• 725. Jim Grove
    Feb 20 2025
    Jim Grove is a lifelong practitioner of yogic meditation who grew up in a small logging town on the West Coast of Canada. At age thirteen, he was introduced to a teacher who was one of the few ministers directly ordained by Paramahansa Yogananda during his lifetime, Mother Yogacharya M. Hamilton of Seattle. A series of early transcendental experiences convinced him to commit himself to continued yogic practice under her tutelage. His recent memoir, A Curious Spiritual Journey, recounts some of the prominent experiences that have arisen from his practice over four decades, starting from early adolescence, in the interests of providing some insight into the often unpredictable process of spiritual unfoldment. He likes to speak plainly about spiritual experience and practice, avoiding the vague, abstract, and sometimes inflated language used in much spiritual and new age writing. He lives in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Website: jimgrove.ca Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group. Interview recorded February 15, 2025
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    1 hr and 38 mins
  • 724. Lisa Carrillo
    Feb 5 2025
     Although Lisa worked as a chemical engineer, spirituality always was the priority in her life. In 2009, at a silent retreat, her thought-based identity dropped away, and she saw only the single flow of benevolence in all that is. When some of those thoughts returned a few weeks later (less convincing than before), there also came a deep curiosity to inquire into those thoughts. She developed many tools to return to a lived experience of the deeper knowing. Both of her books share these tools. All that is is a vibrant expression erupting from a single full emptiness. Website: experiencingthetrueself.com Books: An Unprincipled Life: Living from the Unknown Living Awake: 20 Techniques to End "I Got It; I Lost It" Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group. Summary and transcript of this interview Interview recorded January 26, 2025
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    Less than 1 minute
  • 723. Eli Recht
    Jan 14 2025
     Born and raised in San Diego, CA, and currently residing in Carlsbad, CA, Eli Recht is a licensed psychotherapist (LMFT), EMDR clinician, spiritual counselor, editor, and teacher of Self-realization. In 2020, Eli experienced a falling away of ego identity and an awakening to the true nature of Reality. As a result, Eli has dedicated his life to service – to help alleviate suffering, cultivate connection, guide people through the often-confusing journey of Life, and invite others to recognize our shared unconditioned essence. Eli’s specialty is blending contemporary psychological knowledge with timeless spiritual wisdom and advocating for the integration of these two disciplines. Website: elirecht.com Books (Editor and Foreword): Grace Happens: An Awakening of Consciousness Reflections of Consciousness: Essays on the Journey of Awakening and the Nature of Reality Summary and transcript of this interview Interview recorded January 11, 2025
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    2 hrs and 4 mins
  • 722. Tanis Helliwell
    Jan 1 2025
    Tanis Helliwell has seen higher realms and spoken with Masters, angels and elementals since childhood. Walking in many worlds, she led tours to sacred sites for two decades, was a management consultant working for over 30 years, and founded the International Institute for Transformation specializing in spiritual transformation in 2000. A true mystic who has worked with Masters in higher realms since childhood, her gift is assisting others to develop a soul-infused personal life in harmony with spiritual laws. Her knowledge and understanding of other worlds and spiritual realms can be found in some of her most popular books: Summer with the Leprechauns, The Leprechaun’s Story, HYBRIDS: So you think you are human, The High Beings of Hawaii, The Dragon's Tale, and Good Morning Henry: An In-Depth Journey With the Body Intelligence. Website: tanishelliwell.com Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group. Summary and transcript of this interview Interview recorded December 16.
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    1 hr and 47 mins
  • 721. Efrat Shokef
    Dec 20 2024
    Efrat Shokef, Ph.D., is a mother to three spiritually aware teens. A daughter, wife, sister, writer, teacher, cosmic journeyer, a shamanic energy healing practitioner working primarily with children, teens, parents, and families, and the Author of The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children – Near Death Experience and the Parenting Teachings It Invites. Efrat was severely injured in a car crash and experienced a profound near-death experience (NDE) when her three daughters were all still younger than four. Her journey of physical recovery, the integration of her NDE, and, at the same time, her inability to participate in the caretaking of her daughters sent her on a quest to the essence of motherhood. What makes us our child(ren)’s parent beyond the doing? A quest and insights she shared in her book, and on her website. Efrat believes that when parents know/remember that they are more than their physical bodies or their confused, wounded emotions, they can recognize the luminosity of their child(ren). When we all accept that we are on a journey of growth, we can mirror the possibility of this Earthly journey to the children in our lives. When we walk our essence and connect to who we are at our core, we can see that same luminosity in everyone, beyond gender, race, ethnicity, or age. Respecting all others, including our children— dependent humans, yet also powerful, experienced souls—becomes a way of life. Explore articles and resources for Spiritually Aware Families and Contact Efrat through her website: https://efratshokef.com/ Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group Interview recorded December 8, 2024.
