• S3 E6: Now Is the Time to Spoil Yourself!
    Dec 24 2023

    Today, we dive into the unique experiences of celebrating birthdays during the holiday season. We’re Gayle and Tia and today we’re talking all about our unique birthday experiences. Our birthdays, intriguingly, fall during the busiest time of the year: Gaye’s on December 30, just before New Year's Eve, and Tia's on Christmas Day, December 25. Throughout our lives, we've often felt overlooked, as our special days were overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.

    In this episode, we'll explore how we've adapted to celebrating our birthdays amidst holiday festivities, and the adjustments we've made to ensure our days feel special. We understand that organizing birthday parties during this time can be challenging, with friends and family often busy with their own holiday plans. This reality has led us to find unique and meaningful ways to celebrate, focusing more on the significance of the day rather than large gatherings or extravagant gifts. We'll also discuss how these experiences have shaped our perspectives on celebrations, family, and the joy of giving.

    As we enter a new phase of our lives, where our responsibilities have shifted, we’re approaching our birthdays differently. It’s time for us to get what we want, so we are just going for it. If we don’t spoil ourselves a little bit now, we may never get the chance.

    Are we being selfish? Or are we long overdue for a bit of spoiling? Join us and decide for yourself. And if you’re really serious - join us in going for it too!

    Show Highlights:

    • Self-care and spoiling oneself during the holiday season.
    • A different kind of birthday celebration this year
    • Guilt and indulgence in a 20-year pursuit of a luxury purse.
    • Prioritizing personal goals during this season of life.
    • It’s time to go for it - if not now, when?
    • New events will be coming up in January - stay tuned!


    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

    Visit our new website:  www.blackatitpodcast.com

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    16 mins
  • S3 E5: R-E-S-P-E-C-T: We demand it!
    Sep 3 2023

    Why do we struggle to be treated with respect in the workplace? Why do we, as Black women, feel like we have to constantly prove our worth, expertise, and value? It is a constant fight for us against being disrespected, devalued, unseen, and unheard. Using DEI language is just not enough! Let’s talk about it.

    Show Highlights:

    • Why the myth of the “Angry Black Woman” is because we are covering up our hurt, frustration, and annoyance
    • What it feels like to be micromanaged and questioned in the workplace–day after day
    • How disrespectful comments about our hair, and even attempts to touch our hair, catch us off guard
    • Why the extra stress of dealing with disrespect causes our physical illnesses 
    • The value of fun and self-care routines to help us deal with “life”
    • Why we need to immediately call out people for their offensive and disrespectful behaviors
    • How daily positive affirmations can help us realize that the problem isn’t with us
    • Join us for our next adventure in Annapolis, Maryland, on October 7: Chillin’ on the Chesapeake
    • Why we have started BAI Entertainment, LLC, a Black- and woman-owned company to promote adventures and positive, uplifting interactions and events 


    Our first show sponsor is Dr. J. Brown at Progressive Dental Solutions in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Schedule your appointment today at www.smilesofbowie.com. 

    Visit Eventbrite, search for Chillin’ on the Chesapeake, and sign up to join us on October 7! Early-bird pricing is available NOW!  

    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

    Visit our new website:  www.blackatitpodcast.com


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    32 mins
  • S3 E4: Natural Hair Care and Omalicha Naturals with Dr. Onyeka Ihezie and Dr. Amaka Ugbome
    Jun 19 2023

    Whether you are preparing for a momentous occasion, a formal event, or a night out on the town, we all want to look good. We want our hair, skin, and overall appearance to look as beautiful as when we were younger, and it is tough keeping up with all that maintenance as the years keep rolling by. We not only want to look good, but we want the energy and vibrancy to enjoy our lives and feel good. Let’s learn more with our two guests for this episode!

    We are joined by two sisters, Dr. Onyeka Ihezie and Dr. Amaka Ugbome. They are pharmacists by day who have a passion for all things natural by night. Their interest comes from their bloodline and their commitment to natural hair care. They found little information and products on the market that catered to our natural tresses, so they began doing extensive research and educating themselves on how to create amazing products for our delicate strands. Their love of hair care blossomed into a passion with a mission to create quality, natural, healthy products–but they didn’t stop there. They spend time and resources educating women to care for their hair and skin, and they volunteer in various capacities to help others. At one time, they partnered with the Black Girl Tribe, a nonprofit organization aimed toward empowering and developing young black women. They even supplied over $2000 worth of handmade products to support the women in this organization. Their online store makes products available in many different countries around the world, and we are thrilled to have them on the show!

