• 29 - THE GOOFY MOVIE: "I2I" | The SECRET to World Peace?? How to Respond When Someone Disagrees with You (Music Monday)
    Mar 3 2025

    Do you ever feel uncomfortable whenever someone shares a differing political opinion?

    Have you maybe been tempted to remove or unfollow friends on social media because you don't like seeing their opinionated posts?

    WHAT IF the answer to these problems was actually given to us back in 1995 from a pretty silly-- dare I say, GOOFY movie...

    In today's episode we discuss one of my favorite Disney songs "I2I" from The Goofy Movie and how its lyrics may just contain the solution to bring people back together instead of dividing further in our differences.

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to kindness, charity, love, and how to respond to people on social media, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    03 - CINDERELLA (2015): How to Stand for Truth on Social Media and Still Keep Your Friends

    12 - LORD OF THE RINGS: Four Ways SAMWISE Teaches Us About The Savior

    16 - ENCHANTED: When Things Don't Go as Planned...


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

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    19 mins
  • 28 - BLUEY: Are You Constantly Battling with Comparison?? Surprising Lessons from this FAVORITE Kids Show!
    Feb 27 2025

    Do you keep comparing yourself to other moms or people around you?

    Or maybe you feel like you just keep failing when others seem to thrive?

    In today's episode we discuss from one of my favorite Bluey episodes how we can run our OWN race and not be distracted by what others are doing.

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to hope, divine worth, your relationship with God, and not comparing yourself to others, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Bluey fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    26 - ENCANTO: Feeling Overwhelmed?? 3 Lessons You Need to Hear TODAY!

    17 - CINDERELLA (1950): Does God REALLY Hear My Prayers...?

    13 - FINDING NEMO: "Just Keep Trusting... Just Keep Trusting..." How To Increase Our Faith in God and Get Rid of Fear!


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

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    17 mins
  • 27 - TANGLED: "I See the Light" | Where is My Focus? How to Get Out of the Fog and Receive Spiritual Clarity (Music Monday)
    Feb 24 2025

    Struggling to find clarity or direction?

    Wondering what truly helps us to see?

    In today's episode we discuss how we can see what REALLY matters when we look to Christ!

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to priorities, looking to God, and gaining clarity/focus for our lives, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    26 - ENCANTO: Feeling Overwhelmed?? 3 Lessons You Need to Hear TODAY!

    18 - THE GREATEST SHOWMAN: Struggling to Feel Fulfilled in Your Life? Try These Tips!

    15 - CARS (PIXAR): The REAL Secret to Happiness!


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

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    13 mins
  • 26 - ENCANTO: Feeling Overwhelmed?? 3 Lessons You Need to Hear TODAY!
    Feb 20 2025

    Struggling to carry the weight of everyone's needs on your shoulders?

    Do you feel you have to "be perfect" in order to be loved?

    Or maybe forgotten, like everyone else seems more naturally "gifted" than you?

    In today's episode we discuss three sisters who struggled with these same exact insecurities... and what we can do to help combat them!

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to self-worth, being "perfect", or feeling that you must "do it all", be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    02 - THE LION KING: Feeling Lost? God is Calling to YOU

    04 - HOME ALONE: Feeling *Forgotten* this Christmas...? God is Desperately Searching for YOU!

    22 - THE CHOSEN: Feeling Unseen? Or Spiritually Fatigued? God is Aware of YOU!

    25 - THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: "God Help the Outcast" | Does God Know ME... or Hear MY Prayers? (Music Monday)


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

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    22 mins
  • 25 - THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: "God Help the Outcast" | Does God Know ME... or Hear MY Prayers? (Music Monday)
    Feb 17 2025

    Wondering how you can have more meaningful prayers?

    In today's episode we discuss how we can learn from Esmeralda's simple, selfless prayer... and what I WISH I could tell her about her true relationship with God!

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to prayer, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    23 - HERCULES: "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" | Am I Ignoring God's Promptings? (Music Monday)

    17 - CINDERELLA (1950): Does God REALLY Hear My Prayers...?

    02 - THE LION KING: Feeling Lost? God is Calling to YOU


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

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    15 mins
  • 24 - THE LITTLE MERMAID: Struggling with Your Teen? You're Not the First! Lessons from this Fairytale Classic
    Feb 13 2025

    Are you worried that Ariel's example may have a NEGATIVE effect on your kids?

    Do you maybe have a rebellious child of your own?

    In today's episode we discuss how we can actually learn some POSITIVE lessons from this Disney classic fairytale, and how we can share them with our children.

    Lessons such as natural consequences, sacrificial love, parenting, and more!

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

    Show more Show less
    17 mins
  • 23 - HERCULES: "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" | Am I Ignoring God's Promptings? (Music Monday)
    Feb 10 2025

    Is God calling out to you?

    Do you sometimes hesitate when the Spirit gives you impressions to act?

    In today's episode we discuss how we may be ignoring God's voice and inspiration, and what the benefits are to acting on those promptings.

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

    Show more Show less
    16 mins
  • 22 - THE CHOSEN: Feeling Unseen? Or Spiritually Fatigued? God is Aware of YOU!
    Feb 6 2025

    Does the weight you carry sometimes seem too heavy to bear?

    Or have you ever wondered if what you do even really matters?

    In today's episode we discuss how God is aware of each of us in our individual struggles, and how He will help to lighten our loads.

    (Is it cheating to discuss THE CHOSEN for our episode, since it is pretty obvious to see Christ? Maybe! Lol. But this is a topic I felt the Spirit prompt me to share today)

    If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families, be sure to listen!

    For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Chosen fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!


    email me - findingchristinmodernmedia@gmail.com

    FB group - Finding Christ in Modern Media COMMUNITY

    IG - @FindingChristInModernMedia

    Show more Show less
    16 mins