• As Entrepreneurs & Business Owners, we want it all! How do we get what we want? Do THIS First
    Feb 11 2025

    Are you using a GPS in your business? In other words, what are you focusing on this year? Join Kim White and Jill Olish in the Buckets & Boom Gates studio where they share their love for mapping, and how this process has helped them do so much in business.

    • If you haven't done mapping, just stop and do it.
    • Mapping is what it sounds like - the GPS for your business.
    • If you also want to do a whole lot of things in your business, you're in the right crowd.
    • One of the keys to mapping is that it's not overwhelming.
    • Have you ever watched a golden retriever trying to put two balls in its mouth at the same time?

    We don't do resolutions in our community. We do vision boarding and mapping, and that's part of our GPS. It gives us clarity so we can move faster. Business is hard enough without being confused. So take some time to slow down, start mapping, and get focused this year.

    See you next week, love y'all!

    Kim & Jill ❤️

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

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    27 mins
  • Do THIS with intention when stuck in business or overwhelmed in life - Intentional Disruptors
    Feb 4 2025

    Disrupt your day with this episode in the Buckets and Boom Gates Studio with Kim White and Jill Olish. Life and business is full of disruptions by other people or other things coming in and keeping people from doing what they love, keeping them from their business, keeping them from having a life that they want to live. This is an intentional change of what individuals are doing for their own selves, because it needs to change when something is not working. Kim and Jill talk about the ways to add in intentional disruptors to get unstuck or ditch the overwhelm.

    • Disruptors can help get unstuck and can get the overwhelm toned down
    •  Getting stuck in business because of the thought that everything needed to be perfect
    •  Getting stuck in business because there are a lot of things that need to be done as business owners and it can be very overwhelming
    • Intentional disruptors:  People, Location, and Timing
    • Tournament everything to know the priorities
    • Change the 'focused on 15 different things' back down to one and all of a sudden that becomes a really light lift
    • Anti To-Do lists
    •  The signs to do business in a different way

    Kim reminds listeners to remember that the business doesn't survive if things aren't set up the right way. Each person is the one that sets up their own life, and most have set it up wrong, and that has to be remedied. Notice those signs to do business in a different way and start thinking about some intentional disruptors to get unstuck!

    See you next week, love y'all!

    Kim & Jill ❤️

    Invitations & Recommendations:

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

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    38 mins
  • What is a mastermind and what can it do for a business? Learn more about getting unstuck with focus and disruptors
    Jan 28 2025

    In this episode, Kim White and Jill Olish are back in the Buckets and Boom Gates Studio with a live audience to really define what a mastermind is.  There are as many masterminds as there are of flavors of candy, but the one a person chooses should empower them. At the end of the day, a business solves a problem, and a mastermind solves the problem to help that person be that solution. Listen in to hear more about the pieces that make up a great mastermind group.

    • Defining masterminds and the things to look for in a good one
    • What sets F.I.R.E. Up Mastermind apart
    • Focused masterminds versus a general mastermind
    • Disruptors and getting unstuck with homework in masterminds

    A mastermind should help someone be able to think about things in a way that they can implement those things in their business. It's a way to understand the processes of business because there are a lot of things that have to be done if a person owns one. Masterminds and My Sexy Business are there to show that anyone can build a business that they own without it owning them.

    Join us for one of our many events to learn more about what a mastermind can do for you and your business!

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    See you next week, love y'all!

    Kim & Jill

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    26 mins
  • Slow Down to Speed Up is a Challenge for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners - How to Not Burn Out or Quit
    Jan 21 2025

    If you're building a business and sacrificing your health to do it, that's not worth it. Join Kim White and Jill Olish in the Buckets & Boom Gates Studio with movement specialist, Cat Corchado sharing her passion for functional movement and the behind-the-scenes of her entrepreneurial journey so far.

    • It's hard to start your own business and we know that business is better together!
    • Introducing the freakin' fabulous Cat Corchado - movement specialist, Pilates icon, and the kindest human
    • Dating entrepreneurship VS being married to entrepreneurship
    • "Slow down to speed up" ... did it work for Cat?
    • The 11-Minute Keep It Moving Challenge
    • Behind the scenes of putting on a challenge in your business
    • How is the business journey similar to the fitness journey?

    Think about the silly expectations we put on ourselves in fitness and business. We think we need to have a swimsuit body for summer, but the truth is that we need to slow down or we might quit. Slowing down to speed up is the way to success physically and entrepreneurially. Start simple, start small, and join Cat for her 11-minute challenge so you too can get the progress you want one step at a time.

    Join us for Cat's challenge here her podcast Sisters-in-Service here and her community here!

    You are invited to join us for our weekly livestream with all the Roving Reporters including Cat Corchado, Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    See you next week, love y'all! ❤️

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    43 mins
  • Practicing This Will Change Your Business and Your Life! It's A Super Hack Challenge
    Dec 6 2024

    Kim White and Jill Olish, plus a live audience, are back in the BBG studio talking about a super hack that Kim sometimes gets teased about. They will fill you in on another piece of the Sticky Note Time process in this episode about going to the airport and focusing without distractions.