    Show Highlights:

    • How they bridged the gap between pharmacy and skin/hair care
    • How their personal hair experiences led them to rethink “good hair” and “bad hair”
    • Why everyone has to come to the point on their own to embrace their natural hair
    • What to consider about safe/unsafe products
    • How their products are unique, natural, and formulated especially for black hair, using ingredients from nature and avoiding harmful chemicals
    • The sisters’ advice about a hair care regimen and what products are the most essential
    • Why your skin care regimen should include a good hydrating cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and serum
    • How to fight aging skin, aging hair, hair thinning, and hair loss
    • Why aging hair, processed hair, and gray hair have drastic changes in texture
    • How to approach hair care and skin care with consistent changes over time
    • The sisters’ take on trendy ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, collagen, and retinols
    • How supplements (a multivitamin, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, and Omega-3s) can support healthy hair and skin
    • How to find their products

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    45 mins
  • S3 E3: Don't Adjust Your Crown with Jehnae Linkins
    May 21 2023

    No matter how diverse a workplace may be, we are always working on these issues and fighting for inclusion—and sometimes that is really tough. Our guest today has firsthand experience in these challenges as she works in a field in which there are not many black women. Join us for the conversation!

    Jehnae Linkins is the Chief Technology Officer at Breezeshare, Inc and is a proud graduate of Lincoln University with a degree in physics. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. Outside of her educational pursuits, she also volunteers in her community, always believing in the importance of giving back and making a difference in the world around her. Through some difficult challenges, she has found great comfort in advocating for inclusive, equitable, and diverse spaces for women in historically underrepresented communities. Jehnae competes in beauty pageants and promotes a platform entitled, “Don’t Adjust Your Crown.” She also sings in her church’s gospel choir and plays the drums and percussion in the First State Symphonic Band. 

    Show Highlights:

    • Why Jehnae adopted the platform, “Don’t Adjust Your Crown”
    • Why so many black women “dim their lights” and struggle to have confidence in themselves
    • Why Jehnae found the courage to remove herself from situations that tried to dim her light
    • How to react when someone dishonors who you are because of the color of your skin
    • Why Jehnae wants to help young black students not have to go through what she endured
    • Why it’s important to advocate for yourself and use your voice
    • How Jehnae went through health challenges in a healthcare system that wasn’t built for her
    • How she got into pageantry as another opportunity to present her platform 
    • Jehnae’s best lessons learned


    Connect with Jehnae: Email

    Our first show sponsor is Dr. J. Brown at Progressive Dental Solutions in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Schedule your appointment today at www.smilesofbowie.com.   

    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

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    46 mins
  • S3 E2: Finding What Works for YOU on a Holistic Health Journey with Anissa McCall Wilson
    Mar 13 2023

    As we age gracefully, it’s important to keep our energy and fitness levels up for optimal health and wellness. We can’t be there for our loved ones if we don’t feel good and have good health. Don’t you want to be a strong and healthy woman even as the years pass? Join us to learn more from today’s guest! 

    We are excited to be joined by Anissa McCall Wilson, a true lover of health. As a certified health coach, she helps women create and sustain healthier lifestyles. She shares highlights of her ten-year fitness journey that began with a simple walking routine and developed into a holistic lifestyle that allows her to be the best version of herself. Her overall message is one of bio-individuality, meaning that each person is on a health journey to find what works best for them.

    Show Highlights:

    • How Anissa got into health and fitness–and found mental health and peace
    • Why Anissa began lifting weights in addition to her running routine to become stronger and take care of her “temple”
    • How your WHAT and WHY can motivate you to be fit and keep up with a healthy diet and lifestyle
    • How working with a personal trainer helped Anissa know how to lift weights and prevent injury while becoming a stronger person
    • Why exercise has become an essential part of Anissa’s life–for both physical fitness and mental health
    • How Anissa has learned to prioritize her self-care for physical health, mental wellness, and spirituality
    • How Anissa learned about nutrition, which accounts for about 80% of your health and fitness
    • How eating theories can help with certain aspects of life as we age
    • Why it’s important in nutrition and fitness to find what works best for YOU
    • Why it’s valuable to find accountability and realize that good health is a journey
    • How drinking water and tracking nutrition and fitness can make things easier


    Connect with Anissa: Instagram

    Our first show sponsor is Dr. J. Brown at Progressive Dental Solutions in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Schedule your appointment today at www.smilesofbowie.com.   

    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

    Visit our new website:  www.blackatitpodcast.com

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    50 mins
  • S3 E1: Saying Yes to New Adventures
    Feb 6 2023

    As women in our 50s who have both just celebrated birthdays and the rollover to a new year, we realize that the focus on wellness, well-being, and mental health is crucial. We are having to pay more attention and be more intentional in taking care of ourselves now that we have reached this phase of life. Because we want to stay as active as we can for as long as we can, we remain committed to trying new things and saying YES to new adventures as we kick off this new season of the podcast. We hope you’ll join us for all the Season 3 shows where we will talk to amazing women about taking on life with energy, confidence, and more fun! Join us! 

