
  • What’s next for the Housing Market - Fall 2022
    Oct 3 2022

    It looks like the FED is on a mission to crash the real estate market, but will it happen? Let's take a look at 3 things that give us a clearer picture of what is happening in the real estate market right now.

    We'll dive into a Fortune Magazine article that outlines these things for you starting with the regional housing markets that are dropping fast and a lot of them tend to be in California.

    Fortune Magazine Article: https://fortune.com/2022/09/18/housing-market-downturn-moves-into-second-stage-falling-home-prices/

    #housing #realestate #TristanAhumada #RealestateCrash #RealEstateCorrection #HousingMarket

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    15 mins
  • Will The Housing Market Crash? | August 2022
    Aug 16 2022

    If you've been following the news you are probably confused as to what's actually happening. We are hearing two sides to the real estate market. Will it crash or will it "normalize"?

    From the data points we have studied and researched we definitely don't see a crash, but we know that the real estate market is regional and different areas will be affected more so than others. Come with me as I dive into some data with you so you can understand what's really happening.

    Redfin Article on Housing Market Update. New Listing fall 12% https://www.redfin.com/news/housing-market-update-new-listings-fall-12pct/

    Fortune Magazine article on The market not crashing https://fortune.com/2022/08/08/new-home-prices-falling-homebuilders-oversupply/

    California Stats are behind a paid wall for Real Estate Agents on CAR.org

    #HousingMarket #HousingMarketUpdate #TristanAhumada

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    19 mins
  • Why are mortgage rates dropping so fast? | How will a recession affect Real Estate
    Aug 4 2022

    Real Estate is a very perplexing thing right now. One minute it's going to crash, the next it's going to keep going up... Mortgage rates fell hard this week and according to Bank of America's research team, the rates will continue to drop.

    Are we in a recession? If we're not then what will that do to Mortgages and to real estate? Some great questions that we are going to dive into right now. Let's talk Real Estate.

    The housing market correction takes an unexpected turn https://fortune.com/2022/08/02/housing-market-correction-mortgage-rates/

    What is a recession? https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/recession.asp

    Mortgage Applications start picking up again, just a tiny bit https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/03/mortgage-applications-inch-up-for-the-first-time-in-five-weeks.html

    #Recession #RealEstateCrash #MortgageRates #Tristanahumada #RealEstate

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    9 mins
  • The Housing Crash of 2022 | What You Need To Know!
    Jul 27 2022

    It's here! We have more data and we can now dive into what is going to happen. The housing market has definitely taken a hit in the last few months. Mortgage rates are up and price cuts are practically everywhere. What you aren't realizing though, is that the housing market is regional.

    Let's take a look at this interactive map put together by Fortune Magazine with the data from Corelogic. We will take a look at areas on the West Coast and the East Coast to better understand what cities will be hit the most, and which ones won't be hit.

    Falling home prices? This interactive map shows the statistical odds of it occurring in your local housing market: https://fortune.com/2022/07/24/how-likely-home-prices-to-fall-in-you-local-housing-market-housing-chart/

    #Housing #TristanAhumada #RealEstate #Investing #HousingCrash

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    11 mins
  • Homebuyer competition drops to the lowest level since 2020, yet sold prices go up!
    Jul 21 2022

    Homebuyer competition drops to the lowest level since 2020. The top three areas that now have lower competition according to Redfin Data are Tampa, Riverside, and Phoenix.

    The list-to-sell ratio is still high in many areas, over 100% although we have seen price cuts all throughout the housing market across the United States. Let's see what the numbers say for each of these areas.

    Articles I talked about and used Redfin Data on the home competition in the United States. Homebuyer Competition Drops to Lowest Level in Over Two Years. https://www.redfin.com/news/real-estate-bidding-wars-june-2022/

    List/Sell Ratio and what does it mean https://www.beverly-hanks.com/blog/what-is-a-list-to-sell-ratio-and-what-does-it-tell-a-homebuyer-or-seller/

    List/Sell Ratio stats over the years https://www.statista.com/statistics/1242369/home-sale-to-list-price-ratio-usa/

    The Median Sale Price is up again https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/existing-home-sales-slid-5-4-in-june

    The Median Home Price for existing homes sold is up. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/20/june-home-sales-fall-5point4percent-from-may-as-prices-set-yet-another-record.html

    #TristanAhumada #RealEstate #Crash #Bubble #Economy #Inflation #RealEstate2022 #RealEstateAgents

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    8 mins
  • Jerry Konter, NAHB, says future sales will drop! New Construction
    Jul 20 2022

    The housing market index is down. The FED talking about raising rates by 1%, how will this affect Real Estate this year. Some areas are going to get hit more than others, but does that mean some cities will crash?

