Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Dough Army and the Quest for the Perfect Potica Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matevž je bil neroden znanstvenik z velikim srcem.En: Matevž was an awkward scientist with a big heart.Sl: Čeprav je bil v laboratoriju prepričan in spreten, ga je najtežje delo čakalo doma – osvojiti babičin pečat odobravanja za njegovo potico.En: Although he was confident and skilled in the laboratory, the hardest task awaited him at home – earning his grandmother's seal of approval for his potica.Sl: Bližal se je božični čas, zimski vetrovi so žvižgali okoli skrivnega laboratorija, zakopanega globoko pod snegom v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah.En: As Christmas approached, winter winds whistled around the secret laboratory buried deep under the snow in the Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe.Sl: Laboratorij je bil poln futurističnih naprav za peko, ki so šepetale obljube o kulinarični popolnosti.En: The laboratory was full of futuristic baking gadgets, whispering promises of culinary perfection.Sl: Matevž je bil odločen, da bo ustvaril popolno potico in z njo zmagal na letnem tekmovanju.En: Matevž was determined to create the perfect potica and win the annual competition with it.Sl: Začel je z eksperimentom - kloniranjem potice, da bi našel popolno kombinacijo okusov.En: He began an experiment – cloning the potica to find the perfect combination of flavors.Sl: Ko je zmešal testo, so se začele dogajati nepredvidljive stvari.En: As he mixed the dough, unpredictable things began to happen.Sl: Nenadoma so kosi testa oživeli!En: Suddenly, the pieces of dough came to life!Sl: Testena vojska se je začela gibati po laboratoriju, padala z miz in plezala po stenah.En: The dough army started moving around the laboratory, falling off tables, and climbing walls.Sl: Matevža je zajela panika.En: Matevž was filled with panic.Sl: Kako je to mogoče?En: How was this possible?Sl: Neprevidnost in hitenje sta mu pokazala, da morda tokrat res potrebuje pomoč.En: Carelessness and haste showed him that perhaps this time he really needed help.Sl: Ali naj pokliče prijatelja Nino in Boruta?En: Should he call his friends Nina and Borut?Sl: Sam ne bo mogel zadržati te testene katastrofe.En: He couldn't handle this dough catastrophe on his own.Sl: Medtem ko je premišljeval, se je zavedel, da testo grozi, da bo ušlo iz laboratorija in uničilo Ljubljano ter jo spremenilo v eno veliko pecivo!En: While pondering, he realized that the dough threatened to escape from the laboratory and destroy Ljubljana, turning it into one giant pastry!Sl: To si ni mogel privoščiti.En: He couldn't afford that.Sl: Hitro je zgrabil telefon in poklical prijatelja.En: He quickly grabbed the phone and called his friends.Sl: Nina in Borut sta prišla hitro, oborožena z velikanskim metlico in velikim sodom vročega kakava.En: Nina and Borut arrived quickly, armed with a gigantic whisk and a large barrel of hot cocoa.Sl: Skupaj so se pogumno soočili s testeno vojsko.En: Together they bravely confronted the dough army.Sl: Testene kepice so se začele krčiti pod močjo vročega kakava in metlice.En: Dough balls began to shrink under the power of hot cocoa and the whisk.Sl: Po dolgem boju so končno uspeli.En: After a long battle, they finally succeeded.Sl: Laboratorij je bil rešen.En: The laboratory was saved.Sl: Matevž je spoznal svojo napako.En: Matevž realized his mistake.Sl: Na koncu je tekmoval s preprosto potico, polno ljubezni in babičine modrosti.En: In the end, he competed with a simple potica, full of love and his grandmother's wisdom.Sl: Ni bila popolna v očeh tehnologije, a je bila popolna zanj in za babico, saj je prišla iz srca.En: It wasn't perfect in the eyes of technology, but it was perfect for him and his grandmother because it came from the heart.Sl: Matevž se je naučil lekcije – včasih preprostost in ljubezen pomenita več kot popolnost.En: Matevž learned a lesson – sometimes simplicity and love mean more than perfection.Sl: Njegova babica ga je objela in skupaj sta uživala v prav posebni, tisti najboljši, domači potici.En: His grandmother hugged him, and together they enjoyed a very special, the very best, homemade potica. Vocabulary Words:awkward: nerodenseal of approval: pečat odobravanjaapproached: bližalwhistled: žvižgaliburied: zakopanegafuturistic: futurističnihgadgets: napravculinary: kulinaričniperfection: popolnostidetermined: odločencloning: kloniranjemunpredictable: nepredvidljivepanic: panikacarelessness: neprevidnosthaste: hitenjepondering: premišljevalthreatened: groziescape: ušlodestroy: uničiloafford: privoščitiarmed: oboroženabravely: pogumnoconfronted: soočilishrink: krčitimistake: napakowisdom: modrostisimplicity: preprostostlesson: lekcijehugged: objelaenjoyed: uživala