• Faith and everyday life
    Jan 19 2025

    In this episode we discuss the relation between faith and everyday life. How does faith motivate our action, or is our action the expression of our faith?

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Leo Strauss on Athens and Jerusalem
    Dec 24 2024

    In this episode we discuss Leo Strauss' lecture on Athens and Jerusalem. This is the first out of three lectures, delivered in the fall of 1950, investigate the agreement, disagreement, and conflict between the biblical and the philosophic “ways of life”: “Philosophy in the full sense is [...] incompatible with the biblical way of life. Philosophy and the Bible are the alternatives or the antagonists in the drama of the human soul. Each of the two antagonists claims to know the truth, namely, the decisive truths, the truths regarding the right way of life. But there can be only one truth, and, hence, conflict is inevitable.” The first lecture is uploaded to Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KQ_U9Nt3YE
    The lecture is also made as a transcript: https://www.academia.edu/29738143/Leo_Strauss_Jerusalem_and_Athens_1950_

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Meme and Archetype, comments on Dawkins and Peterson
    Nov 24 2024

    In this episode we discuss a youtube video of Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson. Dawkins is a British evolutionary biologist known for being an atheist. Peterson is a Canadian psychologist known for his psycological perspective on religious belief. Our starting point is the similarities and differences between Dawkins' concept of meme and Peterson's concept of archetype.

    The link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wBtFNj_o5k

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Fides et ratio
    Oct 27 2024

    In this episode we discuss the catholic encyclical letter "Fides et Ratio" written in 1998. This was the first encyclical since Pope Leo XIII's 1879 Aetern Patris to address the relationship between faith and reason. We recommend to read the letter, we only interpret some of the issues been highlighted in the letter.


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    58 mins
  • Truth, a jam session
    Sep 30 2024

    In this episode we have a jam session discussing truth. You may have heard some of the tunes or stanzas before, but not in this rhythm and order.

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    59 mins
  • Created or everlasting being?
    Sep 1 2024

    In this episode we elaborate on some of the ground questions of being a human being. What are we and were are we coming from and what if we are not coming from anything, would that mean that we have always existed and will always exist. Such cosmological questions often unfolds when death becomes part of life. Life understood as a small universe starting with a bang when conceived and ending with another big bang called death.

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    48 mins
  • The relationship between the Divine and Human being
    Jul 15 2024

    In this episode, we elaborate the relationship between human and divinity. In the beginning of the episode, we believe we need some kind of understanding of what divinity is and what human is. But we end up, thinking that maybe the relationship can be experienced just by raising an awareness towards such a relationship. Underneath this discussion is a search for a common universal narrative of the divine that could incorporate all kind of religious or non-religious existence.

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    49 mins
  • A course of history?
    Jun 23 2024

    In this episode we discuss if history has a course or not and if this course are of progress or decline. We further discuss what possibility human existence has to develop a good society. Could such a society be based on facts or do we need a narrative based on faith? Underneath these discussions are the question of what is human being and what kind of potential do human have to actualize our faith and facts in an ever changing reality.

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    1 hr and 4 mins