We're going to discover: The real history of Halloween and how higher dimensional beings have been in control since 9,000 BC. What Satan and the Devil really think of Halloween from people who know. Why is it that politicians are pushing Halloween and is it actually something bad? We'll explore what the real purpose of Samhaim is, why people see lights in the night, and what has a pumpkin got to do with it all. Listen to the end because I shed light on what it is that you can do to unlock yourself from dark magic, spells, and witchcraft that you may have accidentally picked up from your involvement in "Halloween" and also what you can do right now to help your family, friends and even your pets! Episode Notes: 00:00:36 Introduction to the Halloween Live Show A brief introduction to the show, who am I (Mark) and how am I able to "bring down" the higher spiritual knowledge which I share in the show. A reminder that there is no criticising people, rather I'm learning, sharing and thus caring. 00:05:20 Halloween Questions from the Public 00:07:40 Where does the name "Halloween" Come From? We go back to 609 AD and the pope who setup All Saints Day in May. Then it was moved to November, but was this to target Samhain the Celtic new years day. This was a time when denizens of the "Otherworld" came through to your world, a time of fear. 00:12:56 The Otherworld I explain what the otherworld was like and the cave of cats (cave of Cruachán) through which Morrigan and the otherworldly beings would emerge. 00:14:55 Who Lives in the Otherworld I introduce the Mongfhind, fairies, Ban Sidh aka banshees, Pucai, and Dagda the god of the Celts. 00:17:20 The Adventures of Nera from 8th Century I share two versions of the story about Nera who encounters an animated corpse and visits the "Otherworld" twice. An experience that takes him "Out of time". When he went through "A Portal" into the Otherworld he met and married a banshee and had children. 00:19:45 Where Does the Focus on Death Come From? I explain how Catholic doctrines to do with saints brought the focus onto the dead and lighting candles to guide their souls to visit. Errata: In the podcast I said "Christianity" but I meant to say "Catholic Religion", they are not the same thing. 00:20:25 Halloween in our Shops, Work and Homes (Video 1) Lots of Halloween decorations, toys, cakes, costumes all aimed at children to introduce magic, Draco, voodoo, evil, dead etc. I show the number 666 in the Disney logo. Then I show a local house with skeletons, tombstones, spiders, webs, and literally a hanging corpse in a tree. Then a grown man at the Mexico F1 race with his face painted as a skull on national TV. I share how in an online religious chat group which celebrates Jesus and God, a post of a cat dressed as a vampire got lots of attention, but a comment about keeping Jesus in our hearts was ignored. 00:26:30 Pumpkins, Jack the Blacksmith and the Devil I share an ancient story about Jack the blacksmith who sold his soul to the devil. But then tricked the devil to escape from the pact he'd made. But then he's rejected from heaven and hell and has to wander in darkness with a hot coal from hell to light the way, held in a carved out turnip. This tradition was taken by the Irish to the USA and they replaced turnips with pumpkins. But there's older mysteries of cheeky supernatural lights that lead travellers astray in the night. Known as Will-0-the-wisps, lanterns of the dead. and Jack-o-lanters. Were people seeing ghosts, fairies, or something even worse? Is this the inspiration for Lord of the Rings and the lights in the marsh? 00:33:15 Now I give the Spiritual Explanations I start by explaining what these lights really are. I explain the true story of Nera and what really happened with his journey to the "Otherworld". Why did the stories speak of being "Out of Time", "Portals", and why did he have children with a being from another realm? We speak about non-human beings from higher dimensional planes not of Earth. But why did they get him to tell people about them? 00:44:01 John Rimerez an ex-Devil Worshipper Explains Halloween (Video 2) John Rimerez explains how dark halloween is and how he used magic to kill good people. He explains how good people hand their homes, children and themselves over to the devil without even realising it. How you bind yourself to black magic and demonic possession by celebrating Halloween, harvest worship. 00:57:02 Ex-Witch Explains: Halloween Harms You, Your Children & Pets (Video 3) A witch explains how participation in Halloween means you have given your consent (and for your kids, home, business, pets) to accept demons and the devil and their magic, curses, and possession upon you. 00:58:35 The True Reason Behind Nera's Otherworldly Story I explain the agenda from the demonic being's perspective of why they wanted Nera to spread word about them. 00:59:39 Why is MP Kemi Badenoch Pushing Halloween? (Video 4) Is the WEF behind Kemi ...