
  • Making great progress on Mitch Turner #6!
    Oct 17 2024

    I have made great progress this week on Mitch Turner #6! The story is coming together as a whole. At this stage, I’m usually focused on what I can cut out. Many times, when I am writing, I will have various ideas that make their way into the manuscript. Many make it through into the final pass, but a lot of them don’t because they don’t fit, and because of that, I always have to be careful to look at what’s there, decide if it makes sense for it to stay, and if it does, how is it going to work into the overarching plot.

    Mitch Turner #6 features Frank Ward as the defendant. It starts out with Turner coming out of a meeting at the State’s Attorney’s office in downtown Chicago. He becomes curious when emergency responders pull up to the building, and he sticks around to see what’s happening. He soon sees a woman rushed out on a stretcher and a few minutes after that, Frank Ward is brought out in handcuffs.

    Ward looks dazed and confused, and when he sees Turner, his eyes light up and Turner knows exactly who Frank Ward is going to call for representation.

    The problem is Turner still hasn’t forgiven Ward for what he did to Barbara.

    This story has been on my mind for a while now. I knew Frank Ward would be Mitch’s defendant at some point and that it would be an uphill battle for Turner every step of the way. Things are moving very well on this project. I’m technically at the end of draft four and will start draft five soon. At this point in my process, I am usually trying to do a draft a week for a book that’s this long because I like to work on the book as a cohesive whole, and doing rapid iterations through it allows me to see the pieces that need to be brought together or massaged or edited or deleted.

    Also, don’t forget that The Fixer is on the horizon and will be coming out in November! I am super excited about this book. It features Kirk Hoffman. This is the first novel in which Kirk Hoffman appears. He’s an attorney who works with a dedicated team that he has collected together over the years. His express goal is to find justice, and he’s usually interested in making it happen outside the courtroom rather than within. So be on the lookout for The Fixer! Just a reminder, The Killers Club is now out as an audiobook. Anyhow, that’s how everything is going over here. Have a great week everybody!

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    3 mins
  • Writing Update and All about Mitch Turner Book 6!
    Oct 10 2024
    Hello and welcome back to the Dan Decker Books podcast. I hope everybody out there is having a great week this week. Over here at Grim Archer Media, things couldn't be going any better. Things have been going very well. As you probably know, I released the Killers Club audiobook last week and that has been off to a 0:25 fantastic start. Thank you for all of you out there who are supporting that particular book. I know that there's a substantial portion of my readers that prefer audiobooks, and so I'm glad that I'm able to get that out there for them. I'm hoping to get more audio books out soon within the next six months or so. 0:45 For me, it's always kind of a bit of a decision to if I'm going to do an audio book or not, because even though it takes, I'm not the one doing the narration or anything like that, it does take a substantial chunk of my time to review the audio book and make sure 1:02 that I'm happy with how everything's been done. That usually takes somewhere between a couple days to almost a full week, depending on the length of the audiobook. The Killer's Club was a much longer book, so that took a lot more of my time. And it left me a little bit drained, 1:20 but I'm hoping to do some other audio books here in the near future. One of the audio books that I'd like to see done is Only the Guilty. And then I also want to start working on the Jason Maxfield books and getting those all turned to audio. So we'll see how that goes. 1:36 At some point, I am definitely planning to do those books. Anyhow, the big thing I've been working on now that the Killers Club audio book is out is Mitch Turner No. 6. 1:47 I've been thinking about it today, just wondering how long it is that I've actively been working on this project. And I started doing it clear back in June. It looks like the first day I narrated a file was June 12th. If you don't know, I actually do narration. I've found that narration works really well for me. 2:08 And I kind of have a little bit of an unusual process, I think. Well, a lot of authors don't use narration, but for me, what I do is I actually pull out a voice recorder and I pace around my office while I dictate a chapter, usually about 10 minutes or so. Sometimes that's a full chapter. 2:26 Sometimes it's part of a chapter. I will dictate that. And then I will run that audio through Dragon Dictation. I have the most recent Dragon Dictation software, and then it will transcribe that for me. And then what I will do after that is then I will do a couple passes. Usually I can't remember. Sometimes I won't. 2:46 Sometimes I'll just move on to the next chapter and we'll see how it goes. So back in June, I was still working full time on Jason Maxfield number four. I was hoping to get it done before I needed to start working full time on Mitch Turner number six, but I didn't, 3:02 it didn't quite work out the way I wanted. Uh, Anyhow, so I started working on it on June 12th, and that's when I would start just doing a 10-minute, maybe 15 or 20-minute amount of narration every day, and then going and working full-time on Jason Maxfield. Well, somewhere in August, 3:20 I think that first or second week in August, I finished with the present draft I was working on with Jason Maxfield, number four. I'm not sure if that was draft three or four, something like that. After I was done with that, setting it aside, 3:36 then I went and I have started working full time on Mitch Turner number six. There was some of the narration that I needed to finish. I was probably at least 50 or 60,000 words into it by that time. 3:48 And so I went and I finished narrating the rest of the book before I started going back and revising it. Usually for me, it works better to have kind of the whole book finished. or a whole outline in place. I say I'm a discovery writer, 4:03 but really what I am doing that first draft is making an outline of the book. And it's always surprising to me that there are sometimes things I put in that I'm like, oh, I think I'm probably gonna delete this later, where I actually come back and I find a way to make it work. 4:18 It's always kind of interesting how that works out. But anyhow, so back in August, I started working full time on Mitch Turner. Number six, I got to the end of draft one or the outline as you want. It could also be referred to. And, 4:35 About that time, it was just over 100,000 words, which was what I was shooting for. Most of the Mitch Turner books are all about 100,000 words. The Good Client's a little shorter, the Presumption is a little bit longer, but they usually fall within that general range. 4:49 And then I go through and then I flesh out a lot of the things that haven't been fleshed out or or what have you. So by the time I was done with that process, really draft two, I was up in the 140,000 word range, which is a lot more than I wanted the book to be. 5:08 Luckily though, as I was working here and I'd actually just finished draft four, Ray. So draft ...
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    12 mins
  • My Legal Thriller Influences
    Oct 3 2024

