
  • Bombylias Rescues Aneeyah 2:22:25 7.49 PM
    Feb 23 2025
    Story: Bombylias Rescues Aneeyah
    Story by: Gail Nobles © 2025
    Cover Art by: Gail Nobles

    Aneeyah was not someone who could be easily dominated. She nearly managed to break free from the Dragon Patrol’s prison. Having experienced incarceration before, her first confinement was in a solitary cell, but the next time, they restrained her with chains.

    Meanwhile, the beefly man grappled with his own struggles. He had found out that Aneeyah was captured by Dragonfly. The powers that now surged through him came with both gifts and burdens; he could manipulate the winds, hear the whispers of bees and flies, and even heal minor wounds with a touch. Yet, every time he thought of Aneeyah, a pang of guilt surged within him. Had he endangered her with his unearthly changes? He often found himself at the edge of the forest, listening to the hum of the hive and the whispers of the wind, desperate for a sign of her safety.

    As rumors swirled around town, fueled by the Dragon Patrol's propaganda, the community began to turn against them. Aneeyah's name became a slur, synonymous with betrayal and unrest. Anguish tore at the bee man’s heart as he witnessed the transformation of the people he once called friends. He could feel their contempt, sharp and biting like the stings of the bees he now commanded.

    Determined to rescue Aneeyah, Bombylias devised a plan. He blended into the shadows, taking advantage of his insect attributes. With each night that passed, he trained himself further, honing his ability to control swarms of bees. He became a force of nature, using his mutation to liberate those unjustly imprisoned by fear and prejudice.

    On the night of the next full moon, he approached the imposing gates of the Dragon Patrol's stronghold. The air was thick with tension, and the sky shimmered with anticipation. He whispered to the bees and flies that circled around him, sending them out to distract the guards with a cloud of buzzing chaos. Just when the moment seemed dire, the walls began to vibrate with the harmony of wingbeats, and the patrol's resolve faltered.

    Aneeyah could hear the commotion from her cell, her heart racing at the sound of the familiar hum. She called out, not knowing if he could hear her, “I’m here!“

    With her words fueling him, the bee man unleashed a curtain of buzzing bodies, creating a diversion that allowed him to slip through the gates. He found her cell, the iron bars casting shadows on her worried face. The moment their eyes met, a spark ignited, and he knew this was a fight worth fighting.

    With a mere touch, he summoned the strength of the swarm, bending the bars as though they were made of straw. Aneeyah stepped into the moonlight, her eyes alight with courage and determination.

    Together, they faced the patrol, knowing they could either be their salvation or lead to their downfall. The swarms gathered behind them, ready to defend against injustice. As the prison guards advanced to strike Bombylias, holding Aneeyah tightly, he vanished into the swarm.

    You’re listening to Artful - The story of Bombylias by Gail Nobles © 2025.
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    5 mins
  • Love’s Battle-The Rise of Bombylias 12:15:24 8.41 PM
    Dec 16 2024
    Story: Love's Battle: The Rise of Bombylias
    Story by: Gail Nobles © 2024
    Cover Art by: Gail Nobles

    The wicked dragonfly had captured the bee man’s followers and turned them into his army. However, upon witnessing Bombylias renewal as a formidable warrior, some rebels chose to return to him, leading to a division within the ranks. Dragonfly would send his troops to battle against the bee man’s forces, all while he lounged comfortably on his throne. Numerous conflicts erupted between the two factions, resulting in casualties on both sides, yet both leaders continued to recruit fresh soldiers.

