
  • EP #63: Is the Foster Care System Broken?
    Sep 28 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her dad discuss issues regarding the foster care system and what could be done to improve it.

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    33 mins
  • EP #62: Toxic Relationships and Social Awkwardness
    Jul 12 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her dad discuss the characteristics of a healthy relationship verse a toxic relationship and socially awkward people.

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    27 mins
  • EP #61: Happy Fourth - We Appreciate the Country We Live In
    Jul 5 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her dad speak on their appreciation of the those who've fought for the freedoms and opportunities experienced by those living in the United States.

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    12 mins
  • EP #60: Questions For Brooklynn
    Jun 14 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn answers a couple questions from a few audience members.

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    22 mins
  • EP #59: Understanding the Life of a Kid with ADHD
    Jun 7 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her Dad discuss ADHD and how it affects one's focus and their ability to stay on track. Please note the Dad gives the wrong definition for ADHD in the beginning but is corrected on the right definition during the show.

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    31 mins
  • EP #58: Story Time - How "DAD" Almost Became An Accomplice To A Major Crime
    May 31 2023

    On this episode, the "Dad" shares a story about a time when he was one decision away from becoming an accomplice to a major crime that would have drastically changed his life. ***DISCLAIMER and WARNING*** This episode does include details of violence.

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    20 mins
  • EP# 57: Talking About Crime and How to Avoid Bad Situations and People
    May 24 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her Dad discuss the very real world of crime and how to trust your gut to avoid bad situations and people.

    A note from the "Dad" to parents. "Most people don't understand just how close they are to the world of crime. And along those same lines, most parents don't understand how close their kid is to crime. Public schools are essentially little towns and just like every town, even schools have bad things happening or planning to happen. One of the conversations that is a "must have" with your kids is how to deal with bad people and bad situations. While working in the juvenile detention center, I have seen your every day "typical" kid get caught up in something they had no busy being involved in. Guilty by association is a real thing. The prevention to bad company and circumstances starts with conversations. Our hope is the conversations between my daughter and I serve as a conversation starter in your homes with your kids, or if you're kid the hope is you are allowing these conversations to broaden your perspective and make you think so you can be better prepared with a response rather than a reaction. Dad Out!"

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    18 mins
  • EP #56: Coping with Anger and Understanding It's Association With Pressure
    May 18 2023

    On this episode, Brooklynn and her dad discuss their anger triggers and how they deal with their anger. They also break down the correlation between pressure and anger.

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    29 mins