• Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 20 Mindfulness and Resilience in South African Healthcare with Dr. Janine Kirby
    Jan 30 2025

    Today, we are joined by Dr. Janine Kirby, an integrative medical doctor, homeopath and mindfulness teacher based in East London.

    After completing her medical degree, she obtained a Diploma in Child Health, a Diploma in Obstetrics and a Masters in Family Medicine. She worked in the public sector for many years before starting her own integrative medical practice and acquiring professional qualifications in Homeopathy. She has a passion for helping her patients understand the importance of the intimate connection between the body, thoughts and emotions in healing.

    Janine enjoys teaching, having facilitated both under- and post-graduate Family Medicine training. She has been teaching the 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) with psychologist Barbara Gerber since 2010. She also co-facilitates mindfulness-informed programs for healthcare practitioners dealing with stress and burnout, and is the current Chairperson of IMISA, the Institute for Mindfulness South Africa, involved on national and international levels in promoting mindfulness programs and developing teacher training standards.

    In the conversation, Dr. Kirby shares the profound impact of her early life experiences and the environment of apartheid South Africa on her journey into medicine and mindfulness.

    We also cover:

    • How her brother's illness shaped her holistic understanding of healing
    • The challenges of integrating traditional and modern medical practices
    • Her work with the Institute for Mindfulness of South Africa (IMISA)
    • Dr. Kirby’s mindfulness programs
    • The balance between professional challenges and personal fulfillment

    She concludes by sharing her desire to expand mindfulness programs and contribute to the global mindfulness conversation and reflecting on the balance between professional challenges and personal fulfillment.



    (00:00) Introduction

    (03:31) Dr. Kirby’s Medical Journey

    (04:39) Janine's Experiences with Her Brother’s Illness

    (08:52) Traditional Healing in South Africa

    (14:19) Challenges in South African Healthcare

    (22:54) Burnout and Mindfulness in Medicine

    (26:33) Janine's Personal Journey with Mindfulness

    (38:17) Future of Mindfulness in South Africa

    (43:14) Conclusion

    Guest: Janine Kirby, MBChB

    Family Practitioner / Homeopath in private practice; Chairperson of IMISA (Institute of Mindfulness SA)

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janine-kirby-525b595a/

    Institute for Mindfulness South Africa website: https://mindfulness.org.za/

    Facebook Page, Institute for Mindfulness South Africa: https://www.facebook.com/instituteformindfulnesssouthafrica/


    Kirby JM, Milligan PD, Conradie HH, McIntosh BM. A mindful approach to physician self-care. S Afr Fam Pract (2004). 2024;66(1):e1-e4. Published 2024 Jan 30. doi:10.4102/safp.v66i1.5836

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    48 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 19 Healing the Healers: Dr. Sara Charles on Malpractice, Mental Health, and Medical Community Transformation
    Dec 30 2024

    Our guest today is Sara C. Charles, MD, a psychiatrist, and professor emerita at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. In 1976, Dr. Charles endured a six-week trial for medical malpractice in federal court which resulted in a defense verdict. The experience of the trial so profoundly affected her that she began to study the mental, emotional, and physical effects of malpractice litigation on physician defendants. Her pioneering research published in the 1980s and 90s is relied on today by physicians, clinicians, and experts in physician wellness. A prolific writer, books co-authored by Dr. Charles include Defendant, A Psychiatrist on Trial for Medical Malpractice (written with her husband, Dr. Eugene Kennedy), and Adverse Events, Stress and Litigation (written with her dear friend and attorney, the late Paul Frisch).

    Retired from active practice, Dr. Charles remains engaged in promoting the wellness of all healthcare professionals who become involved in malpractice litigation and in this conversation, she shares her journey into medicine, shaped by her upbringing in a large Irish Catholic family that valued education. Despite initial thoughts of pursuing social work, she pursued a path in biology and chemistry, ultimately finding her calling in psychiatry due to her ability to connect with patients. She recounts a pivotal event in their career when a patient sued her, sparking an interest in addressing the emotional toll of malpractice litigation on physicians. Her experiences during the lengthy malpractice proceedings highlighted the lack of support and isolation physicians face, driving her advocacy for cultural change within the medical community to better address the psychological impact of litigation. Her interest, research, and investigations about this topic led to the publications of several seminal books about the experience of physicians of being sued and the establishment of the Physician Litigation Stress Organization.

