• Contemplations of USAID, THe Congo - Paul Turner, International Economic Development Professional
    Mar 13 2025
    In the whirlwind of executive orders and conflagrations of federal government administration, we see this all is happening in the midst of conflict in the Congo, and the concellation of the work being done by USAID.. These actions affect relief and community development work in Africa. Paul Turner has worked on the continent for years providing expertise in economic development and aducation. He brings a knowledgable and sobering perspective on the situation and encourages us to stay tuned to news coming from the Continent. Global Perspectives. Be informed.
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    42 mins
  • Conversation with Nasty Nes Rodriguez - Rest in Peace
    Feb 21 2025
    Recently, the Hip-Hop industry lost a legend. Nasty Nes was essential in claiming Seattle's place in the rap matrix through the massive success of Sir Mix A Lot, NastyMix Records was a dynamic imprint that illuminated an obscure geographic region in terms of rap music. We recorded this broadcast in 2024 and did not publish it because we had a really bad technical day. And so now today as we mourn the passing of Nasty Nes Rodriguez, we dug into our archives, retrieved the interview, carefully edited best we could and published this conversation in honor of his life and legacy. Great memories, great perspectives. Even Nes' dog has a prominent part in this recording lol!!

    But yes, Nasty Nes Rodriguez was a great man and a good friend we met in our days of being in the radio, music and marketing industries. Listen, Like, share.
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    31 mins
  • City of Long Beach votes to raise Pan African Flag during Black History Month
    Feb 13 2025
    Following a motion forwarded by Long Beach City Councilmember Tunua Thrash-Ntuk, and seconded by Councilmember Dr. Jodi Ricks-Oddie, the Long Beach City Council unanimously approved the raising of the Pan African Flag. The motion requested that annually, the flag will fly alongside the Stars and Stripes, The State of California Flag and the City of Long Beach flag on the plaza of the Long Beach Civic Center as an acknowledgement of Black History Month.

    For this episode, Greg J. contemplates the move and the significance of the flag in this space - a energetic topic in a city that is so diverse and touts its position as a progressive and diverse municipality. We contemplate the essence of the Red, the black and the green flying over City Hall.

    I know one thing... Sistas standing on culture in City Hall and that's what's up.
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    5 mins
  • Liberia to the USA - Gwen AUstin: Businesswoman, Author, Philanthropist
    Feb 7 2025
    We are honored to speak with Gwen Austin - a prominent businesswoman, author and philanthropist. She is a Liberian-born American residing in the LA area. She shares her story of immigration to this country and reflects on the changes she has seen in the US and the changes we are seeing on the Continent.
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    46 mins
  • Serving Altadena Community thru the Devastating Eaton Fire - Dr. Belinda Allen, West Angeles Community Development Corporation
    Jan 29 2025
    The fires raging across the Los Angeles area have been devastating. Entire neighborhoods have been wiped out. In Altadena the devastation is apocalyptic as thousands are left with nothing after thier homes have completely burned down. Generations of African Americans left homeless and in despair. And yet, the West Angeles Community Development Corporation once again steps into its more than 30 year old reputation of being a solid and reputable source of help in time of trouble in the community.

    Dr. Belinda Allen serves as the Executive Director for this awesome non-profit organization and today, she shares how the CDC is helping fire victims and other avenues of support the CDC provides in the community.
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    20 mins
  • Civic Engagement & Cultural Celebrations
    Jan 29 2025
    Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day has been a centerpiece in cities all over the Southland. In recent years, it would appear that black centered cultural celbrations have been muted.So what are the cultural and civic nuances in presenting cultural celebrations? Is there an air of anti blackness? In Long Beach, CA activists believe city government has minimized black reppresentation in the MLK celebrations. How do community and civic entities link and sync? Open conversation for thought and critical analysis.... #preservearts #culture #relevance
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    21 mins
  • Black Immigration Perspective - Pamela Asobo-Anchang, Publisher Immigrant Magazine
    Jan 21 2025
    And so, as the peaceful transition of power takes place, the government is taking action against immigrants. We hear talk of mass deportation and birthrights, The narrative has folk stereotypically thinking of Latino immigrants. However; the discussion affects the Diasporic immigrants. Black folk from Africa, the Caribbean, South America et. al. We discus immigration with the publisher of Immigrant Magazine, Pamela Asobo Anchang who has long been in the fight to support the African Immigrant community. She is from Cameroon, West Africa. Join us for robust and informative conversation!

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    51 mins
  • Boots on the Ground-the Altadena Fires: Pastor G. LaKeith Kenebrew
    Jan 16 2025
    As wildfires siege LA County, we turn our attention to the community of Altadena, where a vibrant community of black folk have lived for generations. The neighborhood has been deeply impacted by the wildfires in an incredibly and unimaginable way. Pastor G. LaKeith Kenebrew of the Hillside Church of God in Christ in Altadena joins us to share his experiences in the fire. A part of the church property was burned and Pastor lost his home as did other members of his family. And yet, he and others are strong on the street organizing, coordianating and wanting to be a service to the people. This is an incredible story of resilience, service and steadfast faith. #altadena #wildfires
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    48 mins