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Don’t Panic: 42 and the Cosmic Coincidences
- Length: 33 mins
- Original Recording
Join us for a towel-mandatory celebration of Douglas Adams as we explore the most suspiciously significant number in the multiverse! In this special birthday episode, we put aside our regular corporate chaos to honor the man who taught us the importance of always knowing where your towel is. Join our quantum-superposed guide as we investigate why the number 42 keeps appearing in the fabric of reality like an interdimensional typo that nobody can quite correct. Explore the remarkable life and legacy of Douglas Adams, from chicken shed cleaner to galactic ...
Don’t Panic: 42 and the Cosmic Coincidences
- 03-11-25
- The Multiverse Employee Handbook
- Length: 33 mins
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Kometen kommer – varför forskas det på rymdstenarna?
- Length: 32 mins
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Om några år ska en ny rymdsond ut i solsystemet för att möta upp en ännu okänd komet. Intergalaktiskt pratar rymdstenar för att ta reda på vad forskarna är på jakt efter. Kometer är mindre himlakroppar som kretsar runt solen. De kan ses som frysta rester från när solsystemet bildades, och är således intressanta för att bredda mänsklighetens kunskap. Gabriella Stenberg Wieser är forskare vid Institutet för rymdfysik i Kiruna och även återkommande panelist i tv-programmet Fråga Lund. Nu gör hon sin debut i Intergalaktiskt för att prata om kometer, rymdsonden Rosetta...
Kometen kommer – varför forskas det på rymdstenarna?
- 03-11-25
- Intergalaktiskt
- Length: 32 mins
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Why Precision is Impossible in Quantum Physics
- Length: 11 mins
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In the classical world, you can measure where something is and how fast it’s moving with perfect accuracy. But in the quantum world? Not a chance. In 1927, Werner Heisenberg proposed something shocking: the more precisely you measure a particle’s position, the less you can know about its momentum, and vice versa. This wasn’t a limitation of our tools—it was a fundamental property of nature. The Uncertainty Principle shattered the idea of a predictable universe, proving that at the smallest scales, reality is a game of probabilities, not certainties. But what does this mean for free ...
Why Precision is Impossible in Quantum Physics
- 03-10-25
- Mysteries of Quantum Mechanics: Simplified
- Length: 11 mins
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#321 So hilft 3D-Druck Ihrer Firma
- Length: 9 mins
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Genau genommen lässt sich mithilfe von zwei Fragen herausfinden, ob 3D-Druck unterstützend oder bremsend in Ihrem Unternehmen eingesetzt wird. Der Vorteil aus diesen zwei Fragen ist, man kann daraus sehr viele weitere Informationen ableiten. Wie diese Fragen heißen, dass verrate ich Ihnen in dieser 3D-Druck Podcast-Folge an. Wir hören uns.
#321 So hilft 3D-Druck Ihrer Firma
- 03-10-25
- 3D-Druck Podcast
- Length: 9 mins
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The desecration of the scriptures - Mandela effect supernatural Bible changes
- Length: 3 hrs and 8 mins
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It is the enemy of God that is desecrating God's word, not those reporting on the supernatural Bible changes. In this message, I will attempt to explore the difficult task of reporting on the changes while continuing to cherish and honor God's word for the unspeakable gift that it is.Rumble Live Stream Link Live Stream Link both of my books FREE www.wakeuporelse.com1) "The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide"2) The Mandela effect Supernatural Bible Changes And The Doctrine Of The Preservation Of ScripturePurchase on ...
The desecration of the scriptures - Mandela effect supernatural Bible changes
- 03-10-25
- Length: 3 hrs and 8 mins
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Breaking Generational Patterns, Decoding Your Emotional DNA, and Finding Your Purpose with Judy Wilkins-Smith
- Length: 49 mins
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Breaking Generational Patterns, Decoding Your Emotional DNA, and Finding Your Purpose with Judy Wilkins-SmithSponsor The Podcast: The Change Your Mind To Change Your Reality Master Course: My Book: For a FREE Live Masterclass: a FREE download to break free from unhappiness and step into a life you love living: https://...