    Emphasizing the importance of peer support and cultural change within medicine, Dr. Charles advocates for a deeper appreciation of the moral and existential nature of medical work in medical education, aiming to address the emotional toll of malpractice litigation and improve physician well-being. Her varied interests and deep social connections underscore the role of community, the importance of medical work, and the cultivation of an integrated social fabric in finding flourishing in medicine and in life.

    Guest: Sara Charles, MD

    Founder, The Physician Litigation Stress Resource Center

    Website: https://physicianlitigationstress.org/


    Charles SC and Frisch PR.

    Adverse Events, Stress, and Litigation: A Physician’s Guide

    New York. Oxford University Press, 2005.

    Charles SC, Kennedy EC.

    Defendant: A Psychiatrist on Trial for Medical Malpractice New York. Random House, (Vintage Books), 1986.

    Plumb EJ. World changing. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Apr 21;162(8):594-5. doi: 10.7326/M14-2076. PMID: 25894031.

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    46 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 18 Navigating the Burdens of Medical Practice: A Journey Towards Systemic Change: A conversation with Dr. Jane Fogg of the AMA
    Nov 21 2024

    Our guest today is Dr. Jane Fogg, a physician leader and executive with broad experience leading health care delivery, focusing on primary care, systems redesign, and value-based delivery models and a Senior Physician Advisor for the division of Professional Satisfaction & Practice Sustainability at the American Medical Association. Prior to this, she was the Executive Chair of Internal Medicine Family Medicine at Atrius Health, an innovative value-based healthcare leader in Massachusetts, and a member of Optum, responsible for the care delivery and outcomes of a practice with 350 physicians and advanced practice clinicians caring for 400,000 patients. She implemented advanced primary care redesign for reliable systems that are team-based, patient-centered, innovative, and return joy to the practice of medicine. Dr. Fogg is a Lecturer at Harvard Medical School, Affiliate Faculty at the Center for Primary Care, and speaks internationally and locally on value-based care delivery, innovation in health care, physician wellbeing, and in basket reduction.

    During this conversation, Dr. Fogg recounts her interest in a medical career that was spurred by experiences as a medical assistant in oncology, where she experienced the pivotal role of relationships in healthcare. Reflecting on her over three-decade career hence, she has grown increasingly aware of systemic deficiencies in the organization of healthcare, especially in primary care, which have fueled her commitment to addressing these issues in her many leadership roles. While grappling with physician burnout and systemic challenges, Dr. Fogg advocates for fundamental changes in healthcare deliver, in particular promoting and implementing value-based care which aligns financial incentives with quality patient care. She emphasizes quite persuasively that the transition to value-based care and data-driven decision-making while optimizing clinical operations can enhance physician wellbeing as well as practice efficiency. She shares actionable strategies such as in-basket workload reduction while championing honesty, gratitude, and joy in healthcare practice and leadership.

    Guest: Jane Fogg, MD, MPH, Lecturer on Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Affiliate Faculty, Center for Primary Care, Harvard Medical School

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-f-fogg-md-mph-52a61349/


    AMA STEPS Forward® practice innovation strategies offer real-world solutions to the challenges that your practice is confronting today. Gain the tools you need to overcome barriers and restore the joy in your practice of medicine: https://www.ama-assn.org/practice-management/ama-steps-forward

    Jane Fogg, MD, MPH, and Christine Sinsky, MD: In-Basket Reduction: A Multiyear Pragmatic Approach to Lessen the Work Burden of Primary Care Physicians Published April 19, 2023, NEJM Catal Innov Care Deliv 2023;4(5)

    DOI: 10.1056/CAT.22.0438 https://catalyst.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/CAT.22.0438?download=true

    “Participant joyfully in the world…” a quote by Campbell from the book This guidance occurred in the 1991 book Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion which consisted of material selected and edited by Diane K. Osbon.