    Here is a partial transcript of the show, for a full transcript, go to DanDeckerBooks.com!

    Welcome to the Dan Decker Books Podcast. I'm Dan Decker, the author of The Good Client, Max Damage, and a bunch of other thrillers and legal thrillers, as well as a little bit of science fiction and fantasy. Thank you for joining me today. 0:24 On this podcast, I give a writing update and usually share a thought or two about something else. This week's thought is about my legal thriller influences. Hello and welcome back. I hope everybody is having a great week out there. It's been a great week for me over here at Grim Archer Media. 0:46 I've been accomplishing a lot of things. The first thing is I finally submitted the Killers Club over to ACX for review. Part of the reason why I'm late at getting to do that is because I have been heads down working on Mitch Turner number six. 1:01 It's really important for me to be able to have momentum and this is why I have not been able to get the killer's club audio book submitted until now, but good news. I finally submitted it. It's in review. I saw earlier that it was done with the first step of the review. 1:17 Hopefully it will be done here pretty quickly and I will be able to get it out for everybody to check out. Anyhow, Mitch Turner six is going really well. I finished with the third draft and now I'm starting on the fourth draft and At this stage, I usually do a number of quick drafts. For me, 1:37 it's really helpful to get into the story and see the whole story at once or as close to as once as possible. When you're working on a novel, oftentimes you'll write a piece and then you won't come back to it for days or maybe even weeks. Not for months for me usually in my circumstances, 1:56 but there are some authors who won't return to a piece of writing for months. And so it can be difficult to Make sure that you're keeping all of that in your mind. And for me, I like to try to work on the story cohesively as a whole. 2:09 And by doing that, I hope that it turns out to a better story. So Mitch Turner's number six is just coming along great. I still don't have a title. I've been thinking about it. I've written down a couple of potential titles. I'm not crazy about any of them, but certainly my juices are flowing there. 2:28 It's funny to me that sometimes the titles will just come to me and I'll know them right away. And other times I won't know the title for a long time. So just kind of interesting how that works. The other project that I'm working on, and this is just a side project, 2:44 is I have a little fantasy project I work on every day, usually in the morning, right as I get in. And sometimes throughout and I try to work on it as a break throughout the rest of the day. But basically, I just work on that to keep me writing in general, 3:00 because a lot of times I'll get stuck in revisions and revisions can go on for a very long time. And I like to be writing something new every day. And so writing on a side project really helps me do that. And I've mentioned that before on this podcast that I have some of these other side 3:16 projects that I've put out that I've put down to paper that are probably never going to be seen anywhere just because I don't have the time to go back and work on them and make them any more polished than they already are.
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    13 mins
  • Updates on The Killer's Club Audiobook, Mitch Turner #6, and more!
    Sep 26 2024
    On this week’s show: The Killers Club audiobook is now done and other updates! Show Transcript: Welcome to the Dan Decker Books Podcast. Hello and welcome back to the Dan Decker Books Podcast. I'm Dan Decker, the author of The Good Client, Max Damage, and a bunch of other thrillers and legal thrillers, as well as a little bit of science fiction and fantasy. Thank you for joining me today. 0:24 On this podcast, I pretty much just give a writing update and maybe share a The Killers Club audiobook is now done. I just need to get it submitted to Audible. After I have submitted it to Audible, they take a day or two, sometimes a week or two, 0:43 to review an audiobook before they go ahead and publish it and get it all put out there. So that is coming forward here pretty quickly. I will make sure to notify everybody once the audiobook is finally available. For anybody out there who's been waiting for... The audiobook now is your opportunity. 