Café Denunciando Atualizado.

By: Fábio Reschke Ribeiro
  • Summary

  • Fornecendo informações privilegiadas para autoridades conhecerem os criminosos noticiados pelo Sr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, que é interpretado pela Sabótna, no PodCast Café Denunciando Atualizado.
    Fábio Reschke Ribeiro
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  • In today's episode I'm going to talk about Chief Andrea Mattos, wife of Police Chief Cristiano..
    Apr 18 2023
    Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Café Denunciando Updated podcast, and Sabotna is speaking. In today's episode I'm going to talk about Chief Andrea Mattos, wife of Police Chief Cristiano Reschke. Delegate Andrea Mattos, holder of the Porto Alegre Police Station to Combat Intolerance, dies on 04/14/2023, aged 42. Since 2019, she has treated bowel cancer. More recently, the treatment was unresponsive and Andrea identified metastases. Andrea was head of the Porto Alegre Police Station to Combat Intolerance. On April 5th, she received the Farroupilha Medal of Merit from the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul. The honor was granted to the delegate in recognition of her tireless work in confronting lgbtqia+phobia, racism, religious intolerance, fascism and neo-Nazism. The homage was proposed by state deputy Leonel Radde (PT), who lamented the death on his social networks: “May his example of life and his work serve as a beacon for us forever. I miss you so much... I'm going to talk about screenwriters who write what they're going to produce, before putting it into practice. Projected racism, crimes of intolerance, neo-Nazism, and much more, listen until the end, or access Café Denunciando Updated, on the internet, the link is available in the description of this episode. One of the places that received complaints is the Superior Council of the Civil Police of Rio Grande do Sul. E-mails sent, addressed to delegate Cristiano Reschke. This complaint reached this delegate, and also reached his wife, Andrea Mattos, who was also a civil police delegate. The denounced criminals were investigated by two delegates, in addition to their investigators, among others. The criminal actors, dissimulated in front of the delegates, because they had knowledge regarding the area of ​​activity of the delegate Andrea Mattos, wife of Cristiano Reschke. Andrea Mattos investigated cases of racism, LGBTQIA+phobia, neo-Nazism and crimes of intolerance. This is exactly the area of ​​activity that should investigate the criminals reported by Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, criminals who are exploiters of racism, Nazism, homosexuality, and crimes of intolerance. Criminals hacked the police officers who received the reports, with the mission to sabotage investigations and processes. When the cops were online, investigating, the code was, ( Láh comes the Rio Grande on horseback ). The criminals used criminal technical expertise to identify the goals of the officers that showed in their expressions when investigating the cases. The criminals used declared corrupt authorities, with the aim of lying, using the positions held, and thus, lying to the police. The Sabotna mentioned here is a police officer who investigated the cases. Sabótna mentioned phrases and words to define the criminals reported by Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro. Here are some excerpts: That scoundrel, bald, disgusting, faggot, old and outdated, miserable. His reaction to listening to Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro for some time and understanding the motivation of his war. Is Fábio's racism projected?. Sabotna was working, talking and being overheard by criminals intent on obstructing investigations and prosecutions. It is not possible to define without using investigative devices used by decent authorities, being real snippets and investigations can clarify who the reported criminals were listening to. The motivation of criminals, we can define, which are the established truths. Criminals manipulated false information, heating up information, using positions of declared corrupt authorities, who have the habit of sabotaging investigations and processes, and is no exception, in the investigation of police chief Andrea Mattos, who may or may not have been manipulated by clowns.
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    15 mins
  • No episódio de hoje eu vou falar sobre a delegada Andrea Mattos, esposa do Cristiano Reschke.
    Apr 17 2023
    Senhoras e senhores, esse é o podcast Café Denunciando Atualizado, e quem está falando é a Sabótna. No episódio de hoje eu vou falar sobre a delegada Andrea Mattos, esposa do Cristiano Reschke, delegado de polícia. A delegada Andrea Mattos, titular da Delegacia de Combate à Intolerância de Porto Alegre, morre no dia 14/04/2023, aos 42 anos. Desde 2019, ela tratava um câncer no intestino. Mais recentemente, o tratamento não apresentava resposta e Andrea identificou metástases. Andrea era a titular da Delegacia de Combate à Intolerância de Porto Alegre. No último dia 5 de abril, ela recebeu da Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Sul a Medalha do Mérito Farroupilha. A honraria foi concedida à delegada em reconhecimento ao seu trabalho incansável no enfrentamento à lgbtqia+fobia, racismo, intolerância religiosa, fascismo e neonazismo. A homenagem foi uma proposição do deputado estadual Leonel Radde (PT), que lamentou a morte em suas redes sociais: “Que seu exemplo de vida e seu trabalho nos sirvam de farol para sempre. Sinto demais a tua falta… Vou falar sobre roteiristas que escrevem o que irão produzir, antes de colocar em prática. Racismo projetado, crimes de intolerância, neonazismo, e muito mais, ouça até o final, ou acesse o Café Denunciando Atualizado, na internet, o link está disponível na descrição desse episódio. Um dos locais que recebeu denúncias, é o Conselho Superior Da Polícia Civil do Rio Grande do Sul. E-mails enviados, endereçados ao delegado Cristiano Reschke. Essa denúncia chegou até esse delegado, e também chegou até a sua esposa, Andrea Mattos, que também era uma delegada de polícia civil. Os criminosos denunciados foram Investigados por dois delegados, além de seus investigadores, entre outros. Os