    Will all of the metro areas suffer a crash? Let's dig into some data and see what's happening in the world today. Real Estate is changing fast. Dig in with me on another episode of the Real Estate show!

    What is a housing Bubble https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/housing_bubble.asp

    Housing Market Meltdown. Home builders halt construction https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanponciano/2022/07/18/housing-market-meltdown-intensifies-homebuilders-halt-construction-as-confidence-plunges-to-2-year-low/?sh=38f331fc6756

    Monthly supply of new houses according to FRED DATA https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSACSR

    Boise and Phoenix look like they are overvalued when it comes to real estate https://fortune.com/2022/07/18/bubbly-housing-markets-boise-phoenix-got-home-price-top-blown-off/

    Investors for real estate show patterns https://fortune.com/2022/06/26/housing-market-and-home-price-boom-made-bigger-by-investors-and-wall-street/

    Migration patterns during the pandemic https://www.redfin.com/news/migration-inflation-q2-2022/

    Altos research data and what's happening in Real Estate https://twitter.com/mikesimonsen/status/1549119707147407361/photo/1

    NAHB Ceo says we are short on housing. Dramatically short. https://www.foxbusiness.com/real-estate/grim-outlook-housing-market-nahb-ceo-warns

    Dave Ramsey explains the current market and where we are heading in Real Estate https://youtu.be/fORUvZNm3oo

    #TristanAhumada #RealEstate #Crash #Bubble #Economy #Inflation #RealEstate2022 #RealEstateAgents

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    22 mins
  • Is there a housing shortage in the US? | Will a recession impact the mortgage rate?
    Jul 20 2022

    Is there or is there not a housing shortage in the US? With home prices going down and fewer people buying homes, how does it make sense that there is a housing shortage? Let's talk about housing and some numbers so we can see what's going on there.

    As far as the mortgage rate goes, what can we anticipate to happen when we hit a recession in the US? Will rates go higher and if so how high will they go? Let's use some data and also check what typically happens in the past when it comes to a recession and real estate.

    NPR Article on housing shortages in the United States. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/14/1109345201/theres-a-massive-housing-shortage-across-the-u-s-heres-how-bad-it-is-where-you-l

    Wall Street Journal Article on Why Mortgage Rates fall during a recession. https://www.wsj.com/articles/mortgage-rates-fall-to-5-30-reflecting-recession-fears-11657202418

    Investopedia on recession and mortgage rates. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/102015/do-interest-rates-increase-during-recession.asp

    Dave Ramsey talking about a housing shortage and the housing crash. Minute 13:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fORUvZNm3oo&t=1347s

    NAR stats on housing inventory. Including active homes on the MLS and new construction https://cdn.nar.realtor/sites/default/files/documents/ehs-05-2022-overview-2022-06-21.pdf

    #2022recession #growth #Tristan #economy #HousingCrash #Housingbubble #Crash #TristanAhumada #RealEstate #Coach

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    13 mins
  • 10 US housing Markets Cooling and Why You Should Wait for the Crash
    Jul 13 2022

    I've got the 10 Metro areas in the USA that are cooling the fastest and the 10 Cities that are cooling the slowest. You're going to be surprised. The market seems to be cooling down and it also looks like we're heading into a neutral market.

    Questions about the coming housing crash? Although people relate the housing crash of 2008 to what's happening now, the correlation is incorrect. Let's use data over drama please and look at what's actually happening.

    10 US real estate markets decreasing quickly and 10 USA real estate markets decreasing slowly. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/12/us-real-estate-markets-that-are-cooling-the-fastest.html

    Housing Market Data for July 2022 by Redfin https://www.redfin.com/news/housing-market-update-balance-returning/

    Should I wait for real estate prices to crash before I buy a house? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wait-real-estate-prices-crash-200500170.html

    #2022Recession #economy #HousingCrash #Housingbubble #Crash #TristanAhumada #RealEstate #Coach

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    15 mins