    • Focusing on what it is you need to do
    • Cutting off all notifications
    • Start small, it starts getting a little scary, sometimes you don't want to let anyone down
    • When you do one thing at a time by going to the airport, you can get more done
    • What you thought you could do in an hour, you might realize you can do in a lot less time
    • It's about honoring your priorities, honoring the fact that your business supports your life

    Speaking of Buckets and Boom Gates... A bucket is a way to break things down into a smaller thing like batching, and time blocking (check out episodes 83 & 84). The trifecta is when you understand those two and you add going to the airport, the boom gate. Take a shot at this super hack challenge and try going to the airport yourself for one hour, Kim and Jill would love to know how it went.

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    See you next week, love y'all!

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    20 mins
  • Stop The Feeling That You're Always Stuck or Overwhelmed In Business and Life By Doing This Simple Process
    Nov 23 2024

    Kim White and Jill Olish are back in the BBG Studio with a live audience this week talking about more pieces of the Sticky Note Time process. With another way to multiply your time, Kim introduces a solution for taking better care of clients and even taking better care of yourself too. Listen along for their confessions, hacks, and this week's challenge.

    • A way to multiply what you can get done in a set amount of time
    • How batching and time blocking go together
    • Do similar things to do more of it in less time
    • Block off time to stay focused and do it for a set length of time
    • Emails are normally everyone else's agenda for you
    • If you're time blocking think about who that time is for
    • What are the parameters?
    • Email inbox hack
    • The power of telling your calendar what to do
    • De-stresses yourself
    • Take off the unnecessary pressure
    • Stop the feeling that you're always stuck or overwhelmed in everything

    This practice of time blocking can be intimidating, but once you get in the groove, you don't have that same pressure feeling. Enjoy the freedom of telling your calendar what you're doing and not being controlled by someone else's agenda for you.

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    See you next week, love y'all!

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    27 mins
  • Multitasking is a Harmful Myth that can cause Stress & Unnecessary Pressure - Try THIS Instead
    Nov 15 2024

    Kim White and Jill Olish are back in the BBG Studio, again with a live audience, with a topic that Kim can get some pushback on. In this episode, they explain why they have ditched the illusion of multitasking and implemented 'batching.' Keep listening to learn how batching can have an impact on personal things, businesses, and the relationships around you.

    • Why batching and not multitasking?
    • Have more things finished and done because you're focusing 100% on that thing
    • Pro tip for multiplying your time and getting more done in less time
    • If you're only 'on ramping' and 'off ramping' one time, you're already saving time, even if you're at the same speed
    • You can make two lasagnas at the same time with the same amount of dirty pans
    • What would it look like if you did a whole month's worth of socials in a day so that you wouldn't have to think about it?
    • You're done for longer periods of time, and it's such a relief
    • Even turn relationships into better things
    • Challenge: Pick something that's similar, whether it's cooking, recording, emails, or anything, see how much quicker you can be when you do two at one time or three at one time

    Just imagine, with some thinking ahead, those holiday meals that are coming up can be batched ahead of time, allowing you to be present and not so stressed in the actual holiday.

    Batching may seem like it wouldn't do much to multiply your time but try it and see. It will blow your mind how much unnecessary pressure and stress you can remove from your day and your life.

    See you next week, love y'all!

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    You are invited to our special annual project, this year we will be hosting the Hope Dealers Movie premiere on Friday, November 22 at 6pm cst. RSVP or watch live here.

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    30 mins
  • Does it feel like you never have enough time in your day? Running Fast & Can't Keep Up with Your Life?
    Nov 8 2024

    Kim and Jill are fresh out of a Sticky Note Time Guided Weekend event with the My Sexy Business Community and are in the BBG Studio (recorded with a live audience) to share the power behind this process for life. Listen in for Sticky Note Time takeaways, messy behind the scenes, and confessions.

    • If you always feel like you're running and can't get caught up
    • If you feel like you just never have enough time in the day
    • Is there evidence of your priorities?
    • It's not about taking away from what you want to do
    • It's about 'What do you really want to do?' and finding a way to do that
    • What IS the priority
    • Being honest with us
    • We think we can get more done in a certain amount of time than we really can or we think something takes us longer than it really does
    • How to not overwhelm yourself, not to get stuck
    • Are you updating your life?
    • It doesn't matter at the end of the day, if you have a business and you're not healthy, what do you have?
    • It's really a process for life
    • When you say yes to something, you're saying no to something else
    • How to shorten the learning curve of so many things in life
    • A lot of the time we're going so fast that we're not giving ourselves that white space in front of or behind something on our calendar
    • What helps you figure out and remind you of your priorities
    • Slow down to speed up
    • You can have a 'no unnecessary pressure' life

    It may be that Sticky Note Time is the solution you've been looking for. We all have necessary pressures in life, but we don't have to add in the unnecessary pressure. You don't have to wait to join anything or do anything, you can start today doing some of Kim and Jill's takeaways.

    Grab the 7 Practical Ways to Slow Down so You Can Speed Up download for even more ways that we practice slowing down to speed up.

    Our one & only choice for us & all our clients to build our online brands and presence is this! And our favorite for streaming live is this!

    You are invited to join us Fridays at 7am cst for Good Morning Entrepreneurs here!

    See you next week, love y'all! ❤️

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    29 mins