです。」En: "Nature and culture are united, and people can take a breather."Ja: 彼女の言葉に、春樹は心を開き始めます。En: Moved by her words, Haruki began to open his heart.Ja: 彼らは雪とお茶の話から、自分たちの夢や目標について語り合いました。En: They talked not only about the snow and tea but also about their dreams and goals.Ja: 「私、いつか自分の旅行会社を開くのが夢なんです」と桜は小声で言いました。En: "One day, my dream is to open my own travel agency," Sakura said quietly.Ja: 「日本の本当の美しさをもっと多くの人に知ってもらいたい。」En: "I want more people to know the true beauty of Japan."Ja: 春樹は「いい夢ですね」と言い、自分も新しい絵のプロジェクトについて話しました。En: "That's a great dream," Haruki said, and he spoke about his own new art project.Ja: 「静かで美しい場所を描きたい、それが僕の目標です。」En: "I want to paint quiet and beautiful places; that's my goal."Ja: 彼らはお互いの夢を聞いて、共感しました。En: They shared an empathy for each other's dreams.Ja: 共に文化を大切にしたいという思いを分かち合ったのです。En: They had in common a desire to cherish culture together.Ja: 外の雪はなおも降り続けていましたが、茶屋の中の二人の間に温かい光が満ちていました。En: The snow outside continued to fall, but a warm light filled the space between the two in the teahouse.Ja: 「また、一緒にどこか行きましょう」と桜は言いました。En: "Let's go somewhere together again," Sakura said.Ja: 「もちろん」と春樹も答えました。En: "Of course," Haruki replied.Ja: 「次はどこがいいかな?」...
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    17 mins
  • Winter Warmth: Finding Strength in Kyoto's Teahouse Refuge
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Winter Warmth: Finding Strength in Kyoto's Teahouse Refuge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 京都の冬、冷たい風が街を吹き抜ける。En: In the winter of Kyoto, the cold wind sweeps through the city.Ja: しかし、小さな茶店「木の葉」の中は、温かで心地よい空間でした。En: However, inside the small teahouse, Konoha, it was a warm and pleasant space.Ja: 芳しい煎茶の香りが漂い、提灯の柔らかな光が店内を包んでいました。En: The fragrant aroma of sencha drifted through the air, and the soft glow of the lanterns enveloped the interior.Ja: 新年の準備で賑わう音が、店の外から微かに聞こえてきました。En: The faint sound of bustling Shinnen preparations could be heard from outside the store.Ja: ハルトは、仕事帰りにふらふらとこの茶店にやってきました。En: Haruto came to this teahouse, wandering in after work.Ja: 彼の頬は赤く、目も少しぼんやりしています。En: His cheeks were red, and his eyes were a little unfocused.Ja: テーブルに座ろうとして、少しフラつきました。En: As he tried to sit at a table, he staggered a bit.Ja: 彼は決して弱音を吐かない。En: He never complains.Ja: 自分の弱さを見せたくないといつも思っていました。En: He always thought he didn't want to show his weakness.Ja: しかし、今日は少し様子が違います。En: However, today, something was different.Ja: 「いらっしゃいませ、ハルトさん。」ユキがカウンターの向こうから声をかけます。En: "Welcome, Haruto," Yuki called from behind the counter.Ja: 彼女はお茶を差し出しながら、目を細めてハルトをじっと見ました。En: She offered him some tea, narrowing her eyes as she looked intently at Haruto.Ja: 「今日はお加減が良くなさそうですね。」En: "You don't seem well today."Ja: 「大丈夫だよ。少し寝不足なだけなんだ。」ハルトは笑って返しましたが、声には元気がありませんでした。En: "I'm fine. Just a little sleep-deprived," Haruto replied with a smile, but his voice lacked energy.Ja: そのとき、桜が茶店に入ってきました。En: Just then, Sakura entered the teahouse.Ja: 彼女はハルトの幼なじみで、よく彼の様子を見に来ていました。En: She was Haruto's childhood friend and often came to check on him.Ja: 桜はすぐにハルトの頬に手を当てて言います。「ハルト、顔が真っ赤だよ。En: Sakura immediately placed her hand on Haruto's cheek and said, "Your face is so red, Haruto.Ja: 熱があるんじゃない?」En: Don't you have a fever?"Ja: 「少し熱っぽかったけど、大したことないよ。En: "I felt a little feverish, but it's nothing serious.Ja: 仕事に戻らなきゃならない。」ハルトは頑固に言い返します。En: I need to get back to work," Haruto stubbornly retorted.Ja: しかし、本当は体がだるくて倒れそうでした。En: However, in truth, his body felt heavy, and he felt like he might collapse.Ja: 「無理しちゃダメよ、休んだ方がいい。」ユキが優しく言いました。En: "Don't overdo it, you should rest," Yuki said gently.Ja: 桜も「みんなで手伝うから休んで」と真剣に訴えました。En: Sakura earnestly added, "We'll all help out, so take a break."Ja: その時、ハルトの視界が暗くなりました。En: At that moment, Haruto's vision went dark.Ja: 突然力が抜け、彼は椅子から崩れ落ち、意識を失いました。En: Suddenly, his strength gave out, and he collapsed from the chair, losing consciousness.Ja: 周りの人たちは驚いて駆け寄りました。En: The people around him rushed over in surprise.Ja: 気がつくと、ハルトは茶店のソファに横たわり、桜とユキが心配そうに見下ろしていました。En: When he came to, Haruto was lying on the teahouse sofa, with Sakura and Yuki looking down at him worriedly.Ja: 「ごめん、無理してたみたいだ。」ハルトは弱々しく微笑みました。En: "Sorry, it seems I was overdoing it," Haruto weakly smiled.Ja: 「休まないと。En: "You need to rest.Ja: 元気になって戻ればいいから。」桜が言いました。En: It's okay to come back once you're feeling better," Sakura said.Ja: ユキも「大事なことは、自分を大切にすることですよ」と優しく続けました。En: Yuki gently continued, "The important thing is to take care of yourself."Ja: ハルトはその言葉に頷きました。En: Haruto nodded at those words.Ja: 仕事も大切ですが、健康と友人の大切さを忘れてはいけません。En: While work is important, one must not forget the importance of health and friends.Ja: ...
