• Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor
    Dec 7 2023

    This episode talks about the differences in navigating the darkness with a community versus not and how to be a better neighbor to those around you. If you have kiddos, check out this book: https://a.co/d/b9n7y3T

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    15 mins
  • Navigating Percieved Failure
    Sep 21 2023

    Failure is painful. It can be hard to process and even create feelings of doubt, depression, and loss. I have personally been feeling a strong sense of failure due to the recent loss of my job and processing how this happened and what to do next. Join me in a quick guide on how to shift your perception regarding failure to help you get on the other side of that failure to find your next success.

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    5 mins
  • I am my own worst critic!
    Jul 14 2023

    Is your internal monologue friendly, calm, and encouraging, or critical and bullying? The critical inner voice is a well-integrated pattern of destructive thoughts toward ourselves and others. Where does this voice come from? What do we do to change it? Join me for today's episode to find out a few simple things to do just that! Also, check out this video The Critical Inner Voice - Whiteboard Animation

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    8 mins
  • Illness, Loss, and Change. How do we process it all?
    Jul 6 2023

    Change is one of the most constant things that happen to us in life. Some changes are by choice, but many happen to us that we do not expect or maybe cannot even control. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was a Swiss American psychiatrist and pioneer of studies on dying people. One of the models she is most known for is “The 5 Stages.” She identified these stages as defense mechanisms or coping mechanisms to change, loss, and/or shock. The stages were not meant to be described as linear, nor in a step-by-step manner. However, for the sake of written description, they have been laid out in the DABDA (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) manner as it is a common path taken. Please join me as I share and process through how to think through and process change.

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    9 mins
  • Are You Afraid of the Dark?
    Jun 29 2023
    We all have experienced or encountered darkness in some form in our lives. Some are created by ourselves and others happen as a matter of life's circumstances. The question becomes are we aware of the darkness? Have we been in the darkness so long that our eyes have adjusted? When we become aware, do we stay out of comfort or fear or, do we take steps to come back into the light? References: -https://www.nami.org/Personal-Stories/My-Dark-Place -https://davidlykhim.com/transparent-communication-relationships/ - https://www.awana.org/2019/12/11/the-darkness-of-life-can-never-overcome-his-light/
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    10 mins
  • Season 4: Our fears, the dark, the uglies
    Jun 26 2023
    Hi friends! It has been a while. Partially, because I have been struggling to figure out what type of ideas or content to explore next. In the midst of it all, I found myself falling into the comparison trap, wanting to mimic the highlights of what success looks like for others, and battling the realities of imposture syndrome. It was then I realized that I had something to discuss with you the entire time, our fears, the dark, and the uglies. This season I want to create a safe space to explore the messiness of life through the realistic lens of negative human experiences. Life is all about valleys and peaks, but we so often talk about the peaks and aim for the peaks rather than learning to live in and through the valleys. Join me this season to understand how to build better lives despite the darkness, one brick at a time!
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    1 min
  • Human Connection in the Digital Age
    Apr 27 2023

    Hi Friends! I wanted to commit to one final episode for Season 3: Connections to close the loop on all of what we discussed. The one area I have been pondering the most is how we continue to foster human connections in the ever-growing and changing digital world. Technology has benefits and challenges, and we as people are responsible for how we utilize these tools for our gain. In this episode, I share a few final breaks to take with us as we conclude the discussion on connection and think forward to our next topic for Season 4. See you again soon!

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    7 mins
  • The Vine and the Branches
    Apr 14 2023
    I wanted to share the theme of connection from the overflow of my prayer and study time around John 15:5. In my life, a relationship with Jesus has been one of the most significant connections I have ever made. Understanding God as my source and everything he has blessed me to be a resource is a lesson and process that I have been engaging in for the past several years. I want to invite you into the discussion and potentially a relationship with Jesus as well!
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    7 mins