    The bee man’s love remained by his side, eagerly waiting for moments to spend with him, and their feelings for each other deepened. However, Bombylias hesitated to touch Aneeyah due to the changes he had undergone since becoming the bee man—mysterious effects from insect bites coursed through his veins, making him unsure if he could safely be with her. Aneeyah believed in finding true love with just one man. When they eventually began their affair, it was evident to all; her hair texture began to change, and her overall appearance shifted slightly, yet she was still beautiful. Dragonfly soon discovered their secret and accused her of sinning with an abnormal man, tarnishing both their reputations. He then imprisoned the bee man’s woman, anticipating that the Bombylias would come to rescue her.
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    3 mins
  • Laboratory Work 7:18:24 6.01 PM
    Jul 18 2024
    Story: Laboratory Work
    Story and art by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2024
    Lab sound: Pixabay.com

    Aneeyah knew that it was just too complicated to understand how the flybites and the sting of the bee affected Bombylias. They traveled through the night and got to the laboratory without being seen by anyone. When Aneeyah and Bombylias got to the lab, she was most concerned about his off and on sickness. She scanned and x-rayed his whole body and found that a tiny object was shot into the back of his shoulder. It was a device that made Bomylias sick.

    Aneeyah pulled the device out that was hidden underneath his skin and said to Bombylias: Just what I thought. Dragonfly is trying to control you or maybe even kill you.

    When Aneeyah pulled the device out of the beefly man, he felt 100% better. Then she made him a suit of armor. Aneeyah thought Bombylias had the ability to make himself a swarm of beeflies.

    But Bombylias explained: No, I do not turn into beeflies. I have the ability to disappear and to change my image to hide my true self.

    So Aneeyah put an electric honeycomb inside the chest part of his armor. It was the power source of him to create metal beeflies to shoot out like darts to attack in time of war. When Aneeyah looked over at Bombylias, his wings had disappeared and were no longer seen.

    She asked: Where are your wings?

    Bombylias: They are there behind me.

    When Aneeyah looked at Bombylias’ back, the wings were folded into many folds on his back into eachother. He looked as if he had a flat tatoo on his back. Aneeyah was amazed at the Beefly man.

    You're listening to Artful - The Story of Bombylias by Gail Nobles ©️ 2024
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    3 mins
  • Hiding From Dragonfly 4:21:24 1.28 PM
    Apr 21 2024
    Story: Hiding From Dragonfly
    Story by: Gail Nobles ©️2024
    Artwork by: Gail Nobles

    Ending music: Samplefocus.com
    Usage: Standard license

    Bombylias who Aneeyah called Marcus was a strong and courageous bee-fly that led an army. But this time he was afraid. He feared Dragonfly and his evil magic spells, and his army had turned against him. Bombylias moved from the sofa because it was squeaky, and he wanted to be as quiet as possible under the floor of the house while 3 men from his army searched for him and Aneeyah. He laid down on the basement floor worried and scared. Bombylias began to sweat and he took his shirt off. He dimmed the lights of his wings, his horn, and anteena. He would not dare to move.

    Aneeyah was not afraid, but she was concerned about Bombylias. She also sat quietly on the basement floor in indian style facing Bombylias. Then Aneeyah looked down at her phone waiting for the men to leave. When the men left, she turned off her phone, and her eyes fell on Bombylias. Aneeyah wondered about him because she had seen him turn into a bunch of scattered bee-flies and remembered how he disappeared. She also remembered the strength of Bombylias and how he had thrown her to the ground. Aneeyah was designing a costume for Bombylias in her mind.

    Bombylias felt ashamed that he was so afraid of Dragonfly. He was ashamed the way Aneeyah kept looking at him. Her eyes would not blink, and Bombylias rested his head down on his arms. He began to talk in a low voice knowing the men were gone.

    Bombylias: I’m sorry for being such a coward. Dragonfly is more powerful than me.

    Aneeyah: You don’t have to explain that to me Marcus Bombylias. You’re hiding, and I’m hiding too. Plus we are outnumbered.

    Bombylias: So where do we go from here?

    Aneeyah: Far on the other side of the hill, I have an underground labatory. I think I can help you with your powers.

    Bombylias: No, I’m okay. I don’t need help with that.

    Aneeyah: You can have more powers and abilities. That’s why Dragonfly wants to keep you down. He doesn’t want anyone more powerful than he is. Dragonfly knows you’re special. That is his fear. Let me help you. Haven’t I been helping you all along?

    Bombylias: I think we should stay here and lay low a little while.

