• Dangerous Prayers: Week 2: Why Bother
    Mar 3 2025

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    Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the power of persistent, bold prayer as taught by Jesus in Luke 11. The pastor emphasizes that God is not bothered by our continual asking but may be moved by it. He encourages believers to pray dangerous prayers, particularly for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is presented as the most important and transformative prayer request. The sermon challenges Christians to move beyond safe, routine prayers to those that require divine intervention and demonstrate faith in God's power.

    Key Points:

    Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray, focusing on the "how" rather than just the "what" God is not bothered by persistent prayer; He may be moved by it Believers should pray boldly and persistently, not giving up easily The most important prayer is for the Holy Spirit to come and work in our lives Dangerous prayers in dangerous ways can lead to significant spiritual breakthroughs Personal prayer life is crucial for ministers and all believers Scripture Reference:

    Luke 11:5-13 (The parable of the friend at midnight and Jesus' teaching on prayer)

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    33 mins
  • Dangerous Prayers: Week 1: No More Praying it Safe
    Feb 24 2025

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    Sermon Summary:

    This sermon encourages believers to move beyond "safe" prayers and embrace "dangerous" prayers that align with God's will, even when it challenges personal comfort. The pastor emphasizes the importance of yielding to God's plan, using Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane as a model. He explores the nature of prayer, its importance, and how to pray effectively, ultimately calling for a transformative prayer life that leads to spiritual growth and a deeper relationship with God.

    Key Points:

    • Moving from "safe" to "dangerous" prayers
    • The importance of yielding to God's will, as exemplified by Jesus
    • Understanding prayer as a conversation with God
    • The benefits of prayer, including intimacy with God and relief from anxiety
    • How to pray using the PRAY (Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield) method
    • Trusting God's plan even when we don't understand it
    • The power of persistent, bold prayer

    Scripture Reference:

    Luke 22:42 - "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."

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    32 mins
  • From Running to Revival; Week 5: All Synced Up
    Feb 18 2025

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    Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the book of Jonah, particularly focusing on chapter 4, to reveal the disconnect between God's compassion for lost souls and our own misplaced concerns. The pastor challenges believers to examine their hearts and align their priorities with God's desire to save people. He emphasizes the importance of responding to God's nudges to share the gospel, highlighting that God often prepares people's hearts in advance for such encounters.

    Key Points:

    • God gives second chances and doesn't give up on us
    • We should be bolder in sharing our faith, trusting God with the results
    • Our concerns often don't align with God's priorities for lost souls
    • True spiritual maturity is when our concerns sync up with God's concerns
    • We must identify and remove barriers that prevent us from sharing God's love

    Scripture Reference:

    • Jonah 3:1-5, 4:1-11
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    34 mins
  • From Running to Revival: Week 4: Second Chance Obedience
    Feb 10 2025

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    Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the themes of obedience, overcoming fear, and responding to God's call. The pastor emphasizes the importance of stopping spiritual running, embracing God's second chances, and allowing Him to reawaken dreams and callings in our lives. He stresses the need for personal revival that leads to awakening in the world, urging listeners to pursue holiness and develop a burden for their community and beyond.

    Key Points: God offers second chances to fulfill His calling in our lives Fear can suppress the anointing and gifts God has given us We must embrace both the life and lifestyle of Jesus Personal revival should lead to awakening in the world Breaking up "unplowed ground" in our spiritual lives is challenging but necessary Developing a holy agony and burden for our community is crucial

    Scripture Reference: Jonah 3:1-10 2 Timothy 1:6-7 Joel 2:12-14 Psalm 67 Hosea 10:12

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    28 mins
  • From Running to Revival: Week 3: Ex's Only
    Feb 3 2025

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    Sermon Summary: This sermon explores the story of Jonah, focusing on God's relentless pursuit of those who run from Him. It emphasizes God's willingness to hear the prayers of those who have strayed, His involvement in the circumstances that bring people back to Him, and the realization that true salvation and fulfillment can only be found in the Lord. The message encourages listeners to stop running from God and embrace His grace and second chances.

    Key Points: God hears the prayers of those who run from Him God is often behind the circumstances that stop a runner in their tracks Salvation from guilt, loneliness, and purposelessness is found only in the Lord God leverages our mistakes and consequences for good if we turn to Him God offers second chances and is not finished with anyone, no matter how far they've run

    Scripture Reference: Jonah 2:1-3

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    27 mins
  • From Running to Revival: Week 2: No Payback
    Jan 27 2025

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    Sermon Summary: This week we explore the story of Jonah and its relevance to our own tendency to run from God. It emphasizes that while we all attempt to flee from God's will at times, we cannot outrun His love and grace. The pastor highlights the dangers of running from God, including making unwise decisions and hurting those around us. Ultimately, the sermon calls for a return to God, emphasizing His unconditional love and the grace available through Jesus Christ.

    Key Points: Everyone has attempted to run from God at some point in their lives We run from God because we think we'll miss out, don't trust Him, or confuse Him with bad church experiences Runners often go to dangerous places and make unwise decisions Running from God hurts not only the runner but also those close to them God's pursuit of runners is motivated by love, not punishment Jesus, unlike Jonah, ran towards God's will to bring us salvation God's grace is sufficient and available to those who turn back to Him

    Scripture Reference: Jonah 1:1-17 (primary focus) Matthew 12 (Jesus referencing Jonah) Luke 15

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    34 mins
  • From Running To Revival: Week 1: Are You Ready?
    Jan 20 2025

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    Sermon Summary:

    This sermon introduces a new series titled "From Running to Revival," focusing on the importance of cultivating a desire for God's presence and revival in our lives. The pastor emphasizes the need to move beyond settling for less than what God offers, urging believers to prepare their hearts for a powerful encounter with God. He contrasts the dangers of spiritual complacency with the transformative power of genuine revival, encouraging the congregation to long for God's presence and be willing to consecrate themselves for His work.

    Key Points:

    • Revival is when God's presence shifts from a doctrine to an experience
    • We often settle for less than what God has available for us
    • True revival comes with both internal and external resistance
    • Preparing for revival involves consecration and fervent prayer
    • Our actions for God should flow from our intimate relationship with Him
    • The drift away from spiritual fervor is subtle but dangerous
    • God always shows up where He is wanted

    Scripture Reference:

    • Jonah 1:1-2
    • Acts 2:41, 2:47, 4:31, 19:17-20
    • Revelation 2:2-5
    • Psalm 16:11
    • 2 Timothy 2:19-21

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    35 mins
  • GLOW UP Week 2: Let's Do This
    Jan 13 2025

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    Sermon Summary:

    This sermon reflects on the church's achievements in 2024 while emphasizing the importance of maintaining spiritual zeal and pursuing God's vision for the future. The pastor encourages the congregation to view challenges as opportunities for God to work, confront fears with faith, and recognize that human weakness provides a stage for God's strength. He stresses the urgency of reaching the lost and calls for continued growth and expansion of the church's ministry.

    Key Points:

    • Celebrating the church's growth and achievements in 2024
    • Warning against complacency and the tendency for vision to "leak"
    • Viewing insurmountable obstacles as opportunities for God
    • Confronting fears as motivating factors rather than paralysis
    • Recognizing human weakness as a platform for God's strength
    • Encouraging daily Bible reading, particularly a 90-day Gospel reading plan
    • Outlining future plans for church expansion and ministry development

    Scripture Reference:

    • Numbers 13-14 (The story of the 12 spies exploring Canaan)
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    35 mins