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Er moet een zwart gat bestaan in de Grote Magelhaense Wolk
- Length: 12 mins
- Original Recording
Althans, dat is de theorie. In deze aflevering kunt u horen hoe de vork in de steel zit.Runaway Stars Reveal Hidden Black Hole In Milky Way’s Nearest Neighbor: Stars Trace a Supermassive Black Hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud: of recent measurements of the Milky Way rotation for the orbit of the Large Magellanic Cloud: satelliet:
Er moet een zwart gat bestaan in de Grote Magelhaense Wolk
- 03-10-25
- Zimmerman en Space
- Length: 12 mins
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S2 EP10 - Dr. Kurt Bergin-Taylor, Head of Innovation - Tudor Pro Cycling
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
- Original Recording
In this episode of the Neil Ashton podcast, Neil discusses the intersection of cycling and engineering with Kurt Bergin-Taylor, head of innovation at Tudor Pro Cycling. They explore how technology and science are transforming cycling into a more competitive and innovative sport, akin to Formula One. The conversation covers various aspects of cycling, including the importance of aerodynamics, nutrition, and the holistic approach to rider performance. Kurt shares insights from his academic background and experiences in professional cycling, emphasizing the need for tailored training and the ...
S2 EP10 - Dr. Kurt Bergin-Taylor, Head of Innovation - Tudor Pro Cycling
- 03-10-25
- The Neil Ashton Podcast
- Length: 1 hr and 1 min
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Trip-002 - Un viaggio alle origini della cosmologia [5000 a.C – 1000 a.C.]
- Length: 44 mins
- Original Recording
Il Team di Spritz e Scienza:crazyjimmy [Cocktail Creator]Fabiano De Masi [Capo Dipartimento Battute]Marius Pelix [Ufficiale Scientifico]Spritz Advisor:Com’è nato il nostro concetto di universo?Prima di telescopi e formule, le antiche civiltà hanno cercato di spiegare il cielo con miti, osservazioni e intuizioni sorprendenti!Gli Indiani immaginavano il cosmo come un gioco ciclico di creazione e distruzione, danzato da Shiva nel ritmo eterno dell’universo, gli Egizi vedevano il cosmo come un ciclo eterno, dominato da Ra che navigava nel cielo, i Sumeri immaginavano il firmamento come una ...
Trip-002 - Un viaggio alle origini della cosmologia [5000 a.C – 1000 a.C.]
- 03-10-25
- Spritz e Scienza
- Length: 44 mins
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#72【五十嵐美樹】遂に日本物理学会 会長『長谷川修司』先生登場!量子フェス!エンタングル!?寺田寅彦先生!?
- Length: 27 mins
- Original Recording
第72回のドタサイは、遂に日本物理学会会長『長谷川修司』先生登場!量子フェス!エンタングル!?寺田寅彦先生!?物理学とは!?日本物理学会とは!?たくさんのご感想ありがとうございます!お便りは、 までお気軽にお送りください!0:13頃~ オープニング#72 日本物理学会会長『長谷川修司』さん登場!五十嵐美樹との出会いは!?06:39頃〜 そもそも日本物理学会とはどんな組織!?10:00頃〜 長谷川教授からみた「物理学」とは14:15頃〜 ...
#72【五十嵐美樹】遂に日本物理学会 会長『長谷川修司』先生登場!量子フェス!エンタングル!?寺田寅彦先生!?
- 03-10-25
- ドタバタ科学ラジオ
- Length: 27 mins
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Czy nauka jest zepsuta?
- Length: 16 mins
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Co badacz musi robić, żeby awansować, czym są dla nauki międzynarodowe korporacje wydawnicze i jak słynna polska ministerialna lista ma się do akademickiej codzienności? O problemach organizacji dzisiejszej nauki i o pomysłach na zmiany Bartoszowi Pergołowi opowiada Stanisław Krawczyk, adiunkt w Instytucie Socjologii UWr
Czy nauka jest zepsuta?
- 03-10-25
- Kampus Nauka
- Length: 16 mins
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Fined for Failures in Rocketry? Guaranteed CATOs? Would You Rather Returns! | Episode 79
- Length: 1 hr and 24 mins
- Original Recording
Send us a textIn this episode, The Anti-Gravity Group is joined by Eric Beavers, a guest host and friend of the podcast! We play another awesome game of Would You Rather with the world of rocketry and take some questions from Patreon supporters! Make sure you're subscribed to the new AGG channel on YouTube! the showFollow Braden Here: Taylor here: Shane (or as you may know him, Postart...