    Aneeyah: We can leave tonight while the world is sleeping.

    You're listening to Artful: The Story of Bombylias by Gail Nobles ©️2024
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    5 mins
  • Underground Escape 1:22:24 1.41 PM
    Jan 22 2024
    Story: Underground Escape
    Story by: Gail Nobles ©️2024
    Art by: Gail Nobles
    Boom Sound by: Gail Nobles
    Tunnel and slam sound by: Pixaby.com

    When Aneeyah got back to Marcus, she tried to encourage him to leave his place. They talked about it as they ate. She wasn't about to convince Marcus to leave until she told him about the dragon she saw. And before she could say it was dragonfly, Marcus knew who she was talking about because he had seen the dragon before. He became full before he could finish his meal. Marcus began to shake and tremble. He felt like he was going to get sick on the stomach feeling nervous. Aneeyah knew, and she tried to talk a little bit off the subject.

    Aneeyah: So Marcus, what made you move way out here in the hills?

    Marcus: I have no life in the city. It’s loud, and I get called on all the time. I was ahead of an army of men.

    Suddenly, Marcus began to stop speaking.

    Aneeyah: And what Marcus?

    Marcus: Dragonfly turned them all against me and took over my army.

    Aneeyah: Are you afraid of him Marcus?

    Marcus looked at Aneeyah with dark circles around his eyes. Marcus: Why don't you fear him?

    Aneeyah: He’s nothing Marcus. He’s nothing to fear. But I got a feeling he knows you're here. If you're running from him, I wouldn't stay here. He’s near.

    Marcus knew of a secret that no one knew. Not even Dragonfly and all of the people that lived in the suburb of Diverse City. Aneeyah knew that living in the hills was great to live and hide. But Marcus knew there were underground worlds where he had never been and he dared to go. He was afraid to fully trust Aneeyah.

    Before he could speak again, Aneeyah said: You have a lot of fear inside of you Marcus. Let go of that fear. Let me help you.

    Marcus said: I should never trust a woman.

    Aneeyah: I promise I will help you get away from that dragon. I know what it's like to fear something. When you're scared, you're just scared.

    Marcus knew that there was one tunnel that connected from his house along the river to Aneeyah’s house. He told Aneeyah because he was feeling sick from fear, and he needed her help though he was about well. He was sick from a curse of the dragonfly.
    Marcus took Aneeyah behind a secret wall and took her in his arms down into a humongous underground tunnel. And it was a four-way tunnel. It was very dark, and Marcus had to watch his steps going down.

    And Aneeyah said: Marcus, mm-mm. Something ain't right.

    The wings of Marcus began to light up, and he said: There is a way not right, but the tunnel in the middle leaves to where you live. One tunnel leads to Diverse City, and there is one very well known of robbers and thieves. You’ll be lucky to get through and lucky if you make it back. The fourth tunnel, I have never been through it.

    Aneeyah: I suggest we take the way which leads to my place. Wait! We can't go to my place. Dragonfly knows where I live.

    Marcus put Aneeyah down slowly and stood in the opening of the fourth tunnel. He hated going through tunnels. It was dark, and he did not know what was ahead waiting.

    Aneeyah said: I have a place under the floor in my home. I can hide you there until you're fully well. And when Dragonfly comes to visit, he’!l never know you're there. There is a sofa. A place to lay your head or we could stay here behind the wall, but there's nowher to lay down when you're sick.

    So Marcus agreed, and they went through the tunnel along the river which led to Aneeyah’s backyard. And there was an entrance that led them down into the ground. They were under the floor of her home, but just above the floor, they heard tables and chairs being knocked over and voices. Aneryah could see above her floor on her phone.

    Marcus saw that it was some of his old army that worked with Dragonfly looking for him. Marcus began to shake nervously. He felt sick again.

    Aneeyah got him to the sofa for him to sit down and she whispered: It will be OK. Trust me.

    You’re listening to Artful: The Story of Bombylias by Gail Nobles copyright ©️ 2024. Today’s episode: Underground Escape.