1:04 I'm so glad that it's turned out so well. Eric G. Dove has done a great job with the narration, and I really couldn't be happier with how the whole thing has gone and how the project has come to fruition here. Eric G. Dove is just a great narrator, and it's a pleasure to work with him. 1:21 Once the audio book is officially published, I will make sure to get it out there and get word out there so everybody can go ahead and download it. It did make me think this last couple of weeks going through the Killer Club, a little bit about Audrey Spencer and how she came to be. 1:37 I came up with her as a character after I'd done a number of legal thrillers with Mitch Turner because I wanted to write another legal thriller, but I wanted a break. I like to take breaks in my writing and work on other different projects. 1:51 So that way I feel like I'm staying fresh and trying new things and trying to keep it fun, et cetera, things like that. Anyhow, I knew for sure I'd be writing from the prosecution's perspective. And I just sat down and I started writing it. 2:05 I am generally speaking a pantser, which means I just write my story as I go, making it up as I go. The times I've tried to do outlines, it usually doesn't work very well for me because I never follow the outline. 2:18 And so what I try to do is I try to make an outline as I go or after the fact and then try to look at it and then analyze the story from there. So The Killer's Club is one of the longest books that I've actually written and published. 2:31 I've probably written longer books, but I never ended up publishing them. The first book I ever wrote was War of the Fathers and The first draft of that was almost 200,000 words. Put that in perspective, Audrey Spencer's novel is 145,000 words finished, out the door and ready to go. 2:47 And most Mitch Turner books are somewhere between 90 to 120,000 words. The Audrey Spencer novel ended up being a little bit longer than some of my other novels. But I really had a good time writing that one. It was fun writing that from the prosecution's perspective and to just get in there 3:05 and look at it from that side of things. The other great character in that book is Gregory Pope. And I feel like it's his daughter who's killed and starts the story off. And so... It gives him a lot of interesting scenes where he is trying to come to terms with 3:22 his grief as well as trying to let Audrey Spencer handle the prosecution. And it's not an easy thing for him to do by any stretch. And Audrey is coming from a perspective of having really not had a full-time regular job. She's been working full-time hours, but she's also been trying to maintain and balance her family. 3:41 And she's finally getting back into the workforce. And it's been her dream to be a prosecuting attorney for many years. And now it's finally her opportunity. And she feels like Gregory Pope has selected her to do this because he probably thinks that she's going to bow to his will and let him backseat drive the case, which, 4:00 of course, she has to set him straight on himself. numerous times. So yeah, The Killers Club is one of my favorite books. Of course, all my books are my favorite books, but I had a really good time writing that. The other big character in The Killers Club is Barry Michaels, and I really like Barry Michaels. 4:17 He definitely is OCD. I think you get that sense as you read through the book. I think that's going to be a theme for him as he tries to deal with that and how to figure out how to live his life with obsessive compulsive disorder. I think he recognizes it on some conscious level, 4:35 but he isn't yet willing to fully acknowledge it and deal with. So those are the three main characters. We also have Mary Ramirez. We don't see a lot from her in this book. I do have plans to develop and further flush her character out in other books. So we'll see how that goes. But yeah, 4:52 the story just starts off with in the middle of what she thinks is plea negotiation with a very ...
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    12 mins
  • The Dan Decker Books Podcast is back, featuring a sneak peek at The Fixer!
    Sep 19 2024

    On today's show: a writing update, an inspirational thought, and a first look at The Fixer!

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    12 mins
  • Blood Games - Episode 25
    Sep 24 2019

    This week’s episode features a chapter from Blood Games, Jake Ramsey Book #3, the first book Black Brick is available as a free ebook from most ebook vendors. Here is an excerpt from the show:

    THE REST OF THE drive passed slowly, with Kris making several more attempts to talk me out of my plan.

    “You don’t have to come,” I said on the third try. “It’s better if you don’t.”