atores criminosos, dissimularam em face dos delegados, por terem conhecimento em relação a área de atuação da delegada Andrea Mattos, esposa do Cristiano Reschke. A Andrea Mattos investigava casos de racismo, LGBTQIA+fobia, neonazismo e crimes de intolerância. Essa é exatamente a área de atuação que deveria investigar os criminosos noticiados pelo Sr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, criminosos que são exploradores de racismo, nazismo, homossexualidade, e crimes de intolerância. Criminosos hackearam o os policiais que receberam as denúncias, com a missão de sabotar investigações e processos. Quando os policiais estavam online, investigando, o código era, ( Láh vem o Rio Grande a cavalo ). Os criminosos usaram perícia técnica criminal para identificar os objetivos dos policiais que se mostraram em suas expressões ao investigar os casos. Os criminosos usaram autoridades corruptas declaradas, com o objetivo de mentir, usando os cargos ocupados, e assim, mentindo para os policiais. A Sabótna mencionada aqui é um policial que investigou os casos. a Sabótna mencionou frases e palavras para definir os criminosos noticiados pelo Sr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro. Aqui estão alguns trechos: Esse canalha, careca nojento, viado, velho e ultrapassado, miserável. Sua reação ao ouvir o, Sr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, durante algum tempo, e entender a motivação de sua guerra. O racismo do Fábio é projetado ?. A Sabótna, estava trabalhando, conversando e sendo ouvida por criminosos que tinham a intenção de obstruir investigações e processos. Não é possível definir sem uso de aparatos investigativos usados por autoridades decentes, sendo trechos reais e investigações podem esclarecer quem os criminosos noticiados estavam ouvindo. A motivação dos criminosos, podemos definir, quê são as verdades instauradas. Os criminosos manipularam informações falsas, esquentando informações, usando cargos de autoridades corruptas declaradas, que tem o costume de sabotar investigações e processos, e não é excessão,
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    18 mins
  • I'm going to talk about the shooter who shot at the wall of the public prosecutor's office in Chape
    Apr 3 2023
    Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Café Denunciando updated, podcast, and Sabotna is speaking. In today's episode I'm going to talk about the second attendance at the public ministry of Chapecó, in Santa Catarina, Brazil. I'm going to talk about the shooter who shot at the wall of the public prosecutor's office in Chapecó. The police and decent justice will also know through the Café denouncing updated, the saboteur who was with the Extermination group that is hacking, chasing, torturing and provoking Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, close to all the places where Mr Fábio worked , lived in and even places he visited. To leave no doubt, Anatel is available with telephone calls from Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro to police stations in Lages, calls that contain information on arrests of criminals who were arrested due to records of occurrences recorded by Mr Fábio Reschke. And so as not to miss the opportunity, I will also bring details that define the reported criminals, listen until the end, or access the Café denunciando updated on the internet, the link is available in the description of this episode. On June 13, 2022, a bisexual bald guy was chasing Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro. The bald man was in possession of one or more firearms with live ammunition, shot the wall of the Public Ministry of Chapecó, in Santa Catarina, Brazil, on June 13, 2022. This terrorist didn't walk alone, he uses bums and bums to sabotage Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro's services. It's a vicious circle of sabotage that is available to any man or woman around the world, using investigative devices, which will identify and conclude. The reported criminals will use whores from the Public Prosecutor's Office, with the mission to manipulate and lie using these whores who will have sexual intercourse with men involved in the real facts reported. This extermination group wants to use bitches who will advocate for reported terrorists. Security cameras close to the location can be investigated in addition to the audio from security cameras close to the exact location where the reported criminals were. This bunch of motherfuckers doesn't deserve long speeches and to identify those involved, just access the security cameras of the Public Ministry of Chapecó on June 13, 2022, to identify the dog streetwalker that influenced the service. The Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro was persecuted on June 13, 2022, the day of the second visit to the public prosecutor of Chapecó, and the reported criminals will claim that they did not persecute Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro. There are two attendances at the public ministry of Chapecó, and both attendances were mocked. A stalker who should be dead chased Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro on June 13, 2022. This stalker had the mission to fail Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro in the public ministry of Chapecó. This nasty stalker spoke to the prosecutor's office, influencing Mr Fábio Reschke Ribeiro's service, before the service took place. She was chasing Mr. Fábio Reschke Ribeiro, along with the shooter who shot at the wall of the Chapecó public prosecutor's office, and they knew that Mr. Fábio had gone to the public prosecutor's office, and they decided to sabotage the service. The bald man, along with others, stayed close to the scene, and this stalker entered the public prosecutor's office, with the mission of sabotaging the service. The police must know the conversation between the stalker and the public prosecutor's office in Chapecó on the date and time mentioned, and they must also know the conversation afterwards, as the reported criminals are communicating with the prosecutor's advisors, and even with the prosecutor's family of justice that did
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    15 mins

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