Jun 16 2022

    TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual assault.

    If you haven't listened to our kinks & fetishes episode, this is your sign to do so because this episode is a PRIME example of how things can go too far when people get too wrapped up in their kinks and fantasies.

    We explain what "Consensual Non-Consensual" sex is, what to be aware of and the links between trauma and sexual kinks.

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    28 mins
    Jun 8 2022


    Welcome to pop culture 101- potentially an ongoing series, if we are vibing.

    Today we are discussing a very important pop culture relationship. OBVIOUSLY, Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian (aka KRAVIS). The two got married in Portofino and we have opinions! Did the wedding live up to the hype? Was the theme giving or did it fall short of our expectations?

    Also included, is the sometimes very awkward and uncomfortable PDA. What is the actual deal with that?

    We get into our feelings around our man being that publicly affectionate and where we draw the line on that.

    In other news, we have a big reveal for you. Are we Tana Mongeau STANS? Are we divided on this?

    Don’t worry we made a pros and cons list to fio.

    Last, but surely not least we discuss IN DETAIL burning questions about body hair on our partners. What are our preferences? Where is the line? How HAIRY was Eden's ex?! We cover all the hairy bases on this one.

    Enjoy these pop culture vibes besties !

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    43 mins
    May 26 2022

    Welcome to INTUITION 101.

    This is one of the most importance courses you will ever take, & we’re giving you the basics on a silver platter. Make no mistakes, it’s a lot of work BUT it’s extremely rewarding.

    Imagine having an internal voice that always knows what the best thing for you is? YES, this is REAL.

    So many of you have been asking about how to trust our intuition in relationships, but before we can understand and read our intuition in those circumstances, we need to learn how to tune into ourselves FIRST.

    In this episode we discuss what your intuition really is, what it feels like, how to hone in on it, and ultimately, how to trust yourself.

    We give you tangible tips that you can begin to apply immediately that will help connect you with yourself to understand what you feel & why.

    The more you work on connecting with yourself the better you’ll be at predicting and sensing things before they come to light…you’ll basically be psychic.

    Let's get to it.

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    48 mins
    May 13 2022

    Summer is approaching! To prep you, we're starting off with a Hinge hack you need to know and have never heard of, a detailed discussion on eye-fucking, and hypotheticals you NEED to think about before you decide to date "casually" this summer.

    Have your pen & paper OUT. We go over some common scenarios where casually dating can get messy & save your cute little asses with some solutions! Being the gracious queens that we are... We are GIVING U THE ULTIMATE FUCKING TIP on how to handle running into your situation-ship while he’s out with another babe.

    If you've been struggling with bringing up the "what are we?" conversation, we give you the 411 so you can handle that conversation like boss babe. If that’s not enough we also throw in how to state your intentions without sounding needy or clingy.

    And as for that Hinge hack... Simona is about to blow your minds and make you rethink all the potential matches coming your way this summer. Proceed with caution babes!

    Stories are shared, tangible tips are given... THIS EPISODE IS VERY MUCH GIVING.

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    38 mins
    Apr 27 2022

    GOOD friends - we’re talking about those really good friends... The pick-up-the-phone-in-the-middle-of-the-night friends; the "I’m coming to get you" type; the ride-or-dies. We are all looking to build that essential tribe of empowered female friends but, in your twenties it can be challenging to find them.

    In this episode, we are giving you our best and most tangible tips on how and where to start making friends in your city & online. Just like you would shoot your shot in dating, making friends draws a lot of similarities.

    We’ve packed a lot of examples and reminders that will help you navigate finding your girl gang.

    Don’t stress if you are alone right now - so many of us are - just know, if all else fails, you’ve got us.

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    29 mins
    Apr 20 2022

    CAUTION: This episode will make you wet.

    We are breaking down our top 3 favourite sex positions, why we love them and when we mix them in. Today's episode isn’t just about us... We are giving back to the community by sharing all the ways you can leverage these positions to have the most fun & steamy sex sessions.

    If you want to make your partner lose their minds, then listen closely. We give you our top tips for mastering morning sex, public sex, and “reward-him” sex. We even discuss objects that might be worth thinking about incorporating…

    And to FINISH on a strong and satisfying note, we take you through our personal ideal sex scenarios that will leave you inspired to start thinking about what yours is!

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    46 mins
    Apr 11 2022

    Ladies, it's time to add masturbating to your self-care routine.

    We are about to make masturbating a part of your DAILY convo. We should be sharing our experiences, not hiding it. Don't worry, we will go first.

    In this episode, we get sexy with ourselves and share our tips when it comes to masturbating and getting comfortable with yourself in the bedroom - with or without a partner. We share specific ways you can experiment with yourself that will help improve your confidence in bed.

    Of course you get some personal stories about our masturbating and fucking adventures...

    Ladies, this time we are asking you bring a notebook to class because we are giving you homework that will set you up for the best sex and orgasms of your life.

    It's time to fuck yourself right and make it an experience. You deserve it.

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    40 mins
    Mar 30 2022


    We heard a lot of you are struggling with the dating app game... We've seen the slide-ins, and they are WEAK. Don't fret - we cover how to shoot your shot correctly and how to increase your chances of winning. Get ready to take notes.

    In this episode we get VERY specific on how to slide in, get her attention, start a fruitful conversation, and stand out!

    This episode is essentially a HOW-TO and a WHAT NOT TO DO guide all wrapped in one. CLASS IS IN SESSION.


    - How to utilize your personality to create a unique slide-in

    - How to find and build off of a possible point of connection, while standing out

    - What part of her profile you should be commenting on and what to stay away from

    - WHAT NOT TO SAY: conversation killers

    - WHAT TO SAY: conversations starters

    - How to deal with being ghosted or left on read

    We read through messages we have personally received that have worked and the slide-ins that we ignored and explain why.

    You have a lot to learn, but we are glad you are here.

    Get ready to win, daddies.

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    54 mins