    Anthropologist Angeles Arrien re the four questions a healer would ask (YouTube video of Dr. Arrien): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUJQlVeGZzY&t=34s

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    1 hr
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 17 From Psychology to Emergency Medicine: Dr. Pat Croskerry on Cognitive Bias and Diagnostic Safety
    Oct 18 2024

    The guest today is Pat Croskerry, MD, PhD, is a professor in emergency medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Trained as an experimental psychologist, Dr. Croskerry went on to become an emergency medicine physician and found himself surprised by the relatively scant amount of attention given to cognitive errors. He has become one of the world's foremost experts in safety in emergency medicine and diagnostic errors. Dr. Croskerry is currently Director of the Critical Thinking Program within the Division of Medical Education, Dalhousie University. His interests lie primarily in clinical decision making, diagnostic failure, and the role of cognitive and affective bias in decision making. Recent work is aimed at cognitive bias mitigation.

    During this fascinating conversation, Pat shares his unique path to medicine, stemming from a background in psychology that instilled a focus on critical thinking and cognitive biases, and the discipline to study medicine, informed by his brief rowing career during which, as a member of the Canadian National Team he competed in the Olympic Games. He delves into specific biases affecting medical decision-making, such as emotional affective, anchoring, and search satisficing biases, stressing the need to mitigate these biases for accurate diagnoses. Furthermore, he explores the impact of cognitive load and decision fatigue on physician well-being, advocating for a reconsideration of critical thinking's role in modern medical practice to ensure optimal performance and professional satisfaction.

    Guest: Pat Croskerry, MD, PhD, FRCP

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pat-croskerry-199a8132/

    Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Croskerry

    NEJM Interview: https://www.nejm.org/action/showMediaPlayer?doi=10.1056%2FNEJMdo002218&aid=10.1056%2FNEJMp1303712&area=

    Other references:

    Croskerry P, Clancy M. Advancing diagnostic excellence: the cognitive challenge for medicine. BMJ. 2022 Mar 29;376:o799. doi: 10.1136/bmj.o799. PMID: 35351777.

    Olson A, Rencic J, Cosby K, Rusz D, Papa F, Croskerry P, Zierler B, Harkless G, Giuliano MA, Schoenbaum S, Colford C, Cahill M, Gerstner L, Grice GR, Graber ML. Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care. Diagnosis (Berl). 2019 Nov 26;6(4):335-341. doi: 10.1515/dx-2018-0107. PMID: 31271549.

    Croskerry P. From mindless to mindful practice--cognitive bias and clinical decision making. N Engl J Med. 2013 Jun 27;368(26):2445-8. doi: 10.1056/NEJMp1303712. PMID: 23802513.

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    54 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 16 Navigating Complex Health Systems: A Conversation with Dr. Justin Klamerus
    Sep 30 2024

    The guest today is Justin Klamerus, MD, MMM, Executive Vice-President and Chief Clinical Officer for McLaren Health, a fully integrated, nonprofit health care delivery system committed to quality, evidence-based patient care and cost efficiency. The McLaren system includes 14 hospitals in Michigan, ambulatory surgery centers, imaging centers, a 490-member employed primary and specialty care physician network, commercial and Medicaid HMOs covering approximately 700,000 lives in Michigan and Indiana. McLaren operates Michigan’s largest network of cancer centers and providers, anchored by the Karmanos Cancer Institute, one of only 51 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S. McLaren maintains academic affiliations with medical schools at Wayne State University, Michigan State University and Central Michigan University. McLaren’s GME campuses offer residencies and fellowship programs that train over 650 future physicians annually.

    A medical oncologist by training who joined McLaren in 2009, he went on to hold numerous positions at McLaren including president of McLaren Cancer Institute and principal investigator of the McLaren Center for Research and Innovation. Following the acquisition of Karmanos Cancer Institute by McLaren in 2014, Klamerus served as chief quality officer and later president of the Karmanos Cancer Hospital and Network. in 2020, he was appointed to the Public Health Advisory Commission by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and in 2022 he became Chief Clinical Officer for all of McLaren Health.

    During this conversation, Dr. Klamerus discusses his leadership in McLaren Health, highlighting the organization's dedication to its medical staff as well as to many diverse communities, while navigating financial constraints and significant public challenges such as the Flint Michigan water crisis, gun violence, and maternal health delivery issues. He shares a vision for how large and complex healthcare systems can improve workforce stability and community engagement through fostering an environment where staff receive the support needed to excel in complex patient care delivery and to address social issues. He underscores the importance of transparent, authentic, and engaged leadership, mindfulness, and personal connections, alongside emerging technologies, in driving positive changes in healthcare delivery, community health outcomes, and physician and health professional well-being. I found his candor, humor, genuineness and warmth to be comforting, helping me to better understand the connection we can all have with true leaders.