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    7 mins
  • River Dragon 11:5:23 5.21 PM
    Nov 5 2023
    Cover Art by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Story: River Dragon
    Story written by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Sound effects by: Gail Nobles

    Aneeyah knew her time was just about out before she would meet dragonfly again. She had four more days left. Marcus was still not quite well. She went to a Chinese restaurant located near the river she crossed to get to Marcus’ house. When Aneeyah walked into the restaurant, everybody’s eyes focused on her. Some people knew exactly who she was and some didn’t recognize her, but she looked familiar to them. Some knew that she had escaped from prison. People began to whisper. Aneeyah ordered shrimp and rice to go.

    When Aneeyah got her food, she quickly left the restaurant to get back to Marcus. Before she could get to him, she ran into a big huge dragon that came up out of the river. At first, Aneeyah was startled. The dragon came up tall looking down at Aneeyah. Soon they were face to face. Aneeyah looked boldly into the dragon’s evil eyes. The great dragon sniffed Aneeyah.

    Aneeyah was aggravated with the dragon.

    Aneeyah: What the heck do you want? You’re in my way!

    The dragon didn’t like it that Aneeyah wasn’t afraid of him. The dragon made a mighty and loud thunderous roar in Aneeyah’s face. She began to squint her eyes and turn her head from the dragon. Aneeyah was getting angrier by the minute. Static was in her hair.

    The dragon stood upright and tall away from Aneeyah and spoke.
    He said: I want Bombylias. Bring him to me.

    Aneeyah began to mock the dragon.
    Aneeyah: I want Bombylias. Bring him to me.

    The dragon spoke again.
    Dragon: Are you mocking me girl? Don’t you dare mock me!

    Aneeyah began to sass the dragon.
    Aneeyah: So what you gonna do about it Dragon Fly?

    The dragon began to shrink into human form for it was dragonfly. He was amazed that Aneeyah was not afraid of him.

    Dragonfly: Clever young woman.

    Aneeyah: I’m not supposed to see you this week and there is still no sign of Bombylias. Now leave me alone.

    Dragonfly continued to talk in his dragon voice: Fine, but you better know where he is when your time is up. We shall meet again miss lady.

    Then Dragonfly vanished from Aneeyah’s sight. Aneeyah then took a different direction to Marcus’ house. She was very familiar with the hills. Aneeyah knew a way to get to him without being seen.

    You're listening to Artful. Today's episode: River Dragon by Gail Nobles copyright ©️ 2023.

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    4 mins
  • The Healing Hand 9:21:23 8.35 PM
    Sep 22 2023
    Story: The Healing Hand
    Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Cover Art by: Gail Nobles

    Aneeyah thought long and hard about Bombylias. Before Dragonfly had came to her, she had given up on him. Aneeyah thought about the Bee-Fly man the whole day. Though he was far from her, she could feel him getting sicker from not getting help, and it was only because she cared for him.

    She thought: The man is messed up on account of something I did long ago.

    Aneeyah began to make chicken vegetable soup for Bomylias thinking she had time to help him before seeing Dragonfly again. She wanted to get Bombylias into her earth sheltered home where there was a secret room under her outdoor flooring tiles. There were also secret stone walls and secret passages.

    Bombylias was hiding far in the hills across a river where Aneeyah lived. But she had never crossed the River. She walked across stepping stones which was a trail to where Bombylias was after a few miles.

    When Aneeyah got to him, she found him in a cave house. She could see inside his front glass doors & windows from a distance.

    Aneeyah thought: Not good. Someone could spy and watch him.

    But when she got to his glass door, it was a beautiful place inside. His home was built inside a cave. Like Aneeyah, Bombylias had a second home away from Diverse City. His ceiling was made of rock and his walls and floors were made like those in a regular house.

    Aneeyah rung the Bee-Fly’s doorbell. She saw Bombylias coming to the door bent over and weak. He knew she had came to help him. Aneeyah wore a backpack. Bombylias thought it would be foolish to turn her away. Pitifully, he opened the door to let her in and quickly walked away to sit down.

