
  • Grandpa Otto
    May 18 2023

    Every family has a story, but not everyone’s gets told. Welcome to the Family Stories podcast–I am Caitlyn Pelikan.


    Becker, Anne, and Detlef Mühlberger.  Analyzing the sociography of the membership of the Schutzstaffel [SS] in SS-Oberabschnitt Rhein using Access II. History and Computing, 1999. 

    Davies, Norman. Europe at War: 1939-1945: No Simple Victory. Pan, 2008.

    Englund, Erika. Life of Otto.  Recorded by Caitlyn Pelikan, 2023. 

    Faust, Maurice. In Pierz We Serve. 1997.

    Jaggers, R. C. The Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich. Studies in Intelligence, 1960.

    Kunst, Jonas R., Nour Kteily, and Lotte Thomsen. “You Little Creep”: Evidence of Blatant Dehumanization of Short Groups. . Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2019. 

    Pelikan, Anton. Life of Otto.  Recorded by Caitlyn Pelikan, 2023. 

    Ryback, Timothy. Dateline Sudetenland: Hostages to History. Foreign Policy, 1996. 

    Stein, George. The Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War, 1939-1945. Cornell University Press, 1966.

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    9 mins
  • Three Ringed Black Binder
    May 11 2023

    We all have things we have forgotten about or don’t know we own in our homes. Papers, books, pictures, all forgotten on shelves or in closets. When I was eighteen, I found a black binder tucked in next to cooking and children’s books, inside my mom’s cluttered, almost to the point of hoarder status, apartment. Inside of it were pages and pages following the lives of men and their children starting in 1660 Connecticut. Pages and pages, about the Page family, my family.  

    Every family has a story, but not everyone’s gets told. Welcome to the Family Stories podcast. I’m Margaret and let me tell you one of mine.


    Lauren K. Thompson, Escaping the Mechanism: Soldier Fraternization during the Siege at Petersburg. Civil War History, (The Kent State University Press, 2017), 349-376

    Handley-Cousins, Sarah. 2021. Bodies in Blue: Disability in the Civil War North. The University of Georgia Press.

    Robertson, J. (2001). Re-Enlistment Patterns of Civil War Soldiers. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 32(1), 15–35. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3656484

    Catalogue of Connecticut volunteer organizations : (infantry, cavalry, and artillery,) Hartford :(Brown & Grossin the service of the United States,1869), 376.

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    11 mins
  • John von Bergen: Mennonite Soldier…?
    May 4 2023

    Russia. War. Mennonites? Every family has a story, but not everyone’s gets told. Welcome to the Family Stories podcast. I’m Claire Preheim and let me tell you about one of mine. This episode features my great-grandfather's time in World War I Russia. Today we’ll be diving into the world of Mennonites, pacifism, and conscientious objectors during the Great War.


    B. Hiebert, A Crisis of Masculinity: North American Mennonites and World War I, (Ethnic News Watch; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. 2008).

    Harvey L. Dyck, The Pacifist Impulse in Historical Perspective, (University of Toronto Press, ProQuest Ebook Central, 1996).

    John G. Bergen, Memories of my time as a Soldier in Russia during World War I, (May 19, 1898- January 25, 1986).

    John G. Bergen, Our Trip from Russia to Canada, 1926, (May 19, 1898- January 25, 1986).

    Lynell M. Bergen, The Bergens: A Genealogy and Family History, (Canadian Mennonite Bible College. April, 1983).

    Peter, Brock and Thomas P. Socknat, Challenge to Mars: Pacifism from 1918 To 1945, (University of Toronto Press. ProQuest Ebook Central, 1999).

     “The Right to Conscientious Objection to Military Service,” Amnesty International, (1 April 1997), Accessed on March 2nd, 2023

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    10 mins
  • Burnt Toast: A Family History
    Apr 29 2023

    Burnt toast. Burnt toast was always one of my mother’s favorite snacks. I never understood the reasoning behind making a perfectly good piece of bread taste like charcoal, but it turns out, that it all tracks all the way back to 1875 in Wassersuppen, Bohemia to a boy named Franz Zeig, my great great grandfather.

    Welcome to the family stories podcast, where we know that every family has a story, but not every story gets told. I am Evan Kivi, and today I will be telling the story of my family’s beginnings in the United States of America.


    “Smooth Rumble” by David Renda, Royalty Free Music Download (fesliyanstudios.com)


    Khosravi, Shahram. “White Masks/Muslim Names: Immigrants and Name-Changing in Sweden.” Race & Class, vol. 53, no. 3, 15 Dec. 2011, pp. 65–80..

    Levin, Joanna. Bohemia in America, 1858–1920. Stanford University Press, 21 Oct. 2009.

    Prchal, Tim. The Bohemian Paradox: My Antonia and Popular Images of Czech Immigrants. Oxford University Press, 2004.

    Rippley, Vern J, and Robert J Paulson. German-Bohemians: The Quiet Immigrants. St Olaf College Press, 1995.

    Evan Kivi Oral history interview with Francis Ziegler. February 2023.

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    6 mins
  • Charles Messinger: Immigrant, Socialist, and Bootlegger
    Apr 28 2023

    My great aunt Ruth’s central memory of her grandfather (my great-great-grandfather) is that when he lived with her family, he really liked to make a dried fruit concoction. He loved it, but she thought it was disgusting. This was the main thing she knew about him, until she began researching him through newspapers, census and immigration records, and records the Nazis kept during their invasion of Poland. 

    Every family has a story, but not everyone’s gets told. Welcome to the Family Stories podcast. I’m Audrey Messinger, and let me tell you one of mine.

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    10 mins
  • The Train Wreck
    Apr 27 2023

    When I was young, my sisters and I would spend afternoons at the home of my maternal grandma Elaine - affectionately known to us as “Maga” - while we waited for our Mom to pick us up after school. Sometimes, Maga would tell us a story that had caught my attention early on: the story of her own grandma, my great-great-grandma Charlotta, and her involvement in a train wreck as a teenager. The details as Maga told them were straightforward: a Swedish family, with a mom and dad and a few kids, including Charlotta, was involved in a railroad accident as they were making their way to Minnesota. Charlotta’s mother and sister were killed in the wreck, and another sister was gravely injured, preventing the surviving family members from continuing on to Minnesota for many months until the wounded sister had recovered enough to travel.

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    14 mins