    Guest: Justin F. Klamerus, MD, MMM

    Executive Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, McLaren Healthcare

    Faculty Profile: about Dr. Klamerus- https://www.mclaren.org/main/news/mclaren-health-care-appoints-justin-f-klamerus-md-3906

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-klamerus-md-mmm-a42b293b/

    About McLaren Health: https://www.mclaren.org/

    3 Minute Meditation Session with Dr. Mick Krasner

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    46 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 15 Activism and Empathy in Medicine: Dr. Rita Charon on Narrative Competency
    Aug 17 2024

    Our guest today is Rita Charon is a general internist and literary scholar and one of the founders of the field of narrative medicine. She completed the MD at Harvard Medical School and the PhD in English at Columbia University. She is the Bernard Schoenberg Professor of Social Medicine, Professor of Medicine, and founding chair of the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons. Her research in narrative medicine has been supported by the NIH, the NEH, and many private foundations. She authored, co-authored, or co-edited four books on narrative medicine. She lectures and teaches internationally and publishes extensively in leading medical and literary journals.

    In this interview, Dr. Rita Charon discusses how early experiences with her father's medical practice inspired her to pursue a career in medicine. She also reflects on her love of literature that led to her deep dive into that field, connecting profoundly with narrative theory. This instantly enriched her medical practice by enhancing her listening skills and her ability to unearth deeper meanings in patient interactions. She highlights the importance of narrative medicine in helping health professionals cope with the emotional challenges of their work, particularly during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic, and reflects on the broader implications of narrative competency, the importance of listener trust, and the systemic challenges in healthcare that impact equitable access to care. The close reading of non-medical texts she maintains can help health professionals recognize and address structural inequities within the healthcare system. Rita emphasizes the importance of activism among clinicians and the need for providing models of activism for students of medicine while protecting clinicians from systemic pressures that erode the patient-clinician relationship. This fascinating, lively, and connecting conversation with Dr. Charon makes a compelling and inspiring call for all of us in medicine to consider a deeper literary engagement to enhance empathy and understanding in medical practice.

    Guest: Rita Charon, MD, PhD

    Bernard Schoenberg Professor of Social Medicine, Professor of Medicine, and founding chair of the Department of Medical Humanities and Ethics at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

    Faculty Page, Columbia University: https://sps.columbia.edu/faculty/rita-charon-md-phd


    Dr. Charon’s Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yI0rdQEAj8

    About Luke Fildes painting The Doctor, 1891: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doctor_(painting)

    David Rothman Strangers at the Bedside: A History of How Law and Bioethics Transformed Medical Decision https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781315130286/strangers-bedside-david-rothman

    About Henry James: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_James

    About Hans-Georg Gadamer, philosopher: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusion_of_horizons

    Emily Dickinson:

    “A word is dead when it is said…” https://www.americanpoems.com/poets/emilydickinson/a-word-is-dead/

    “Tell all the truth but tell it slant…” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/56824/tell-all-the-truth-but-tell-it-slant-1263

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    50 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 14 Building Institutional Resilience: Dr. Helen Riess on Empathy and Support in Medicine
    Jul 11 2024

    Our guest today is Helen Riess, M.D. is Chief Scientist and Chairman of Empathetics. Dr. Riess is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. In addition, Dr. Riess is the author of The Empathy Effect and a core member of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO) and faculty of the Harvard Macy Institute. Dr. Riess is a psychiatrist who developed an empathy training approach based on research in the neurobiology and physiology of empathy that has been rigorously tested in pilot studies and a randomized, controlled trial at MGH. She completed her residency and Chief Residency at MGH and Harvard Medical School. Dr. Riess has devoted her career to teaching and research in the art and science of the patient-doctor relationship. Dr. Riess received her M.D. from Boston University School of Medicine and her B.A. From Wesleyan University.