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    1 hr and 45 mins
  • 720. Riyaz Motan
    Dec 3 2024
     Born in Kenya, and of Indian ancestry, Riyaz came to North America when he was ten years old (growing up in Canada, and then moving to the United States as an adult). Each of these lands, peoples, and cultures has informed and shaped his expression and sensibilities. He is a product of both East and West. Most of his adult life has been devoted to the study and practice of both psychotherapy and spirituality. And both of these disciplines have been integral to a path of healing and awakening. Professionally, his life’s work has been to bring together Eastern wisdom with Western science and psychology in a synergistic alliance. After 26 years of mainly practicing as a psychotherapist, and many years of teaching and supervising students and interns in a transpersonally oriented graduate school (CIIS in San Francisco), he has shifted his work in a more explicitly spiritual direction. He now leads individuals and groups in spiritual work through groups, and day-long and multi-day retreats. In April 2023, he received dharma transmission and the blessing of his teacher, Adyashanti. Website: riyazmotan.com Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group Summary and transcript of this interview Interview recorded November 26, 2024 YouTube Video Chapters: 00:00:00 Embracing Vulnerability in Teaching  00:03:24 Transition to Spiritual Teaching  00:06:25 The Unexpected Lung Cancer Diagnosis  00:10:10 Embracing Life's Challenges as Spiritual Lessons  00:13:24 Philosophy of Evolution and Suffering  00:17:23 Embracing Mortality and Living Fully  00:20:23 Wisdom from Sri Ramakrishna: Always Be Learning  00:23:25 Navigating Cancer Treatment Challenges  00:26:34 Embracing Alternative Healing Methods  00:29:41 Embracing Non-Western Healing Approaches  00:33:01 The Profound Experience of Near-Death and Out-of-Body Events  00:36:32 Personal Transformations Through Marriage  00:40:30 Embracing Earthly Spirituality  00:45:53 The Impact of Spirituality as an Escape Mechanism  00:49:46 Cultivating Presence for Emotional Healing  00:53:54 The Power of Group Consciousness  00:57:45 The Toll of Being a Spiritual Teacher  01:01:07 Embracing Vulnerability in Teaching  01:05:08 The Evolution of Spiritual Teaching Methodologies  01:08:57 Evolution of Teacher-Student Dynamics in Education  01:12:51 Importance of Preparatory Spiritual Practices  01:16:26 Lack of Spiritual Development and Global Issues  01:19:34 Humanity's Crisis and Opportunity for Change  01:22:26 Awakening of a New Consciousness  01:26:27 Exploring Neurodivergence and Enhanced Perception  01:30:28 Transformative Power of Psychedelics and Nature  01:33:46 Ayahuasca Experience: A Catalyst for Awakening  01:36:57 Spiritual Awakening through Nature and Retreats  01:40:52 Exploring the Hero Dose: Insights from Adyashanti  01:43:41 Transition from One-to-One Work to Spiritual Mentoring  01:47:33 Upcoming Guests and Spiritual Experiences
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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • 719. Thomas Legrand
    Nov 16 2024
     Thomas Legrand is a wisdom’s seeker, a social scientist and sustainability practitioner. He is the author of the internationally acclaimed book “Politics of Being. Wisdom and Science for a New Development Paradigm” (2022), an invitation to radically rethink our model of development, which received the Grand Prize of the Nautilus Book Award in 2024. His spiritual journey began at the age of 23 with an encounter with native spirituality in Mexico, before embracing the wisdom of a wide range of traditions and practices, including meditation, energetic healing and Tai-chi-chuan. He lives with his wife and their two young daughters near Plum Village, the monastery of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh in the South West of France, his country. He is currently the Lead Technical Advisor for the UNDP-convened Conscious Food Systems Alliance. Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group Interview recorded November 9, 2024 YouTube Video Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction to Thomas Legrand and His Work  00:03:27 Integrating Politics and Spirituality  00:07:32 Radical Restructuring for Humanity's Survival  00:10:43 Prophecies of Transformation and Enlightenment  00:15:14 Exploring Spiritual Solutions for Society  00:19:22 The Necessity of Consciously Attending to Ethics in Spiritual Practice  00:23:51 Spirituality and Science Collaboration  00:27:12 The Influence of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual Work on Global Events  00:31:11 Spiritual Practices and Deep Forces  00:34:53 The Need for Spiritual Transformation  00:39:07 Theory X and Theory Y: Workplace Dynamics  00:43:34 Prisons as Factories of Stress and Recidivism  00:48:32 The Importance of Relationships in Happiness  00:52:40 