• Christian Mindfulness Meditation Exercise: Helping to Overcome Depression
    Feb 1 2025

    This Mindfulness Meditation exercise is designed to help with overcoming depression. It includes a body scan, scripture to reflect on, prayer, and affirmations. Hopefully it will also help you to envision the fact that God is with you always and encourage you on your life journey. Please note, if you are in need of professional help please reach out to one of your local Christian counselors or therapists.

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    10 mins
  • Christian Mindfulness Meditation: Giving Thanks and Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness
    Jan 19 2025

    Sometimes we get so caught up in everything that’s going on around us that we allow those things to move/affect us. Allow this mindfulness meditation to help shift your focus to God’s hand over your life, giving thanks for His faithfulness!

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    10 mins
  • Christian Mindfulness Meditation Finding Stillness in God’s Presence
    Jan 10 2025

    There are not a lot of Christ centered Mindfulness Meditations so this year I am committed to making them. Welcome to this year’s first episode!

    The following meditation focuses on the breath and thoughts bringing your awareness to the fact that God is with you no matter what is going on around you in your life. Be still and know that He is God!

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    10 mins
  • Forgiveness Part 8 of 8: Imprisoned
    Apr 16 2024
    Imprisoned speaks of not just a place but a state of mind, and to go even deeper, a heart condition. It’s actually an act of rebellion when you have knowledge of the word of God but you choose in your heart not to follow Jesus and the way in which you’ve been instructed to go. Both the natural and physical world paint a picture of what imprisonment does to a person who does not keep God at the center of his focus. I believe that John the Baptist experienced some of this at the end of his life when he started looking at his circumstances and allowed doubt to set in. I admit that life can take a toll on you at times however I assure you that there is life in God’s word! I pray that you’ve found these episodes to be helpful on your journey of forgiveness and on your walk with God! Take care and until next season remember “Where you dwell matters!”
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    13 mins
  • Forgiveness Part 7 of 8: Helpless
    Nov 26 2023
    This episode is from the lens of a family member who was made aware of another family member being human trafficked and the mixture of emotions experienced to include guilt and helplessness. Have you ever felt helpless in protecting your loved ones? This feeling of helplessness can actually cause separation from those you love if not careful. If you identify with the story of Helpless in any way, take some time to write and go to God in prayer. Please note that this episode could be triggering therefore it is encouraged that you practice self care and seek professional help and support if needed.
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    8 mins
  • Forgiveness Part 6 of 8: Island
    Oct 11 2023
    In this episode we look at an unforgiving heart in the context of a relationship. This can be really detrimental to a marriage or family because it creates walls, eventually building a fortified city within a city. Or, in this case, a house divided against itself. As you listen to Island’s story and the reflection, take some time to reflect on your heart within the context of your relationship. Are there remnants of an unforgiving heart? Please note that Bitterness and Resentment are it’s fruits. If so, take some time to be honest with yourself concerning your thoughts and emotions by writing these down and taking them to God in prayer 🙏🏿
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    6 mins
  • Forgiveness Part 5 of 8: Confusion
    Jun 29 2023
    This episode on Forgiveness gives an inside look of 2 lives: One life that has made a decision and another that is privy to that decision. It’s confusing and not quite understandable if either knew the outcome of the decision and choices made. Many times when looking back we hold ourselves responsible for information that we didn’t have at the time and end up living in shame, guilt, or what I like to call a “hidden state” or a “dark place.” I pray that after listening to this episode you will make up your mind to stop hiding, especially from God. In the mental health community it’s called shadow work. What’s important to keep in mind is this: in order for you to see a shadow, light must be present. Allow God’s light to shine and illuminate those dark spaces and places. And when you start to question the giver of life and the question is asked Am I worth it? I pray that you will reply with a resounding Yes! Yes God!
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    16 mins
  • Forgiveness Part 4 of 8: Esteem
    Jun 14 2023
    In this episode esteem of self and self forgiveness is discussed. The esteem from people pleasing is temporal and is no match for God’s love. When we find ourselves not measuring up we often sentence ourselves refusing to forgive. Notes: God’s command for us to forgive others includes you too. When God forgives it’s important that we’re able to receive of His forgiveness. Do you need to ask for forgiveness? Is there something that you haven’t forgiven yourself for? May the Word of God speak to your heart concerning forgiveness. Allow the love of God to help you break free from the life sentence you’ve sentenced yourself to! As always, I’ll be praying for you🙏🏿
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    12 mins