    Aneeyah walked in. Closing the door behind her she said: “I know you’re not feeling well.” She sat down on the couch beside him taking off her backpack. Then she got down on her knees in front of Bombylias and looked into his eyes. They had dark circles around them. Aneeyah took his temperature to see if he had a fever but Bombylias had no fever.

    She said to him: You’re not sick. It’s the curse of Dragonfly. What did he do to you?

    When Aneeyah said Dragonfly’s name, Bombylias jumped up to run away from Aneeyah not knowing which way to go. He stumbled and fell. Bombylias was afraid.

    Aneeyah: What’s wrong Marcus? Are you alright?

    Aneeyah rushed to help Bombylias. He grew out his wings but he could not fly. He crawled to get away from Aneeyah. Aneeyah backed up from him.

    Bombylias: Leave me Aneeyah. You work for Dragonfly!

    Aneeyah: I don’t work for him, but he came to me looking for you. I did not tell him that you are here. Don’t be afraid. Let me help you. You can trust me.

    Bombylias laid still and cried because he felt sick, weak, and helpless.

    Aneeyah: C’mon Marcus. Let me help you back to the couch where you can lie down.

    Bomylias decided he would let Aneeyah help him back on the couch. Then she pulled a tall cup of soup out of her backpack and warmed it up for Bombylias to eat. He had no appetite and felt too weak to eat. When Aneeyah tried to feed him, he turned his head.

    Aneeyah: C’mon Marcus. You’ve got to get your strength back so you can move. Dragonfly can find you.

    Bombylias: I don’t trust you. You’re like a gypsy girl. No tell ‘em what’s in that soup.

    Aneeyah slowly removed the spoon from the Bee Man’s mouth. She put the cup of soup down on the table that was in front of them as they sat on the coach. She got up to leave. Aneeyah was kind of hurt.

    Bombylias saw that he hurt Aneeyah’s feelings. He quickly apologized because he did not want to be left alone.

    Bombylias: Don’t go Aneeyah. I’m sorry.
    Bombylias began to cry again.

    Aneeyah: You poor miserable wretch. Be nice or I will leave. I am not a gypsy. Now let’s try this once more. You’ve got to try and eat.

    Bombylias began to see Aneeyah as a woman that could help him heal. She put a giant patch dipped in medicine over his right eye that was swollen. Aneeyah stayed with Bombylias for three days until he got his strength back, but his sickness was still an unsolved mystery.

    You're listening to Artful. A podcast of short stories by Gail Nobles ©️ 2023.

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    7 mins
  • Aneeyah Meets Dragonfly 8:11:23 6.06 PM
    Aug 11 2023
    Story: Aneeyah Meets Dragonfly
    Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Cover Art by: Gail Nobles

    Anneyah went back to her earth-sheltered home. Waiting at her door, she met an evil African doctor named Dragonfly dressed in a cloak.

    Dragonfly: So Miss Neeyah, It's about time you returned home.

    Aneeyah: How do you know my name? Who are you?

    DF: I'm Dragonfly and oh! Everyone knows who you are. You're on the wanted list from escaping prison. You're wanted by the FBI with a 10,000 FBI reward for information leading to your capture.

    Aneeyah: You come to have me locked up?

    DF: Not if you can tell me where Bombylias is.

    Aneeyah: The last time I saw him, he was on the urban side of Diverse City. I haven't seen him since then. Now if you would excuse me.

    Aneeyah tried to walk past Dragonfly to get to her door. He grabbed her by the arm.

    DF: If you can bring him to me, I will not report to the FBI where you are.

    Aneeyah looked down at Dragonfly's hand holding her arm. Then Dragonfly took his hand away.

    Anneyah: Why? What do you want with Bombylias?

    Dragonfly began to lie through his teeth.

    DF: He's a very sick man, and what he has is contagious. I am his doctor, and the only one that can help him. I know you know where he is. You have a week to find him and to bring him to me.

    Aneeyah turned from Dragonfly to unlock & open her door. When she turned to face him, he had disappeared.

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    3 mins