    In this conversation Dr. Riess shared the influence of her family's experiences as refugees from war-torn Europe, which sensitized her to trauma and resilience. Her interest in psychiatry began during medical school when she was drawn to understanding the mind and healing through narrative and empathy. While a small percentage of people lack the neural mechanisms for empathy, for most, empathy is a mutable trait influenced by their environment and mental state, and burnout among healthcare professionals diminishes their capacity for empathy, not because empathy is inherently harmful, but due to the overwhelming demands and flawed systems they work within. To address this, Dr. Riess speaks of the importance self-regulation and self-care skills, recognizing the human needs of healthcare workers, and creating supportive, empathetic organizational cultures. Helen discusses four pillars of what she describes as institutional resilience- supporting healthcare workers with safe environments, caring communication, community cohesion, and mental health normalization. The personal anecdotes she shared illustrate the profound impact of empathetic interactions, both professionally and personally, and the importance of meaningful connections for self-care and fulfillment, all reflections of her infectious passion and inspiration as well as her deep humanity.

    Guest: Helen Reiss MD

    Chief Scientist and Chairperson of Empathetics, Director, and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General Hospital

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/helen-riess/

    Website for Empathetics: https://www.empathetics.com/


    Dr. Riess’ TEDX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baHrcC8B4WM

    The Empathy Effect: https://rb.gy/96awc2

    The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations (CREIO): https://eiconsortium.org/

    Riess, Helen. Institutional Resilience: The Foundation for Individual Resilience, Especially During COVID-19. Glob Adv Health Med. 2021 Apr 6;10:21649561211006728. doi: 10.1177/21649561211006728. PMID: 33889440; PMCID: PMC8040559.

    About Heinz Kohut and Self-Psychology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_psychology

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    43 mins
  • Flourishing in Medicine: From Surviving to Thriving Episode 13 Mindful Healing: Dr. Ellen Langer's Approach to Well-being
    Jun 5 2024

    The guest for this podcast Ellen Langer, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, a Fellow of The Sloan Foundation; The American Psychological Association, the American Psychological Society, The American Association for the Advancement of Science; Computers and Society; The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues; The Society of Experimental Social Psychologists. She has been awarded a Guggenheim and the Liberty Science Genius Award among many others. In addition to her many honors, she has been a guest lecturer in Japan, Malaysia, Germany, and Argentina.

    Langer has had a significant influence on the positive psychology movement. Along with being known as the “mother of positive psychology” her contributions to the study of mindfulness have earned her the moniker of the "mother of mindfulness." Her work helped to presage mind/body medicine, which has been regarded by many scientists to be an important intellectual movement and one that now has "considerable evidence that an array of mind-body therapies can be used as effective adjuncts to conventional medical treatment." She has co-authored experimental research indicating a connection between time perception and wound healing.

    She has published over 200 articles and academic texts, was published in The New York Times, and discussed her works on Good Morning America. Additionally, in many introductory psychology courses at universities across the United States, her studies are required reading. She is the author of numerous books including her most recent one, The Mindful Body.

    In this conversation, a rich exploration unfolds of the intersection between mindfulness and healthcare, beginning with Dr. Langer’s personal journey into health studies, catalyzed by a miraculous recovery in their family. This narrative weaves through the profound influence of the mind-body connection, drawing on examples like the "Counterclockwise Study" to underscore the potential for psychological factors to significantly impact physical health. She advocates for a healthcare approach that recognizes the unity of mind and body, emphasizes the importance of mindfulness beyond meditation, and addresses the dynamic nature of health with a flexible, engaged attitude towards patient care. The discussion also highlights the challenges of conventional medicine's problem-focused approach, proposing a shift towards leveraging patients' strengths and capacities through mindful observation to variability. By illustrating how mindfulness can transform both personal experiences and professional practices, the conversation champions a healthcare paradigm that values meaningful connections and fosters an environment of non-judgment and safety, suggesting a communal shift towards a more mindful, holistic view of health and well-being.

    Guest: Ellen Langer, PhD

    Professor of Psychology, Harvard University

    Faculty Profile: https://scholar.harvard.edu/langer/home

    Website: https://www.ellenlanger.me/

    LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ellenjlanger/

    Book titles by Dr. Langer: see https://www.ellenlanger.me/home#book-s

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    50 mins