    Show Highlights:

    • Why we are in awe of “women of a certain age” like Cher, Angela Bassett, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Michelle Yeoh, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, and more—because they look fantastic and are still working and achieving
    • Why it is important to keep moving forward and learning new things to stimulate your brain
    • What we miss when we don’t take advantage of new opportunities and new connections
    • How it energizes our bodies and minds when we create new memories
    • Why our focus for 2023 is on wellness, mental health, preserving cognitive abilities, skincare/haircare, physical health, etc.
    • Why it is important to accept our aging with grace


    Our first show sponsor is Dr. J. Brown at Progressive Dental Solutions in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Schedule your appointment today at www.smilesofbowie.com.   

    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

    Visit our new website:  www.blackatitpodcast.com

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    30 mins
  • S2 Ep 6: How to Make Your Homecoming Next Level
    Oct 20 2022

    In the month of October, one thing comes to mind: Homecoming! Homecoming season at HBCUs is a BIG deal! We gather to celebrate the great times and friends we enjoyed so much during our college days, and the fun never stops! The days and nights are filled with parties, tailgating, football games, bazaars, fundraisers, alumni events, and much more. It’s wonderful to catch up with many old friends, but there are definitely some do’s and don'ts to remember, and we have the scoop on it all. Let’s talk more about homecoming!

    Show Highlights:

    • How to prepare properly for homecoming:
    • What to wear: 
    • Remember how old you are and dress appropriately for your age. You aren’t 20 or 25 anymore! That ship has sailed!
    • Wear shapewear garments.
    • Check your outfit in the mirror to see what you look coming AND going.
    • Gather your outfits now and get them cleaned and tailored. (Check out S1, Ep. 15 for more fashion tips.)
    • Don’t plan on wearing the same outfit for multiple events. Stay fresh!
    • Pack an emergency bag with water, sunglasses, tape, safety pins, breath mints/gum, fan, blotting cloth, Advil, tweezers, etc.
    • What to do to stay safe at parties:
    • Beware of those with excessive “liquid courage” who may forget their relationships–or ask you to forget yours!
    • Listen for the warning bells when someone tries to rekindle an old flame or tries pickup lines on you. (Run!)
    • Consider your shoes–and choose wisely for the amount of walking/activities you’ll do.
    • Plan ahead to take the following Monday off work to rest and recover.
    • Think about your pre-homecoming appointments for hair, nails, waxing, etc. 
    • What to do when you forget someone’s name
    • What to do when you run into someone with whom the relationship ended badly (Check out S2, Ep. 1 about forgiveness and healing.)
    • Some of our fondest memories of our college days at Hampton
    • Picture-taking tips from Gayle and Tia

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    34 mins
  • S2 Ep 5: Single and Satisfied with Jeanetta Churchill
    Aug 24 2022

    Single and satisfied–is it a real thing or a myth? We absolutely believe that there are many single and satisfied women out there, and we have met a lot of them over the summer. We are thrilled to explore this topic further with today’s guest. Join us!

    Jeanetta Churchill is a focused research data analyst who is skilled in survey methodology and geographic information systems. She has over 20 years of experience using the SAS statistical software as a tool for data management, statistical analysis, and quality control. In addition to the public health and K-12 educational sectors, she has worked on several projects which manage community-level indicator data, emphasizing the importance of using measurable outcomes to assess social justice factors. 

    Show Highlights:

    • How a life-changing move from Baltimore to Cambridge, Maryland, is an example of the single and satisfied lifestyle that Jeanetta lives
    • What it takes to have the courage and confidence to do things on your own
    • Why society tells women that they shouldn’t want to travel and enjoy life on their own
    • How Jeanetta fell into the trap of marrying the wrong person because she felt pressured and rushed into the relationship
    • Why not consulting someone else about your decisions can be a benefit to being single
    • How living in independence and singleness has pros and cons to it
    • Why many married women wish their relationship allowed them to have a certain level of independence, freedom, and self-expression
    • Jeanetta’s advice to those who are terrified to do anything on their own
    • Why young women today need to be encouraged to be confident in spending quality time by themselves—and not always feel like they have to be with someone


    Want more Gayle and Tia? Join our Vibe Tribe on Facebook.

    Vibe Tribe members, we challenge you to post a solo adventure and show us how you are out and about, enjoying your own company!

    Find us on Instagram.

    Visit our new website:  www.blackatitpodcast.com   

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    40 mins