• Grow You, Lead Better – The Foundation of True Leadership
    Sep 18 2024

    Welcome to today's podcast, where we're going to be tackling a top topic that frankly, I believe needs a serious wake up call. Think about it. How can you lead others without first leading yourself? It's an appalling abuse of privilege.   📍

    And yet we see it all the time. People in leadership positions think they can manage direct or control others without doing the hard work of growing themselves. Let me make this clear from the start. This is irrational, irresponsible, and ultimately unsustainable. Let's get into it. The myth of leadership without growth. Now for some reason, there are still leaders who believe that their title alone gives them the right to direct people. They think they can inspire guide or even command others without first working on themselves. They hold onto this myth. That that leadership is about telling others what to do while they themselves remain stagnant, fixed in their mindset, unwilling to evolve. Let me tell you. That's not leadership that's control and there's a huge difference. True leadership starts with growing yourself.

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    8 mins
  • Self-Leadership: The Foundation for Change, Family, and Personal Growth
    Sep 17 2024

    In today's world, the one constant is change. Whether we're navigating shifts in our careers, managing family dynamics, or pursuing personal growth, self-leadership is the key to thriving in all areas of life. In this video, I dive into the core principles of self-leadership and explore how mastering it can positively impact your ability to handle change, strengthen your family bonds, and lead yourself to personal fulfillment.

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    8 mins
  • Self-Leadership and A.I
    Sep 17 2024

    Welcome to Chris Walker Coaching: Self-Leadership, where we take you on a journey through the art of leading yourself first. With over 40 years of experience, Chris Walker brings you practical, grounded wisdom that taps into nature’s laws to help you thrive in all areas of life—work, home, and beyond. Whether it’s mastering change, unlocking your potential, or transforming family dynamics, each episode is packed with real-world strategies and the Walker Way of creating sustainable success. Get ready to shift your perspective and start living the life you were meant for.

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    6 mins
  • Love and Self Leadership
    Sep 15 2024

    Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are today.

    In this post, we're diving into a topic that might not always seem to connect directly with self-leadership: love. But not the mushy, romanticized version of love. Instead, we're talking about real love—the kind of love that powers your work, your relationships, and even how you lead yourself.

    Love is a crucial part of self-leadership. Why? Because doing what you love and loving what you do is the key to happiness and success in both your work and your life. It's nature's way. Do what you love and love what you do. The key to happiness.

    Let me hit you with a Walker-ism: Do what you love and love what you do. It sounds simple, but it's not always easy. We live in a world where many people feel stuck doing things they don't love, whether it's a job, a routine, or even their lifestyle. But here's the truth: through self-leadership, you can learn to love what you do, no matter what it is.

    Self-leadership teaches you to connect with your purpose and turn the mundane into something meaningful.

    The Role of Love in Self-Leadership

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    5 mins
  • Self Leadership to Leadership - The Connection is clear
    Sep 14 2024

    We hear the word “leadership” tossed around a lot these days. But here’s the truth: Real leadership starts with leading yourself first. Without self-leadership, you can’t effectively lead others. It’s the foundation on which trust, confidence, and strength are built. But here’s the kicker—if self-leadership only benefits you, it’s just narcissism. The true power of self-leadership comes when you use it to make a difference in the world around you—your team, your family, your community.

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    12 mins
  • How Self Leadership Impacts Family Dynamics
    Sep 13 2024

    Today, we’re talking about something that’s a game-changer in family life: self-leadership and how it can dramatically improve your parenting.

    Now, if you’re sitting there wondering how focusing on yourself could possibly make you a better parent, buckle up—because that’s exactly what we’re diving into today. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about your kids—it’s about you.

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    13 mins
  • Family Dynamics
    Sep 13 2024

    Buckle up because today, we’re getting real about family dynamics. If you’re a parent, listen closely, because nothing affects your kids more than your unlived life. Yep, that’s right. You thought parenting was about them? Nah. It’s about you.

    Here’s the cold, hard truth: children are born to teach their parents love. The stuff you don’t love in yourself? That’s what you’re going to see in your kids, and trust me, it’s not going to be pretty until you deal with it. We breed, attract, or become what we don't love in ourselves. So, if you’re sitting there wondering why your kid is driving you nuts, it’s probably because they’re reflecting the part of you that you haven’t quite figured out yet.

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    9 mins
  • Leading Remote Teams - Conscious Leadership
    Aug 26 2024

    how to inspire the individual to be able to be productive at home.

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    15 mins