
  • Whale Watching in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico
    Mar 10 2025

    This shared episode of Big Blend Radio's PARKS & TRAVEL Podcast features travel writer Sharon K. Kurtz who shares her whale watching adventures in Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

    Baja California Sur is a premier whale-watching destination, home to both the blue whales of Loreto Bay National Marine Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the gray whale nursery of Magdalena Bay. Read Sharon's article about her whale watching experiences in Loreto, here: https://nationalparktraveling.com/listing/top-whale-watching-spots-in-loreto-baja-california-sur/

    Host of Big Blend Radio's "Wander the World" with Sharon Podcast, Sharon K. Kurtz is an accomplished travel writer and award-winning photographer based in Austin, Texas, dedicated to exploring the world and sharing her adventures through compelling storytelling. Her travels have taken her to more than 50 countries on six continents—her carry-on is always packed, ready for the next adventure. Enjoy Sharon’s writing at https://sharonkkurtz.com/.

    This episode is also being shared and featured on other Big Blend Radio Network Channels including "Nature Connection" and "Vacation Station." Check out our network of podcasts: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-network/bigblendradionetwork

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    23 mins
  • Sustainable Travel and Tourism
    Mar 6 2025

    Celebrate World Conservation Strategy Day with this special episode of Big Blend Radio focusing on Sustainable Travel and Tourism. Hear what destinations are doing around the world to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices to safeguard the planet for their local community and future generations, and the ways travelers can be part of sustainable solutions.

    FEATURED GUESTS: - Dan Howard – VP of Communications at Visit Park City: https://www.visitparkcity.com/ - Cheryl Leutjen – Environmental author and speaker: https://cherylleutjen.com/ - Maria Chamberlain – The Inn at Oxbow Acres: https://www.oxbowacresnh.com/ - Barbara Redding – Travel writer: https://barbararedding.com/ - Jo Clark – Travel writer: https://haveglasswilltravel.com/ - Glynn Burrows - Owner of Norfolk Tours UK: https://norfolk-tours.co.uk/ - Sharon K. Kurtz - Travel writer: https://sharonkkurtz.com/

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    1 hr and 37 mins
  • Paula Whyman - Bad Naturalist
    Mar 1 2025

    On this episode of Big Blend Radio's "Nature Connection" Show, author Paula Whyman discusses her memoir, "BAD NATURALIST: One Woman’s Ecological Education on a Wild Virginia Mountaintop," out now through Timber Press.

    A few years ago, Paula Whyman decided to leave her Maryland / suburban DC empty nest to find a rural getaway -- maybe a small farmhouse where she could put her interest in conservation to work. With little experience in gardening or conservation, Whyman had a crazy idea to cultivate a small native meadow to provide an acre or two where wildlife could thrive and she could explore with her poodle. Then she set foot on 200 acres of old farmland atop a Virginia mountain about 20 miles outside Front Royal, VA and her dream became a reality.

    In "BAD NATURALIST: One Woman’s Ecological Education on a Wild Virginia Mountaintop," author Paula Whyman explains how she cares for her mountain-sized ecological restoration challenge with a mixture of humility and humor. She quickly discovers it’s impossible to be a “good” naturalist. More at https://paulawhyman.com/

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    42 mins
  • Author Cheryl Leutjen - Madness on the Brink of Eco-Apocalypse
    Jan 25 2025

    This episode of Big Blend Radio features author Cheryl Leutjen, who discusses her latest book, "Madness on the Brink of Eco-Apocalypse: Furious Facts, Dark Humor & SOS Calls to Action." A follow up to her award-winning book "Love Earth Now," the book confronts the human-caused harm on Earth’s life support systems.

