• Secrets in the Snow: A Tale of Friendship and Truth

  • Dec 17 2024
  • Length: 16 mins
  • Podcast

Secrets in the Snow: A Tale of Friendship and Truth

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Secrets in the Snow: A Tale of Friendship and Truth Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/et/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-et Story Transcript:Et: Lumi sadas pehmelt Tallinna vanalinna kohal, kus kivisillutisega tänavad olid kaetud valge vaibaga.En: The snow was falling softly over Tallinn's Old Town, where the cobblestone streets were covered with a white carpet.Et: Teepood oli rahulik ja külalisi täis, pakkudes soojust külmale talvepäevale.En: The tea shop was peaceful and filled with guests, offering warmth on a cold winter day.Et: Katrin istus akna kõrval, soojas valguses.En: Katrin sat by the window, in the warm light.Et: Ta vaatas, kuidas inimesed tõttasid poodidesse viimasteks jõuluostudeks.En: She watched as people hurried to the shops for last-minute Christmas shopping.Et: "Katrin, sa näed mõtlik välja," ütles Liis, libistades oma teetassi lauale.En: "Katrin, you look thoughtful," said Liis, setting her teacup on the table.Et: Tema naeratus oli alati Katrini jaoks lohutav.En: Her smile was always comforting to Katrin.Et: "Kas kõik on korras?"En: "Is everything okay?"Et: Katrin heitis pilgu oma kätele.En: Katrin glanced at her hands.Et: "Ma ei tea, Liis," sosistas ta.En: "I don't know, Liis," she whispered.Et: Tema süda oli raskem kui tavaliselt.En: Her heart was heavier than usual.Et: Ta oli leidnud midagi, mis muutis tema maailmapilti.En: She had found something that changed her view of the world.Et: See oli juhuslikult leitud kirja Indreki mantlitaskust, kui nad olid mänginud lumes.En: It was a letter accidentally found in Indrek's coat pocket when they had been playing in the snow.Et: Kirja sisu kummitas teda.En: The content of the letter haunted her.Et: See rääkis midagi temast, sõnastades sõbrast, keda ta arvas tundvat, midagi hoopis teistsugust.En: It spoke of something about her, describing a friend she thought she knew as someone entirely different.Et: Ja nüüd oli ta valiku ees.En: And now she faced a choice.Et: "Mis juhtus?"En: "What happened?"Et: küsis Liis, kallutades pead lähemale.En: Liis asked, leaning her head closer.Et: "Sa tead, et võid mulle kõike rääkida."En: "You know you can tell me anything."Et: Katrin ohkas.En: Katrin sighed.Et: "Leidsin Indreki taskust kirja.En: "I found a letter in Indrek's pocket.Et: Seal on midagi, mis võib meie sõprust muuta."En: There's something that might change our friendship."Et: Liis pani käe Katrini omale.En: Liis placed her hand on Katrin's.Et: "Kas see on midagi halba?"En: "Is it something bad?"Et: "Ma ei tea," vastas Katrin kõhklevalt.En: "I don't know," Katrin answered hesitantly.Et: "Ma pean temaga rääkima.En: "I need to talk to him.Et: Aga ma kardan, mida see tähendab."En: But I fear what it means."Et: Liis naeratas julgustavalt.En: Liis smiled encouragingly.Et: "Kui see on oluline, peab ta tõde teadma.En: "If it's important, he needs to know the truth.Et: Ma olen siin, kui sa mind vajad."En: I'm here for you if you need me."Et: Peale hetke vaikust tõusis Katrin püsti.En: After a moment of silence, Katrin stood up.Et: Indrek istus teisel pool ruumi, naerdes midagi grupi inimestega.En: Indrek was sitting on the other side of the room, laughing about something with a group of people.Et: Tema naeratus oli nii tuttav ja rahustav, kuid Katrin tundis end kui võõras.En: His smile was so familiar and soothing, yet Katrin felt like a stranger.Et: Kohe, kui teevalgusesse jõudis, ütles Katrin: "Indrek, kas sa võtaksid hetkeks aega minuga rääkida?"En: As soon as she reached the glow of the tea shop, Katrin said, "Indrek, could you take a moment to talk with me?"Et: Indrek vaatas talle otsa, üllatusenoot silmis, kuid noogutas.En: Indrek looked at her, a note of surprise in his eyes, but he nodded.Et: "Muidugi, Katrin."En: "Of course, Katrin."Et: Nad liikusid vaiksemasse ruumi, kuigi jõulumelust tulenev melu oli endiselt taustal.En: They moved to a quieter room, though the hum of Christmas cheer was still in the background.Et: Katrin võttis kirja taskust välja.En: Katrin took the letter out of her pocket.Et: "Ma leidsin selle kogemata," ütles ta vabandavalt.En: "I found this by accident," she said apologetically.Et: "Aga see pani mind muretsema."En: "But it made me worry."Et: Indrek vaikis hetkeks, vaadates kirja.En: Indrek was silent for a moment, looking at the letter.Et: Siis naeratas ta pehmelt.En: Then he smiled softly.Et: "Katrin, ma kartsin, et keegi saab teada.En: "Katrin, I was afraid someone would find out.Et: Aga nüüd, kui sa seda tead, on see nagu kergendus."En: But now, knowing that you know, it's like a relief."Et: Katrin vaatas teda, segadus asendus arusaamisega.En: Katrin looked at him, confusion replaced by understanding.Et: "Sa ei pea olema saladuses meie ees," ütles Katrin soojalt.En: "You don't have to keep secrets from us," said Katrin warmly.Et: Nad istusid tagasi oma kohtadesse, teise teetassi taha, nüüd uue ...
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