• Suzan Leighton - Talking Suicide Prevention
    Feb 27 2025

    Suzan Leighton, a volunteer and member of the Simcoe County Suicide Awareness Council joins us on episode 1 of AWARENESS. Among some of the topics covered. We dive into...

    - What the mission of the Simcoe County Suicide Awareness council is, and what they're all about.
    - What exactly Suzan's duties are within the council.
    - Why Suzan chose a suicide council to dedicate her time.
    - Her thoughts on how to help someone in crisis, and what needs the most improvement in the mental health sector in Ontario and Canada.
    - Navigating mental health wellness in society and at home, when there typically always seems to be something bombarding our thoughts with something major going on. I.E. Covid, the war, politics etc...

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    43 mins