Fined for Failures in Rocketry? Guaranteed CATOs? Would You Rather Returns! | Episode 79
- 03-10-25
- The Anti-Gravity Group Podcast
- Length: 1 hr and 24 mins
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AMA | March 2025
- Length: 2 hrs and 58 mins
- Original Recording
Welcome to the March 2025 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!Link to the 2012 Moving Naturalism Forward workshop, mentioned in the episode.Blog post with questions and full transcript: https://...
AMA | March 2025
- 03-10-25
- Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas
- Length: 2 hrs and 58 mins
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Cosmic Titans: The Unseen Architects of the Early Universe
- Length: 15 mins
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Supermassive black holes lurk at the heart of galaxies, but their role in shaping the cosmos goes far beyond mere gravity. In this episode, we explore how these cosmic giants influenced galaxy formation, regulated star birth, and shaped the structure of the early universe.
Cosmic Titans: The Unseen Architects of the Early Universe
- 03-10-25
- Bedtime Astronomy
- Length: 15 mins
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Time to stop this!
- 03-10-25
- Bearded Psycho
- Length: 18 mins
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147. Mindset Monday: "Add the Broccoli" — How To Create New Habits Sustainably
- Length: 8 mins
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A HAPPY HUMAN: In this episode, Madds introduces the concept of 'Add the Broccoli,' a method for breaking bad habits and forming new ones through habit pairing. She explains how our neural pathways are hardwired for certain habits, making them difficult to break. By pairing a bad habit with a new, positive one, individuals can gradually shift their behaviors and create sustainable change. CHOOSE YOUR HIGHEST TIMELINE IN 2025⤵︎ Let’s Work Together: 1 Spot Left for the Solaris Quantum Self Retreat in JUNE: Apply - ...
147. Mindset Monday: "Add the Broccoli" — How To Create New Habits Sustainably
- 03-10-25
- The Cosmic Collective
- Length: 8 mins
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Nuclear Fusion: Infinite Power, No Meltdowns, and Why It’s Always 20 Years Away | Entropy Rising Episode 10
- Length: 30 mins
- Original Recording
Listen to The Multiverse Employee Handbook podcast: https://multiverseemployeehandbook.comFollow us on treads: highlight (The Awakening) : power has been "just around the corner" for decades—but is that finally changing? In this episode of Entropy Rising, Jacob and Lucas dive into the science behind nuclear fusion, why it's so difficult to achieve, and how recent breakthroughs are bringing us closer to a future of clean, limitless ...
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La ragnatela cosmica (Puntata Centonovantanove)
- Length: 30 mins
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Come si studia la ragnatela cosmica (Cosmic Web)?Un'autostrada di galassie, materia oscura e gas che descrive la struttura dell'universo osservabile. Ne parliamo con Davide Tornotti, autore di uno studio uscito su Nature Astronomy che si è occupato di studiare un filamento della cosmic web con particolare attenzione.
La ragnatela cosmica (Puntata Centonovantanove)
- 03-10-25
- Co.Scienza
- Length: 30 mins
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E70 - Nvidia CTO (Michael Kagan)
- Length: 55 mins
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בתחילת הדרך של מלאנוקס קיבלו היזמים אייל ולדמן ומיכאל כגן החלטה האמיצה. כיום מיכאל הוא הCTO של Nvidia והמרואיין שלנו בפרק 70! בפרק סיפר לנו מיכאל שההחלטה האמיצה הייתה גם אחת הקלות שהוא קיבל בחיים. ההחלטה שלנו לראיין אותו הייתה גם היא החלטה קלה. כולנו יודעים שNvidia מפתחת מאיצים גרפיים, אבל האם ידעתם שהיא גם מפתחת מחשבי על? יש אפילו מחשב על ...
E70 - Nvidia CTO (Michael Kagan)
- 03-10-25
- Hard Reset
- Length: 55 mins
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Episode 10 -- The Sunken Library
- Length: 47 mins
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Welcome to tonight's Delta Green operation. The year is 1998, and we find ourselves in the small coastal town of Port Hadley, Massachusetts. Before we begin, a reminder: Delta Green is a clandestine organization that deals with paranormal threats.
Episode 10 -- The Sunken Library
- 03-10-25
- Whispers in Green Static
- Length: 47 mins
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