
  • Base Under Siege - Log File #002
    May 19 2023

    The "impenetrable" Aztar Base - control station for the Aztar shield which keeps alien invaders out of Earth Central's sector of space - has been penetrated. As General Williams engages the approaching Cyberfleet, Dr Calder interviews the Man Who Sold The Galaxy...

    Music: The Proving Grounds, licenced from premiumbeat.com

    Dr Lucas Calder/Michael Lee - James Baxter

    General/Aztarian Cyberman/Other Voices - Paul Corvino

    Cyberlog is a Doctor Who fan spin-off, honouring the creations of Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis. It's made for fun and not for any sort of profit. If you like this and want some more, let us know.

    Follow us at https://twitter.com/Cyberlog67


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    26 mins
  • Interference - Log File #001
    May 5 2023

    Dr Lucas Calder makes the first entry to the Cyberlog - Two engineers from Earth Central land on the ice planet Utility12 to fix a telecommunications fault. A ruthless inhuman killer is waiting for them... Will they make it back home again?

    Music: The Proving Grounds, licenced from premiumbeat.com

    Dr Lucas Calder/Saboteur - James Baxter

    General/Telosian Cyberman - Paul Corvino

    Cyberlog is a Doctor Who fan spin-off, honouring the creations of Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis. It's made for fun and not for any sort of profit. If you like this and want some more, let us know.

    Follow us at https://twitter.com/Cyberlog67


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    24 mins