    Weaving “furious facts” with dark humor and vivid prose, Cheryl offers concrete resources and inspiration to fuel the fight for our survival. Each chapter spotlights a group taking action, showcasing inspired and practical solutions to counter one of the many threats to our survival. "Madness on the Brink of Eco-Apocalypse" invites us to move beyond individual efforts and forge connections to amplify our collective power for greater impact. Cheryl Leutjen draws from her experience as a geologist, attorney, small business owner, spiritual practitioner, nervous stand-up comic, and worried mother. This wealth of experience, along with degrees in Interdisciplinary Ecology, Environmental Geology, and Law, affords her a broad perspective to contemplate the dire environmental challenges of our time. She writes, rants, and facilitates creative experiences to inspire us all to discover our own path of living more Earth-mindfully. More at: https://cherylleutjen.com/

    New episodes of Big Blend Radio's "Nature Connection" Show air every fourth Friday. Follow the podcast here: https://nature-connection.podbean.com/

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    51 mins
  • For the Love of Squirrels
    Jan 21 2025

    From Africa and Asia to North America, this shared episode of Big Blend Radio's BIG DAILY BLEND podcast celebrates National Squirrel Appreciation Day (Every January 21st) with some fun facts about squirrels and their small rodent families.

    SONG OF THE DAY: Ray Stevens, "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival": https://youtu.be/K16fG1sDagU?feature=shared

    TRAVELING BIRD (SQUIRREL) FEEDER videos on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@MovieSquirrels

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    14 mins
  • Tsunami Seismologist Barry Hirshorn
    Nov 23 2024

    One of the deadliest natural disasters in modern history, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami in which 230,000 people perished, will be National Geographic's biggest docuseries of autumn, 'Tsunami: Race Against Time.'

    This episode of Big Blend Radio features Barry Hirshorn, the seismologist who, in 2004, was tracking all the data as it trickled in. During the chaos, Hirshorn had to make sense of data so extreme as to be unreal. In 2004, Indian Ocean countries lacked the technology that could warn them, so Hirshorn knew that, based on his data, untold numbers of deaths were happening live. He raced to get the message to the remaining countries oblivious to the imminent calamity.

    Premiering November 24, 2024, the series provides a 360-degree view into the heart-stopping events of 2004. It features personal accounts from survivors and scientists who raced against time to understand the catastrophe and warn the world. Told minute-by-minute through harrowing videos of survival – some seen for the first time – the four-part series offers an immersive look at the destructive wave as it surged across 14 countries.

    TSUNAMI: RACE AGAINST TIME Premieres Across Two Nights, beginning Nov. 24, 2024 at 9/8c on National Geographic. All Episodes Stream Nov. 25 on Disney+ and Hulu

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    20 mins
  • Author Simon Parkin - The Forbidden Garden
    Nov 12 2024

    On this episode of Big Blend Radio, award-winning author and journalist Simon Parkin discusses his new book, "The Forbidden Garden: The Botanists of Besieged Leningrad and Their Impossible Choice."

    The first book to chart the history of the world’s largest collection of seeds, "The Forbidden Garden" shares the story of the Siege of Leningrad and how from 1941 to 1944, the scientists in the seed bank had to face an impossible choice each day: eat the collection to prevent starvation, or protect their life’s work to help end world hunger? More at https://www.simonparkin.com/

    This episode is cohosted by Margot Carrera, a fine art nature photographer who is passionate about the environment. More: http://margotcarrera.etsy.com/

    Check out Big Blend Radio's network of podcasts: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-network/bigblendradionetwork

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    31 mins
  • Sara C. Bronin - How Zoning Shapes Our World
    Nov 8 2024

    Happy World Urbanism Day, aka World City Planning Day! This episode of Big Blend Radio's "Nature Connection" Show features Sara C. Bronin who discusses her book, "KEY TO THE CITY: How Zoning Shapes Our World."

    Zoning codes have become the most significant regulatory power of local government, determining how we experience our cities. Yet zoning remains invisible. In "Key to the City," Sara reveals the impact of zoning—for good and ill—in cities across the country, from Hartford to Baltimore and Las Vegas to Chicago. Outdated zoning codes have maintained racial segregation, prioritized cars over people, and enabled great ecological harm.

    Along with being an author, Sara is an architect, attorney, Cornell University professor, and founder of the National Zoning Atlas. More at https://www.sarabronin.com/ and https://www.zoningatlas.org/

    Big Blend Radio's "Nature Connection" Podcast airs every 2nd Monday and 4th Friday in collaboration with Margot Carrera, a fine art nature photographer who is passionate about the environment. More: http://margotcarrera.etsy.com/

    This episode is also being shared and featured on other Big Blend Radio Network Channels including the "Big Daily Blend," "Women Making History," and "Garden Gossip." Check out our network of podcasts: https://www.podbean.com/podcast-network/bigblendradionetwork

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    35 mins