    I wished I would have thought to look through Gary’s wallet when I’d searched him and the woman back in the alley. If I’d have known about his keycard, I would have gagged the two of them and made sure they wouldn’t be found for hours.

    It was too little too late now, but I had an opportunity I could not afford to pass up, if we hurried and made it to the DataRader headquarters before they were found.

    “You can’t do this alone and I’m all the help you have right now,” Kris said. “Unless you think Shannon is going to help.” There was something strange in her voice when she mentioned Shannon, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

    Her words rubbed me raw, so I took several seconds to calm down before responding. She didn’t know Shannon was the last person I wanted to think about right now, it wasn’t her fault.

    “I can handle myself,” I said through clenched teeth.

    “That’s part of the problem. You’re out of control. How many people died at Reed’s place? Or was all that blood from men who walked away?” She took my silence as an affirmation that her guess was close to the mark. “You need to stop before you do something you won’t be able to live with. I know you, Jake. This isn’t you.”

    I thought of how I’d almost killed Gary Walker back at the alley. I’d been prepared to do it. It was because the woman had caved that he still had his life. Kris’ words were having more of an effect on me than I would have liked. She must have taken my lack of response as evidence she was getting through to me because she continued talking.

    “All the people you killed, they deserved it, right? That’s what you’re telling yourself. Are you certain they’re part of Reed’s supposed criminal enterprise? How do you know they weren’t just his security guards?”

    “You’ve seen the videos--” I began, but she cut me off.

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    11 mins
  • Blood Games - Episode 24
    Sep 10 2019

    This week’s episode features a chapter from Blood Games, Jake Ramsey Book #3, the first book Black Brick is available as a free ebook from most ebook vendors. Here is an excerpt from the show:

    I ALMOST DROVE RIGHT past the mall and kept going. It would have been better for Kris if I did. She was way too involved as it was. But I thought of the kids, and that was what kept me going forward.

    I needed additional resources if I was going to track them down. Besides, I needed to ditch the car anyway because the drone had recorded everything that had happened and was following me. I’d turned my driver’s side mirror up to spot it but so far hadn’t had any luck.

    I drove around the mall one time before I pulled into a parking garage. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to Kris. But I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t rescue the children. It was simple math, two lives against one.

    My burner phone beeped as I pulled into the underground parking. Once I had parked, I saw I’d received a text from a number I didn’t recognize. It just said one word. Sorry.

    I assumed it was Shannon texting me from a phone Diggon knew nothing about. Even though she’d made it obvious what she was doing, I didn’t know what to make of her apology.

    The wound was too fresh. I supposed I should have been grateful she’d warned me but I wasn’t in the mood to think that way. Maybe once things had calmed down, I’d feel differently, but I was still trying to work my way out of the mess that she’d created for me.

    Not bothering to respond, I left my car window unrolled and placed the keys on the dashboard. With a little luck, somebody would swipe the vehicle and throw DataRader off my scent for a few hours.

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    21 mins
  • Blood Games - Episode 23
    Sep 3 2019

    This week’s episode features a chapter from Blood Games, Jake Ramsey Book #3, the first book Black Brick is available as a free ebook from most ebook vendors. Here is an excerpt from the show:

    I CAME TO A halt as soon as I turned. It was a dead end. Muttering a curse, I flipped around and saw the car had pulled up right outside the alleyway and that the front doors were opening.

    Rushing towards the driver I grabbed him by the arm, yanking him all the way out and ramming him up against the car while putting my pistol to the side of his head.

    “Back away if you want him to live,” I said to the woman getting out of the other side of the car.

    Because it was Diggon chasing me, I had expected to recognize them from my time with Black Brick, but I did not.

    The man I held at gunpoint looked familiar, but I was having a difficult time placing him. He hadn’t worked at Black Brick, I was certain of that, but I couldn’t say how I knew him.

    “Back off,” the man said to the woman with a frown on his face that didn’t show much fear. He looked me in the eyes. “It doesn’t have to go this way.”

    “Who are you? What do you want?”

    “Easy,” said the dark-haired woman as she moved to come around from the other side of the car, thinking she was gaining something by getting closer to me. She had her hand at her side as if it rested on a holstered pistol. “Just calm down.” Her voice sounded familiar, so I took a closer look while jabbing my gun into the man’s neck.

    “You’re the woman who almost chased me down.” She’d had blonde hair back then. The darker color suited her far better. The blonde had looked fake, and while she’d been attractive before, she was now stunning. It was a struggle to take my eyes off her even while she glared at me.

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    19 mins