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    18 mins
  • Embracing Change: A Winter's Reunion in Kyoto's Teashop
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Embracing Change: A Winter's Reunion in Kyoto's Teashop Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 冬の京都は静かで美しい。En: Winter in Kyoto is quiet and beautiful.Ja: 雪がしんしんと降り、街の音を包み込むようにしていた。En: Snow falls silently, wrapping the city's sounds.Ja: そんな中、ある小さな茶店には暖かな光が灯っていた。En: Amidst this, a small teashop glows warmly.Ja: 入口には「吉祥茶房」の木製の看板がかざられ、訪れる人々を歓迎している。En: The wooden sign at the entrance reads ""Kissho Sabo," welcoming visitors.Ja: 店内は木の梁と紙のランタンで装飾されており、緑茶の香りが漂っている。En: Inside the shop, decorated with wooden beams and paper lanterns, the fragrance of green tea wafts through the air.Ja: まさに、外の寒さを忘れさせてくれる、心地よい空間だった。En: It is a comfortable space that truly lets you forget the cold outside.Ja: 窓からは、雪に覆われた京都の街並みが見え、新しい年が近づいていることを感じさせる。En: From the window, you can see Kyoto covered in snow, evoking a sense that the New Year is approaching.Ja: この茶店に、三人の旧友が偶然集まった。En: In this teashop, three old friends happened to gather.Ja: 春は反省的で、少しノスタルジックになっていた。En: Haru was reflective, feeling a bit nostalgic.Ja: 人生を変えたいと思いながらも、どうして良いのか分からずにいた。En: Although he wished to change his life, he was unsure how to go about it.Ja: 緑はいつも明るく、楽観的で、新しい年に向けた計画を話したくて仕方ない様子だ。En: Midori was always cheerful and optimistic, eager to talk about her plans for the new year.Ja: 武は微笑みながらも、実はキャリアについて重大な決断に悩んでいた。En: Takeshi, though smiling, was actually troubled with a significant decision about his career.Ja: 三人は温かいお茶を片手に、囲炉裏を囲んで座った。En: With a cup of warm tea in hand, the three sat around the hearth.Ja: 「この店、懐かしいね。最後に来たの、いつだったっけ?」と春が言った。En: "This shop is so nostalgic. When was the last time we came here?" Haru asked.Ja: 彼の声には少し考え込んでいるような色があった。En: His voice had a thoughtful tone.Ja: 「確か、三年前の夏だったと思うよ。それにしても、変わらないね、この雰囲気」と緑が答えた。En: "I think it was three years ago, in the summer. Even so, this atmosphere hasn't changed," Midori answered.Ja: 彼女の笑顔は、まるで店全体を照らすかのようだった。En: Her smile seemed to light up the whole shop.Ja: 武は黙って聞いていたが、ふと口を開いた。En: Takeshi, who had been listening silently, suddenly spoke.Ja: 「俺、今、転職しようか悩んでるんだ。En: "I'm currently considering changing jobs.Ja: 新しい挑戦に進むべきか、今の安定した職に留まるべきか…」En: Should I move forward with a new challenge or stay in my stable current job..."Ja: 春はその言葉に反応した。En: Haru responded to those words.Ja: 「実は、僕も最近、同じようなことで悩んでいるんだ。En: "Actually, I've been worrying about the same thing lately.Ja: 変わりたい気持ちはあるけど、何から始めていいか分からない。」En: I want to change, but I don't know where to start."Ja: 緑は真剣な表情でうなずいた。En: Midori nodded seriously.Ja: 「どんな時も、自分の心に耳を傾けることが大切だよ。En: "It's important to always listen to your own heart.Ja: 自分の本当にやりたいことって何なのか、ちゃんと考えるといい。」En: Think carefully about what you really want to do."Ja: 囲炉裏の火がぱちぱちと音を立てる中で、時間はゆっくりと流れた。En: Amid the crackling sound of the hearth, time flowed slowly.Ja: 春は、友達の言葉に励まされ、すこしずつ自分の心に変化を感じ始めた。En: Encouraged by his friends' words, Haru gradually began to feel a change in his own heart.Ja: 話が終わる頃、春は少し笑顔になった。En: At the end of the conversation, Haru had a slight smile.Ja: 「ありがとう。たぶん、一歩ずつ歩くのがいいね。En: "Thank you. Maybe taking it one step at a time is best.Ja: 今日は勇気をもらった気がする。」En: I feel like I've gained some courage today."Ja: 店を出る時、雪はまだ降り続けていたが、春の心は晴れていた。En: As they left the shop, the snow was still falling, but Haru's heart had ...
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    17 mins

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