• Toxic Bosses, Colleagues, Family Members- What You Should Know
    Jan 31 2025
    Why Toxic Bosses, colleagues, and family members love people pleasers and how to break free from it. Have you ever had your giving nature used against you, and you knew they were 'using' you but you couldn't stop it? I have and so in this episode I share what toxic people do to get you to always give and they always take.
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    20 mins
  • How To Stop People Taking Advantage Of You
    Jan 24 2025
    As a recovering people pleaser, I've had my fair share of people taking advantage of my giving nature. In this episode I share how I finally being able to say no without any guilt, any thinking around it and without thinking less of myself. All my usual triggers did not fire and I share how and why and what you can do to be like this too.
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    20 mins
  • How To Break The People Pleasing Cycle- 3 Steps
    Jan 17 2025
    If you find that you are over giving, and you can't say no at least you feel bad when you do, then you're in a people pleasing cycle. In this episode I share with you how to tell if you are a people pleaser or have people pleasing tendencies, and why you find it difficult to say no and what to do about it. As I share the story of a friend who is a chronic people pleaser and why he is always taken for granted. He does the one thing that all people pleasers do- and you might too. In the end follow my three steps to break the people pleasing cycle.
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    21 mins
  • Do These 3 Things To Say No Without Guilt
    Jan 10 2025
    If you said no to someone's request but they made you 'pay' because they didn't like you saying no, would you say no again? Chances are you wouldn't not if you're a recovering or even a full blown people pleaser. But what if you could say no and it didn't bother you that the other person was upset with you because you were in the right for saying no and now you don't feel guilty about it, would you say no then? If you said yes then follow my three steps and learn what it takes to say no without guilt. Any questions you can contact me here: https://makemefearless.com/contact/
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    21 mins
  • What A Friends Marriage Teaches Us About Powerlessness
    Jan 3 2025
    Whose responsibility is it for your happiness? What about if you're married and your partner is not keeping to their end of the bargain? In this episode I talk about my dip into powerless behaviour and how a friends marriage can teach us what it means to be powerless and what we should do to be more empowered. Marriage and relationships are never simple but when your happiness is on the line what are you prepared to do, or not do?
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    19 mins
  • Should You Focus on Your Strengths or Your Weaknesses
    Dec 27 2024
    If you want to get better at something and be more successful, should you focus on your strengths or your weaknesses? I was taught years ago to focus on my weaknesses as this was the sure route to success- NO it's not. So in this podcast share my reasons why you should just focus on your strengths except in one particular case and then yes, it's necessary to focus on your weak areas. Got an opinion on this then share it with me. https://makemefearless.com/contact/
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    22 mins
  • 15 Things That Destroy Your Progress
    Dec 20 2024
    Are you constantly saying yes when you want to say no? Do you feel guilty if you can't help someone? And worst still do you get taken for granted and overlooked? If so you're like how I was a people pleaser, only I was a chronic people pleaser, now I would say I'm in recovery. Over the years I've used my Mindset Recalibration Method to redress that imbalance, and today I share 15 things that destroy a recovering people pleaser's progress. This episode is a must if you want to figure out what you're actually doing and why, and more importantly what to work on first. Need any help or support in this, then contact mehttps://makemefearless.com/contact/ - let's eradicate people pleasing ( without changing our nice natures) for good!
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    23 mins
  • Decoding Hidden Attitudes- What To Do When They're Getting At You!
    Dec 13 2024
    Have you ever heard of micro aggressions? Or passive aggressive behaviour? And have you ever experienced this first hand and you didn't know how to handle it? In today's episode I talk about my experience of this with a pharmacist assistant. Why I know it was not me it was her. why I couldn't get her 'attitude' out of my head and what finally busted it. And what attitude you need to have so it doesn't play around in your head for two weeks. I share some really good tips about what to do and what not to do and why in the end you can only win in one way.
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    24 mins