The Impact of Collective Consciousness  00:56:18 Emerging Sciences for Happiness and Peace  01:00:30 Integrating Wisdom and Science for Unity  01:04:21 Healing Patterns on a Societal Level  01:09:00 Transformation Through Breakdown and Regrowth  01:12:06 Introducing the Concept of a Politics of Being  01:15:30 The Shift Back to Human Dimensions  01:20:37 Implementing Spiritual Solutions in Everyday Life  01:25:51 Economic Inequality as the Root of Social Issues  01:30:39 The Necessity of Change in Society  01:36:22 The Baha'i Vision and Progressive Revelation  01:39:03 Understanding the Soul of a Nation in a Globalized World  01:43:25 The Destiny of Unity and Diversity  01:48:08 Conversations on Conflict and Harmony in Israel  01:50:45 Healing Trauma as a Gateway  01:53:37 Presidential Apology and Indigenous Healing  01:56:00 Navigating Economic Growth and Conscious Transformation  02:00:23 Exploring Our Website Offerings
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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • 718. Georgette Star
    Nov 1 2024
     For over 30 years, Georgette Star, MA, D.Min, has dedicated her life to empowering adults and youth to live soul-embodied, joyful, and purposeful lives. An intuitive Soul Stream Life Coach & Mentor, and Method trainer, her own deep quest for Self-Realization informs all aspects of her work. Finding joy in sharing this journey with others and a calling to contribute to the greater good inspired her to found the Life Blessing Institute (LBI). This transformational learning community is designed to guide individuals on the journey of human potential, spiritual awakening, and actualization of their soul’s agenda. Through LBI, Georgette developed a variety of programs, including Maiden Spirit & Peace Warriors Youth Programs, Individual and Community Rites of Passage Celebrations and the Soul Stream Method Practitioner Training. Currently Georgette is also working on a documentary film titled The Woman’s Rite. The film examines the challenges of ageism faced by women (and all genders) and explores how these limitations can be transformed through creative expression, conscious rites-of-passage and spiritual awakening. It highlights the opportunity for women to step into empowered, vibrant, and respected elderhood, offering their wisdom, creativity, light, and love to a world that deeply needs their contributions. Georgette holds a Master’s degree from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality. Using her life experience, education and an array of natural abilities, Georgette actively pursues contributing to humankind however she can. In addition to her professional work, she cherishes being a mom, grandmother, artist, forest dweller and daughter of Mother Earth. She also finds joy in creating collaboratively with others and sharing the spiritual journey of awakening with her friends and colleagues. Website links: The Life Blessing Institute (LBI) The Woman’s Rite documentary project Click here to contact Georgette if you are interested in her Soul Stream Life Map Readings and include the word “BatGap” in the message field. Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group Summary and transcript of this interview Interview recorded October 27, 2024 YouTube Video Chapters: 00:00:00 Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump  00:03:51 Georgette Star: Wisdom and Creativity for a Needy World  00:07:28 Spiritual Awakening for Ordinary People  00:11:17 Embracing Categories in Spiritual Journeys  00:15:00 Embracing Uncertainty and the Free Fall of Life  00:17:59 Embracing Paradox and Spiritual Maturity  00:22:17 Can Society Transition Without Collapse?  00:26:08 Discovering Meaning in Spiritual Practice  00:30:43 Women's Rights Documentary Project  00:34:32 The Visionary Origins of the Project  00:38:51 The Journey from Idea to Film  00:43:27 Reflecting on Life's Journey and Self-Discovery  00:47:42 Childhood Mystical Experiences  00:51:34 Early Meditation Experiences and Visionary Insights  00:55:11 Meditation vs. Drug Use: Finding Natural Bliss  00:59:18 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs about Aging and Activity  01:03:54 Benefits of Pickleball and Meditation for Seniors  01:07:49 Creating Maiden Spirit: Empowering Young Girls  01:11:31 The Dark Side of Technology and Its Impact on Young Girls  01:15:44 Overcoming the Fear of Death with Spirituality  01:19:51 Transition from Scientist to Mystic  01:23:20 A Traumatic Car Accident and Its Impact  01:26:55 Timelessness in Self-Identity  01:30:06 Discovering the Concept of Original Blessing with Matthew Fox  01:34:47 Introduction to Soulstream Life Maps  01:38:40 Understanding Karmic Learning Pathways  01:42:00 The Role of Vedic Astrology in Naming  01:45:54 The Ripple Effect of Personal Growth  01:50:16 The Importance of Consciousness in Global Change
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    1 hr and 43 mins